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World Guantánamo

Actions and campaigns to get the Guantánamo Bay prison camp shut down.

See also UK Indymedia - Guantánamo

Ten years of Guantánamo. Ten years too long. Bring the British residents home.

13-01-2012 18:12 | Guantánamo | Anti-militarism | World

In the days leading up to 11 January 2012, the tenth anniversary of the opening of Guantánamo Bay detention centre, Guantánamo prisoners held a three day hunger strike and protest. Beyond the prison walls, the event has been marked with many days of action in the US, Britain and elsewhere around the world. Protesters call for the closure of Guantánamo and the release of the 171 people still incarcerated there without trial.

50 people held a ten day fast, took part in actions in and around Washington DC during this time and supported defendants in a court case which, bizarrely, had been brought by the State using the (misspelt) name of Shaker Aamer, the last British resident detained at Guantánamo: Shakir Ami vs the US. The anniversary demo in DC on 11 January was the largest ever, involving 171 participants in orange jumpsuits and many hundreds of others, so large it split into groups and marched to the Supreme Court, Congress and the Department of Justice. The following day, 37 people in orange jumpsuits and with a full size cage were arrested in front of the White House while protesting against Obama's support for the National Defence Authorization Act, which effectively cancels Obama's promise to shut Guantánamo.

British solidarity actions demanded the release of Shaker Aamer, the closure of Guantánamo and bore witness to torture and other human rights abuses perpetrated there. Events included a rally in Trafalgar Square, a press conference at the Frontline Club, panel discussion at Conway Hall with numerous speakers including former detainees, a screening of the film 'Death in Camp Delta' about a detainee who died in Guantánamo, petition presented to the US Embassy calling for Obama to keep his promise to shut down Guantánamo and a vigil in Haringey during the morning rush hour. In Ireland, protesters held a vigil outside the US Embassy at Ballsbridge and handed a letter to the Ambassador Dan Rooney.

On Tuesday 14th February 2012, the last remaining British resident in Guantanamo, Shaker Aamer will have been in Guantanamo for ten years. The appalling conditions under which he continues to be held were eloquently described by his lawyer Clive Stafford Smith at the Remembrance meeting on Wednesday. Campaigners intend to mark the anniversary by staging a Guantanamo Chain Gang outside the US Embassy calling for him to be returned home to his family. Cage Prisoners believe that his testimony is vital in any investigation of British complicity in torture, and he is surely entitled to return to his home and the family he hasn't seen for ten years as he has been cleared of any wrong doing.

The LGC also maintains that the British government should seek the return to the UK of former British resident Ahmed Belbacha, an Algerian national who lived in Bournemouth from 1999 to 2001. He was cleared for release by the US military in 2007. Mr Belbacha fears for his life if forcibly returned to Algeria (an injunction currently prevents this), and remains at Guantánamo awaiting the offer of a safe home.

On the newswire: London Remembers Guantánamo: 10 years | We demand the truth about British involvement in torture | Anniversary demo in DC | 37 arrested at White House | Guantánamo Remembered event at Conway Hall | Campaigners demand Guantánamo closure | From Haringey to Washington DC: Close Guantánamo | Guantánamo prisoners' protest and hunger strike | former guard Brandon Neely on Gitmo | Schedule of anniversary events | Shut Gitmo: End 10 years of Shame - Call-out | Report

Audio reports: Guantánamo Remembered Event at Conway Hall - Introduction | former detainee Moazzam Begg | Attorney Michael Ratner | Vanessa Redgrave reads former detainee Murat Kurnaz | Human Rights lawyer Gareth Peirce | Former detainee Sami Al-Hajj | Human Rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith | Former detainee Omar Deghayes | Chair of Islamic Human Rights Commission Massoud Sadjareh | Three poems brought out of Guantánamo | Audio from DC rally

External links: Reprieve on Shaker Aamer and Ahmed Belbacha | Cage Prisoners | Witness Against Torture | Amnesty Report - Guantánamo: A Decade of Damage to Human Rights | Human Rights Watch - Guantánamo Ten Years On

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Obama, Guantánamo and the “War on Terror”

01-02-2009 15:53 | Guantánamo | Repression | Terror War | Sheffield | World

Update: Binyam Mohamed/UK involvement in torture

Former Guantánamo prisoners including Moazzam Begg and Chris Arendt, a former guard, are completing a UK speaking tour to “mark seven years of unlawful detention, abuse and torture”. The tour, organised by Cage Prisoners started in London on 11th January 2009, exactly seven years after the first transfers to the prison torture camp at Guantánamo Bay at date which was marked in London by a weekend of actions. Sami al-Haj, a former Guantánamo prisoner and Al Jazeera journalist was due to be one of the speakers but instead he joined a Free Gaza boat which was fired on and didn’t make it. By the Sheffield meeting, held on the date of Obama’s inauguration, he had been replaced by Omar Deghayes another former Guantánamo prisoner. In Liverpool the meeting “was held on the same day as the US president signed an order to close Guantanamo. Moazzam Begg was not impressed, and commented that Barack Obama spoke about ‘outlawing torture’ as though he himself had just decided to make it illegal: “It has ALWAYS been illegal, at least in any civilised country”" Further reports can be found on the tour blog.

