UK DSEi 2003 Newswire Archive
Police praise DSEI tripods action
21-12-2003 11:36
Another DSEI tripods action court caseDISARM DSEi 2005: SHUT DOWN SPEARHEAD
15-12-2003 16:34
DISARM DSEI 2005: Shut down SpearheadThe fight continues...
Open Meeting: 18th January 2004, 2pm, LARC, Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London.
08-12-2003 17:25

05-12-2003 17:10
Peace Party for Campaign Against Arms Trade ( Tribe ( are attempting to raise the profile of the small pressure group CAAT. By organising creative parties with a political message we hope to raise the level of awareness to many party people. On Friday 12th Dec we shall donate all profits to this worthy cause.
Anti-Bush organizers: ''Thursday's protest will not be hijacked by anarchists''
16-11-2003 03:47
"The march organizers insist they have not had any trouble during seven previous events and insist Thursday's protest will not be hijacked by anarchist groups."American Expatriates to Lead the Protests Against Bush
by Marie Woolf

Were you Section 44 searched at DSEi?
15-10-2003 17:06
Liberty's High Court Case about Section 44 searches took place on 2-3 October 2003. Liberty is still calling for submission of S. 44 search receipts from activists who were searched at DSEi or other London demonstrations.Were you arrested for Obstruction of the Highway at DESi?
08-10-2003 11:52
Important Legal InformationBAE Systems spy on anti-arms trade activists
27-09-2003 23:30
UK weapons giant BAE Systems pays spooks to spy on CAAT - article in this weekend's Sunday TimesDSEI police search records still needed by Liberty!! By Monday!
27-09-2003 02:09
On Thursday 2 October, Liberty will be in the high court to challenging the police use of anti-terror searches at DSEI. Were you or your friends searched in London by police during/before the week of September 6th-12 "DSEI week"? Many people have submitted copies of their search receipts to Liberty, but more are needed by Monday at noon!Dsei Defendants Mailing list
24-09-2003 13:45
Mailing list to support those arrested, charged or assaulting during the Dsei arms fair periodSearched by Police at DSEI? Liberty needs your help, Urgently!
24-09-2003 03:19
Liberty's high court legal challenge of police searches at DSEI will take place on 2 October, 2003. Were you searched in London by police using Section 44/Anti-terror search powers during/before the week of September 6th-12 "DSEI week"?If so, Liberty needs a copy of your police search record(s) ASAP!! Your anonymity will be guaranteed, but the some of the information from the record will be used on THURSDAY the 2nd of OCTOBER at the High Court Hearing (see below).
Police Badly Beat Samba Player- WITNESS APPEAL
18-09-2003 22:20

Witness appeal for the DSEI action outside the royal lancaster hotel photographs, video, were you there?
IMC Video looking for footage of DSEI
18-09-2003 12:38
Did you shoot video at DSEI and don't know what to do with it or would like to contribute to a collaborative video project?Dsei defendants in court Tues 16th
17-09-2003 16:55
Results of those charged and in court for Dsei actions Tues 16thDSEI Witness Appeal - Tue 9th Sep
17-09-2003 14:23
Any witnesses, photos or videos of my arrest at Connaught Roundabout, East of DSEI ?What did you do at DSEi, daddy?
17-09-2003 09:55
Hi friends,I have finally lost my arrest vaginity. On Thursday I was arrested for
meditating in a politically sensitive place...