UK SHAC Newswire Archive
AZ Knock Out: Day 5, Friday - Phone blockade
31-08-2012 09:56

AZ Knock Out: Day 4, Thursday - Twitter Targets
30-08-2012 08:22

AZ KNOCK OUT: Day 3, Wednesday - Email Blockade
29-08-2012 07:37

Huntingdon Life Sciences is Europe's largest and most exposed animal testing laboratory. They kill 500 animals every day. AstraZeneca is one of HLS' top customers and pays them to torture animals in cruel and unnecessary experiments.
AZ KNOCK OUT: Day 2 Tuesday - Phone Blockade
28-08-2012 11:25

AZ Knock Out: Day 1, Monday - Facebook Fight Back
27-08-2012 08:10

For day 1 we're excited to try a new style of targeting using Facebook. Every 3 minutes another animal is tortured to death inside HLS, how many die while you're logged into FB each day? Use your time on there to help them!
SHAC-target Nalco
20-08-2012 14:39
Nalco are a current customer and vocal supporter of HLS' cruel methods of animal torture and scientific fraud. It's the perfect time to pile on the pressure and get them to ditch HLS!SMASH HLS! AstraZeneca Knock Out - diary of actions revealed
17-08-2012 10:45

::Week of Action::
Mon, 27th - Fri, 31st August
SMASH HLS! AstraZeneca Knock Out week of action
13-08-2012 12:28

Times are hard for the puppy killers at Huntingdon Life Sciences as job losses at both their UK sites leave about 100 abusers without jobs ( Things aren't much better for their customers either, with leaderless AstraZeneca's profits dropping by over a third ( Maybe they'd have better luck if they didn't spend their time torturing animals.
These financial problems have given us the perfect opportunity to get active in an August attack and knock out HLS' top customer AstraZeneca! The animals imprisoned inside HLS need us to fight for them - don't let AZ get away with murder at the world's most exposed animal testing lab.
SHAC - Action Alert: Nalco feeling the pressure
27-07-2012 20:28
Following the recent leak of documents and internal emails between HLS/LSR Associates and their customers in March 2012. The campaign has been contacted by one of the newly exposed REACH customers - Nalco - after protests against them in the UK and the USA.National march & rally against vivisection in Birmingham, Sat 28 April
21-04-2012 15:15

Smash HLS! Bristol-Myers Squibb – More than 3500 employees to contact
17-04-2012 14:05
HLS cannot function without their customers, and Bristol-Myers Squibb are key to their survival. This is a possibility to remind more than 3000 employees listed here that BMS is culpable for the torture and death of 500 animals each and every single day of the week. Without customers like Bristol-Myers Squibb, animal laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences would be forced closed.SHAC - AstraZeneca week of action: Report & video from London stunt demo
10-04-2012 20:40

HLS Leak 2012: Contact the customers
10-04-2012 18:08
View the leak here:
Following on from the recent leak of documents and internal emails between HLS and
their customers etc, we would like you to focus on three recently exposed
customers to contact in this alert.
SMASH HLS – Email AstraZeneca!
25-03-2012 12:31
AstraZeneca March Madness:::Week of Action:::
Monday 26th – Saturday 31st March
Nothing is secret inside HLS - Major leak goes public
19-03-2012 23:06
Once again SHAC reveals HLS’ dirty secrets… They can’t run and they can’t hide!Monday 26th - Saturday 31st March: AstraZeneca March Madness - week of action
19-03-2012 19:23
As one of the main customers of Huntingdon Life Sciences, AstraZeneca has been SHAC’s top target over the past year.Bob Lambert talk disrupted
11-02-2012 21:30
Ex-informant turned academic, Bob Lambert, faced heckling and embarrassment in St. Andrews during his first public engagement since news broke regarding the son he fathered with an activist.HLS-Collaborator BlackRock target
16-01-2012 14:42

Smash HLS! Contact investor BlackRock
17-12-2011 15:15

Name and shame AstraZeneca - 600 ways to contact a HLS customer
27-11-2011 15:51