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UK SOCPA Newswire Archive

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Brain Haw demo police moving in NOW!

23-05-2006 01:56

20 police and FIT squads arrived. Vans, lorries blocking Parliament Square.

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On the ground at Parliament Square: democracy’s last stand

18-05-2006 02:17

As Brian Haw’s demonstration faces it’s second week of opposing the High Court ruling, the police and political pressure, Oscar Beard finally gets time to recount the first week of the final stand of democracy.

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Monday afternoon with Brian Haw & Mark Thomas in Parliament square.

16-05-2006 20:00

Telling it like it is.
My first full afternoon in Parliament square. It is now around the 1800th for Brian.....

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Short video of solidarity for Brian Haw.

14-05-2006 17:02

Sunday's defiant gathering in Parliament Square.

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Beep if U luv Brian

14-05-2006 16:23

Brian tries on his mask for size
Almost a week has passed since the courts found the Brian Haw protest to be illegal after all; yet Brian and- today - forty or fifty supporters are still very present in Parliament Square.

Add the constant beeping of passing motorists, responding to the new "Beep for Brian" sign, and it's pretty clear that the level of support and the focus of publicity is making it difficult for police to enforce the judgement.

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IF U ENJOY FREEDOM 2 PROTEST, then support Brian Haw @ Parliament Sq tomorrow

13-05-2006 14:05

It is crucial that anyone who enjoys the freedom to protest in this country joins the solidarity gathering for Brian Haw tomorrow (Sunday) at Parliament Square, at 12pm, where Brian has been conducting his remarkable constant vigil for murdered children in Iraq 24/7 for the last five years, and who, upon learning of the High Court Appeal judgement against his protest is now at risk of being removed under from this place of protest - probably the most prominent location of protest that there could be in the context of the Iraq war.

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film of brian haw and supporters in the square after high court verdict

09-05-2006 01:22

a short film of reactions to the high court verdict that brian haw's demonstration is covered by the socpa legislation - this may lead to his removal from parliament square very soon.

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government wins appeal against brian haw's peace protest

08-05-2006 13:14

brian haw, who has camped outside parliament for nearly five years as a reminder of their genocidal war-mongering, has been told today that he will have to seek police permission to hold any further demonstration, and that they are likely to impose conditions.

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film of a mayday socpa challenge

03-05-2006 21:45

on mayday police mounted a huge operation to control 10 brave protestors who entered the socpa zone armed with just one blank banner. this is a short comic film of the event.

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reclaim st george - report, photos and campacc speech vid

24-04-2006 22:27

pics and report from the anti-socpa 'reclaim st george' event this weekend along with a vid of the full speech by deepak gupta from campacc (campaign against criminalising communities)

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St George's Weekend Video.

24-04-2006 09:33

This was a gentle March against the ban on unauthorised public demonstrations in the vicinity of UK Parliament, starting with a rained on picnic at the War Museum, food generously provided by Hare Krishna.

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Freedom Found Guilty - interview with Milan Rai

12-04-2006 23:17

Watch this video and read riki's report ( on Milan Rai's Guilty Verdict heard today in London

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milan rai found guilty as organiser of unauthorised demonstration today

12-04-2006 17:10

'justice not vengeance' founder activist milan rai appeared at bow street this morning to hear the verdict and sentencing in his trial as organiser of an unauthorised demonstration in the designated zone around parliament. his was the first prosecution of an organiser, and he faced up to three months imprisonment (rising to 51 weeks later in the year!)

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socpa: first overturned verdict in the crown court

09-04-2006 09:57

on april 6th, brian haw's campaign manager and long-standing right-hand woman, maria gallestegui, won a historic battle against the ridiculous section 132 law banning protest around parliament. her case was thrown out of the high court when the prosecution offered little evidence.

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First Peace Protestors to Challenge New Law

06-04-2006 14:01

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament activists Helen John (68) and Sylvia Boyes (62) were arrested at Menwith Hill Spy Base on Saturday 1st April, the day the new Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 came into force.

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mark barrett found guilty of unauthorised protest today

05-04-2006 14:09

judge anthony evans delivered a written verdict today which he refused to read out in court. he handed down a £250 fine, plus £250 costs, and of course a criminal record. mark barrett will appeal to a higher court on human rights grounds.

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Brian Haw high court case

03-04-2006 17:21

Brian Haw was at the High Court again today as the Home Office appealed the decision that he is exempt from the law banning unauthroised protest around Parliament.

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Naming The Dead - Pictures

03-04-2006 14:59

Naming the Dead, Mass Civil Disobedience Against the Occupation of Iraq took place in Parliament Square and Whitehall, London on 2 April, 2006. Photographs of the event.

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Reclaim Fool's Day video.

01-04-2006 21:21

Reclaim Fool's Day parade. London Eye to Parliament Square, ceremony and fairies in Picadilly Circus.

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Fools' Paradise Parade - London

01-04-2006 21:06

South Bank
A protest against the SOCPA [Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005] Exclusion Zone around the Houses of Parliament in London on April 1, 2006.