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UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive

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The so-called indignants protests : Potential, contradictions and perspectives

05-02-2014 15:01

Analysis about ows-like movements all around the world in 2011.
This text was written by the French Collective Lieux communs (lieux communs = commonplaces) in june 2011. It was translated in English in October 2012. If you wish to know who we are, you can read our declaration here:

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Cornering a Brave Palestinian Man of Peace

05-02-2014 14:16

To continue pressuring Abbas into yielding more concessions without any reciprocal rewards is turning a brave man into an adventurer committing historical and strategic mistakes in the eyes of his people.

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Pranksters attack Deutsche Bank with fake press releases

18-12-2013 16:22

We are delighted to learn that today two fake press releases were diffused in the news wire, spreading the rumour about a large accounting scandal, negatively impacting the course of the Deutsche Bank's share.

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Prank the pranksters! Play around with information in the age of immaterial capi

18-12-2013 15:45

Obstacles for contemporary social struggles, how they connect with the “immaterial” dimension of capitalism, and the need to overcome them.
Communication and hacking techniques: experiments to overcome the repression and new tools for social struggles.
Why these tactics can be useful in our fight against contemporary capitalism.
Proposals for basic experiments.

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on the use value of psychology in current Kiev upsurge in fascism

10-12-2013 09:50

This post is a direct news-related reaction to the discussion started at

Two tendencies of Western EUropean and US discussions do not seem to be terribly helpful in our current fight against the fascistic upsurge in Kiev:
- seeing the East as something far apart and just catastrophic and
-assuming that desturbed minds are on their way just where corporate media choose to show them these days: with folks close to Kiev working classes

Mind, that psychology, as most beople know and practice it is still a distincltly ruling class ideology, especially its "textbook" vulgarisations. Bourgeois psychology wants to keep you normal, average consumer, average subject, average wage earner (just keep your contributions NORMAL). This is completely detached from social reality, a new religion for the toiling class. Hunting for profits in the upper strata of today's European "business community" means asserting your strategy in a bonfire of highly and cynically crazy macho individuals.

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Kiev under tripple siege, 2014: reflections and observations for discussion

07-12-2013 19:49

This essay documents some of the latest cases of fascistic violence against voicing any social issue whatsoever at the current Kiev Euro-TV parading grounds. Who has decided to apply the Hungarian role model of fascistic capitalism to Ukraine before even annexing us? Was it you, your tax contribution? What are the Ukrainian oligarchs living next to you in the London city up to? How do we mount defense when triple siege becomes standard practice on crushing working class strongholds?

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Syria Peace & Justice London speaker event & planning meeting this Wed

24-11-2013 11:54

You are warmly invited to join a talk and discussion on the situation in Syria, followed by a planning meeting, on Wednesday 27th November, from 6.30 to 9.30pm.

Venue: London Action Resource Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate Street (corner of Parfett Street), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES

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Syria, Egypt Reveal Erdogan’s ‘Hidden Agenda’

20-11-2013 09:51

Erdogan obviously is seeking to recruit Muslims as merely “soldiers” who will fight not for Islam per se, but for his neo-Ottomanism ambitions. Early enough in December 1997, he was given a 10-month prison sentence for voicing a poem that read: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers;” the poem was considered a violation of Kemalism by the secular judiciary.

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Syria Film Screening and Planning Meeting, London, Wed 13 Nov

08-11-2013 08:43

Syria Film Screening and Planning Meeting

Date: Wednesday 13th November 2013
Venue: London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street (corner of Parfett St), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES

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Saudis Fight a Lost Battle against Change

06-11-2013 07:21

It is not only the oil and political factors or the sectarian or military threats that are motivating the aggressive Saudi regional policies, but the preempting of the real threat of the ideas and thoughts of change, regardless of whether they come from a rival conservative (Iran) or moderate (Syria) sect or trend of Islam or from the liberal modernity.