Tour Reports: London (audio) | Bristol | Sheffield (audio: 1 | 2) | Liverpool | Guantánamo Voices Tour Blog

Campaigns: Cageprisoners | The National Guantánamo Coalition | 100 Days to Close Guantánamo and End Torture | The Campaign against Criminalising Communities | Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC) | Reprieve | Andy Worthington

Background: Andy Worthington on Antiwar Radio: Obama, Guantánamo and Torture (audio) | SchNews: [ Inside Guantanamo | Omar Deghayes Speaks to SchNews ] Seven Years of Guantánamo Bay: London Actions | Guantánamo - Obama could do better | Binyam’s Story: From Ladbroke Grove to GTMO | The Rendition Monolgues | Moazzam Begg and Andy Worthington on Human Rights in The War on Terror | Can Human Rights Survive the "War on Terror"? | Guantánamo Bay: The Case of Omar Deghayes | Craig Murray: Legality, Morality and the War on Terror

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"Stop Torture Flights" Day of Action

29-06-2006 23:40 | Guantánamo | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War | World

A45 near Birmingham Airport, Saturday 24 June, 2006

Saturday, 24th June, saw a day of protest at 5 British airports (Glasgow, Prestwick, Edinburgh, Gatwick and Birmingham International) against the so-called rendition flights, used by the CIA to secretly and illegally transport 'terror suspects' arrested or kidnapped around the world for 'interrogation' in other countries, where torture of prisoners is practiced. The protests were supported by Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign, Scotland Against Criminalising Communities, Save Omar Deghayes Campaign and Edinburgh Stop The War Coalition. The 5 are among tens of British and European airports where CIA-owned or chartered jets have been logged.

In Birmingham, about 20 people took part in a vigil on the A45 outside Birmingham International Airport to "demand action to put a stop to the CIA's torture flights". They were later joined by people from Oxford and Coventry. In Edinburgh, the protest involved about 35 people from different campaigns. Banners and placards read "Stop the torture flights", "Stop the War". In both cases, activists were dressed up in orange jump suits, worn by detainees in Guantanamo, and shackled and handcuffed. Similar protests took place at Glasgow, Gatwick and Prestwick airports.

The UK and other EU governments have repeatedly dnied any knowledge of such flights, despite the mounting evidence of their complicity. A report by the Council of Europe's rapporteur, Dick Marty, said European governments, including Britain, were complicit in these abuses. The report was debated by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 27 June. [the report in pdf]

Read more: El-Masri suing CIA for flight to prison | List of CIA torture planes | CIA's secret jails | CIA aircraft flying into Scotland | Europe knew | Europe's agreement
Amnesty International's report | Liberty's page on extraordinary rendition.

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World Guantánamo Newswire

Image Open letter to Philip Hammond demanding the release of Shaker Aamer
24-01-2015 23:59 | 1 comment

Text Documentation of Cameron Message
14-09-2014 11:25 | 1 comment

Text ClevelandPolice False Arrests leads to more Forensics LIES
13-02-2014 15:35 | 1 comment

Audio Audio: 4th July "Independence FROM America" protest at NSA Menwith Hill
05-07-2013 23:29 | 2 comments

Text Tomorrow: emergency demo in Solidarity with Guantánamo Hunger Strikers
17-04-2013 09:22

Image 11 Years of Guantánamo: Where is the world?
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Text On 11th January 2013, All Roads Lead to Guantánamo (11th anniversary action)
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Image Magna Carta Anniversary Marked with Death of Habeas Corpus Rights for Guantánamo
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Image U.S. Abuses a Females Human Rights - Repatriate Aafia Siddiqui
09-04-2012 20:01

Audio Brought to Justice? Rendition, torture, indefinite detention and death by drones
19-02-2012 15:49

Image London Remembers Guantanamo: 10 years
14-01-2012 12:07

Image We demand the truth about British involvement in torture
13-01-2012 17:30 | 1 comment

