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UK DSEi 2003 Newswire Archive

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NUJ drops support for Indymedia?

24-03-2006 17:22

Which hat do you have on?

The National Union Of Journalist held the first part of its Annual Delegate Meeting today. Within the 175 motions to be officially decided during the two-day conference was one of particular relevance to Indymedia...

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Law Lords Rule DSEI Arms Fair Section 44 Terrorism Act Use Valid (Liberty Audio)

08-03-2006 15:42

Interview update on today's law lords appeal ruling that use of section 44 of terrorism act during protests for stop and search is not a violation of the right to peaceful protest since its use did not deter protests and as such was valid, but that section 44 should not be used when police didn't believe the target of the search was likely to be a terrorist... hmmmm.

Interview with Alex Gask from Liberty and next legal steps
8 mins 11 secs MP3 mono 2.8MB @ 48kbps

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East End Adversaries

13-09-2005 18:29

Image of front page of DSEi paper
In the week preceeding the start of protests against DSEi, europes largest arms fair, 10,000 newpapers about the issue were printed and distributed.

The 8 page paper was delivered to an estimated 90% of streets in the Canning Town, Customs House and Beckton directly north of the Excel Centre in Docklands which hosts the event.

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16th March: Day of Action Against DSEi Organisers

06-03-2004 12:43


10am, Meet at main entrance to ExCeL (nearest DLR Custom House)

Shut down Spearhead: The Campaign Continues.

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DSEI policing cost over 4million

05-03-2004 03:40

A local london newspaper recently reported that the policing bill for the 2003 DSEI arms fair was over 4 million quid.

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Young people protest in trenches against the arms trade

02-03-2004 16:32

main banner on march
On Monday 23rd February, hundreds of young christians knelt in a 50ft-long makeshift 'trench' outside the Defence Export Services Organisation (DESO) offices in Bury Place, central London. DESO is the controversial government department which markets UK arms exports on behalf of companies, and is behind the DSEi arms fair (Defence Systems Equipment International) - Europe's largest arms fair, last held in London's Docklands in September 2003.

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Police Harassment of DSEi meetings and future meetings

28-02-2004 12:12

Due to police harassment of DISARM DSEi meetings we are no longer advertising the London dates. However the meetings remain open and if people want to come along please email

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Four arms fair protestors jailed

23-01-2004 18:52

A group of 11 people were on trial for staging a peaceful blockade at DSEi arms fair on 9 September 2003. 4 were sent to prison for one day rather than go against their consciences and pay fines and court costs.

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DISARM DSEi - London Meeting - 26th February

23-01-2004 18:04

This meeting has been called to discuss plans for people in and around London who want to continue taking action against DSEi and the arms trade.

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Turin Samba Player freed

14-01-2004 17:59

Expecting to end the day behind bars .......

Turin Sambista walked free from Horseferry Rd Magistrates Court in London on Tuesday 6th January.

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British Iraqi Goes On Trial for Protesting at Arms Fair

13-01-2004 18:03

Mehdi El-radhi, a British Iraqi, faces trial by jury at Snaresbrook Crown Court during the week of 9th February, 2004, for taking non-violent direct action at the DSEi Arms Fair in London in September 2003.

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DISARM DSEi 2005: SHUT DOWN SPEARHEAD - open meeting

06-01-2004 21:34

The fight continues…

Open Meeting: 18th January 2004, 2pm, LARC, Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London.

The following plan for future action has been formed by a number of people involved in the DISARM DSEi co-ordinating group who would like to see the campaign continue and grow. Come to the open meeting and get involved. Further details below or contact:
Email: Website:
Address: BM Box 3679, London WC1N 3XX
Tel: 07817 652029

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Turin Samba player found not guilty!

06-01-2004 11:36

The case against the samba player from Turin, who had been accused of three counts of
assaulting a police officer, was dropped today due to police ineptitude.

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SAMBISTA IN COURT tomorrow, jan 6th, 10am

05-01-2004 11:54

5 years in prison for being hit by police?
Reverberations of DSEI 2003 - *call for support*

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04-01-2004 22:37

During the day of action on Tuesday September 9 at about 3.30pm a group of 15 people sat down in the road and blocked the west entrance to DSEI arms sales event and were arrested.
The events were filmed by a young freelance TV cameraman on a bicycle who we need to contact.