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Residential occupation in protest of council housing sell-off and Section 144

29-10-2013 15:20

Housing activists occupy residential property in protest of council sell-off
Housing activists have occupied a property owned by Southwark council which was due to be auctioned today at a starting price of £2.3 million.

They have occupied the building to stop the sell-off of yet more public housing stock when the borough faces a severe housing crisis with almost 25,000 people on the housing waiting list and increasing numbers of people forced to sleep rough on London’s streets.

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UG#666 - The Cancer in Occupy (What is Violence?)

17-10-2013 01:38

After the last show on Chris Hedges, this week we hear a discussion about his controversial 2012 Truthdig article in which referred to "Black Bloc anarchists" as "the cancer of the Occupy movement". He debates with Crimethinc on just how violent is it acceptable (or advisable) to be. Along the way we discuss the purpose of occupy and who defines what violence is anyway?

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Four-week US Embassy 'Peace Picket' ends today.

29-09-2013 00:09

Peace Strike outside US Embassy UK London.
(Sat 28 September) – Peace Strike will today dismantle its emergency 24hr ongoing ‘Peace Picket’ for Syria, outside the US Embassy in London.

Following the passing of a resolution last night by the United Nations Security Council, the immediate threat of Western military strikes on Syria appears to have passed. We shall nevertheless remain vigilant and be following events closely, responding with further action as required.

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Informal Anarchist Federation or Intelligence Dirty Tricks To Infiltrate Squats?

28-09-2013 09:53

Domestic Extremism or Intelligence Manipulation? Criminal damage and sabotage by apparently Bristol based UK Informal Anarchist Federation (IAF) setting £16m police firing range on fire – other supposed anarchist attacks – are some of these false flag?

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The world has forgotten Gaza

04-09-2013 23:18

Walking the streets of Gaza that has become absolutely empty except for the scenes of destruction, empty shops and shortage in fuel that needed for electricity and transportation . The Gaza Strip is a small and congested area but known for its active business and its peaceful and ambitious people.

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Jordan Invites US Targets for Syrian Retaliation

04-09-2013 13:26

Centcom’s Forward Command in Jordan, officially called Centcom Forward-Jordan (CFJ), remains the oldest and the most important US target for Syrian retaliation.

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Grow Heathrow Call For Support

26-07-2013 14:44

Grow Heathrow after opposing the Heathrow's 3rd runway expansion for last 3 years in under a threat of eviction. Please support the Site by increasing the number of peple staying on location, engaging in eviction resistance and by helping to move the infrastucture.

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The Future Isn’t Working

20-07-2013 13:56

A wage, these days, is increasingly hard to come by, and increasingly precarious when found. The proliferation of agency work, zero-hours contracts and underemployment is well-documented. Microtasking, where people are paid per task to work from home for tech giants like Amazon, is perhaps the most developed form yet of this tendency towards casualisation and income insecurity. The idea of a job for life – itself nothing to romanticise – has been decisively consigned to the history books.

And yet, at the same time, the imperative to work remains universal. Hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to participate in workfare schemes in return for their Jobseeker’s Allowance. And with the new Universal Credit system, it is proposed to extend this so-called ‘conditionality’ even further, with mandatory 35 hours a week job searches, monitored remotely by Universal Jobmatch software. Even the unemployed are compelled to ‘work’.

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Demo tomorrow outside Houses of Parliament #Syria #onstrikeforpeace

10-07-2013 20:56

Demo tomorrow outside Houses of Parliament.

Backbenchers debating right to vote should government decide to arm Syrian Rebels.

Bring a placard if possible.

Meet 12 noon by the Churchill Statue, Parliament Square.

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OathKeeper Movement Ignites U.S. White House Fireworks Freedom Anyway

03-07-2013 21:52

American citizens planned revolt is set to begin on its "Independence Day" July 4, 2013 that was cancelled by the U.S. President for the first time in recent history so, this likely ignited tensions in what could easily turn into a day of bloody insurrection for The Colonies that will live in historical infamy once again.