Audio Largest ever Gitmo protest demands Gitmo be closed
13-01-2012 13:17

Image 37 anti-Guantanamo activists arrested outside White House
13-01-2012 12:22

Image Eire: Guantanamo Protest at US Embassy In Ballsbridge on 10th Anniversary
13-01-2012 12:15

Audio Audio from Guantanamo Remembered: 10 Years meeting
11-01-2012 21:52 | 9 additions

Text Campaigners demand Guantánamo closure on tenth anniversary of prison
11-01-2012 11:24

Text Guantánamo Prisoners Stage Peaceful Protest and Hunger Strike to mark 10 years
10-01-2012 14:34 | 1 addition

Image Shut Guantánamo – End 10 Years of Shame - London Rally, Sat 7 Jan
06-01-2012 12:25

Image The US Air Force’s New Mind Control Wing
10-12-2011 23:47 | 5 comments

Text 10 years in Afghanistan: torture and detention - report
10-10-2011 12:09 | 1 comment

Text 10 Years of Afghan War: Guantánamo-related events to mark anniversary (London)
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Text Shut Down Guantanamo and Bagram! Afghan War 10th anniv. demo, 7 Oct, 6-7pm
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Text YOUTUBE (13mins)-Guantanamo Guard Demands EndTorture, CloseGitmo &Justice 4Hicks
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Image Prisoner Solidarity Protest - US Embassy, 4 July, 6-8pm
01-07-2011 11:51

Image Public rally in support of victims of torture: 26 June (report and pictures)
27-06-2011 19:17

Text Public Rally in Support of Victims of Torture, Trafalgar Square, 26 June, 2-4pm
23-06-2011 12:53

Text Public Rally in Support of Victims of Torture, 26 June, Trafalgar Square, 2-4pm
15-06-2011 14:46 | 1 comment

Image Babar Ahmad Police Trial: A Verdict Based on Fear, not Fact?
14-06-2011 18:35 | 1 comment

Text No End to the “War on Terror,” No End to Guantánamo
14-05-2011 19:28 | 1 comment

Image Wikileaks: The Guantánamo Files
28-04-2011 07:42 | 1 comment

Image Shut Guantánamo / Free Shaker / Free Bradley Manning demo
24-03-2011 15:48

Image Foreign Office Responds to Letter on Guantánamo Bay
08-03-2011 20:07

Image Sign our Open Letter to President Obama: Release Shaker Aamer
01-03-2011 12:06

Image Vigil for Shaker Aamer(last British resident in Gitmo): Saturday 5 Feb
07-02-2011 18:47

Text Khaled El-Masri: ""Extraordinary Rendition" has a human face, and it is mine"
04-02-2011 09:35

Image 9 years of Guantánamo - Beyond Words: Silent Witness to Injustice
11-01-2011 23:17 | 1 addition | 1 comment

Text Open Letter to Prime Minister David Cameron on Ninth Anniversary of Guantánamo
11-01-2011 08:33 | 1 comment

Text Press Release: Beyond Words: Silent Witness to Injustice
08-01-2011 16:42

Image 11 January:Beyond Words: Silent Witness To Injustice (London)
04-01-2011 17:20

Image Beyond Words: Silent Witness to Injustice, 11 January 2011
13-12-2010 15:41 | 1 comment

Image A Day for Shaker Aamer, 11 December 2010, Battersea
12-12-2010 21:04

Text Guantánamo: NOW is the time to take action
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Text Guantánamo detainee, acquitted on 284 of 285 charges, faces 20 years
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Text Day of Action for Shaker Aamer, Brit left to rot in Guantanamo - Sat 11 Dec
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Image Guantánamo Bay: Military Tribunal for Child Soldier Starts Today
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Text Take action for Omar Khadr
05-08-2010 07:56 | 1 comment

Text Inquiry Confirms UK Collusion in Torture
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Image Report: 26 June Demo in Solidarity with Victims of Extraordinary Rendition
29-06-2010 11:47

Image Bring Shaker Aamer home now! Demo in Parliament Square, Tue 25 May
19-05-2010 12:25

Image London Shut Down Guantanamo Protest
09-04-2010 21:45 | 1 comment

Text Omar Degayhes to speak at Univ of Canterbury- 18 March
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Image Binyam Mohamed: Evidence of Torture by US Agents Revealed in UK
13-02-2010 00:15 | 2 comments

Image Eight Years of Guantánamo: Reports and Round Ups
13-01-2010 19:45

Image Guantanamo - 8 Years
11-01-2010 22:03

Text Happy 8TH Birthday Guantánamo?!
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Text Demo:8th Anniversary of Guantánamo Bay:11 January:12.30-2pm: US Embassy
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Text Human rights event in London: "Torture in Our Times"
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Text 11 January 2010: Demonstrate to mark EIGHT years of Guantánamo, London
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Text Human Rights Day Event: Torture in Our Times: West London
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Text We don't torture and we don't support it...honest, we don't...
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Text CIA's TOP-TERRORIST Dick Cheney
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Generic media Dear Mr. Miliband...
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Text Time is Running Out... (re. Guantánamo)
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Text On Krauthammer, Obama and even Bush
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Text Shut Down Guantánamo! demo: Friday 3 July, 6-7pm, outside US Embassy
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Image Obama Proposes Swift Execution of Alleged 9/11 Conspirators
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Text Tortures of Iraqi Citizens in Poland- Jerzy Kos a key suspect?
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Text Andy Worthington: A Comprehensive Exposé of Britain's Guantánamo
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Text Shut Down Guantánamo! demonstration: Friday 3 April, 6-7pm
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Text Britain’s insane secret terror evidence
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Text LGC calls for independent inquiry into UK involvement in extraordinary rendition
13-03-2009 11:19

Image G.W. Bush's criminality
08-03-2009 18:16 | 1 comment

Text Action Against Judicial Corruption & Institutional Failures in the UK
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Text Who is a Terrorist?
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Image Direct Action Germany: 27th Jan-7th Feb
12-02-2009 17:11

Text Israeli University Welcomes 'War Crimes' Colonel
10-02-2009 18:15

Text Vice President Biden signals continuation of US aggression
10-02-2009 12:22 | 1 comment

Text Obama the imperialist
08-02-2009 17:07 | 1 comment

Text Foreign Office colludes with US to cover-up torture of Binyam Mohamed
08-02-2009 11:37

Text The Betrayal of British Torture Victim Binyam Mohamed
06-02-2009 18:28 | 2 comments

Text Change? Or Just Charisma
05-02-2009 15:41 | 1 comment

Image Take URGENT ACTION: Binyam Mohamed/UK involvement in torture
04-02-2009 18:10 | 1 comment

Audio Audio: Two Sides, One Story - Cageprisoners National Tour - Sheffield
21-01-2009 01:37 | 1 addition

Audio Audio - Two Sides, One Story - Cageprisoners National Tour - LONDON
18-01-2009 16:01 | 1 addition

Text From Ladbroke Grove to Guantánamo Bay: Iftar in solidarity with Binyam Mohamed
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Text Guantánamo torture victim Binyam Mohamed: High Court condemns UK/US policy
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Text Binyam Mohamed: judges grill MI5 agent and question fairness of Guantánamo trial
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Text Secret “War on Terror” Prison on Diego Garcia Confirmed
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Text Dictatorial Powers
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Text Scandal of Diego Garcia rendition flights strains US-UK relations
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Text David Gray complains about the use of music as torture in the “War on Terror”
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Generic media Summer in the City - Guantánamo actions in the capital in July '08
01-07-2008 14:01

Image Guantanamo bay / Binyam Mohamed Protest, London 15.06.08
15-06-2008 21:02

Image Sheffield 11th June Guantánamo Protest
12-06-2008 22:18 | 1 comment

Text New report details torture of Guantánamo prisoner Binyam Mohamed
11-06-2008 09:03

Text Binyam Mohamed, British torture victim in Guantánamo: an update
06-06-2008 02:15 | 1 addition

Image Meeting Report: Binyam Mohamed: The Last Londoner in Guantánamo Bay
01-06-2008 22:43

Text LGC Press Release: Tortured Londoner Faces Trial In Guantanamo Military Tribunal
01-06-2008 20:37

Text Binyam Mohamed’s letter from Guantánamo to Gordon Brown
30-05-2008 13:17 | 1 addition

Text GTMO actions in London:Picnic tomorrow/Public Meeting on Sat. & June demos
29-05-2008 09:25

Image Guantánamo: Torture victim Binyam Mohamed sues British government for evidence
10-05-2008 21:29

Image Sami al-Haj’s Guantánamo torture pictures
18-03-2008 19:53 | 1 comment

Text Guantánamo whistleblower Stephen Abraham addresses European Parliament
04-03-2008 00:15 | 1 comment

Text Britain’s Guantánamo: control orders renewed, as one suspect is freed
23-02-2008 16:23

Text Miliband on Diego Garcia and “extraordinary rendition”: Is this a joke?
22-02-2008 20:44

Text Guantánamo Britons’ Spanish extradition request: an update
15-02-2008 13:47 | 1 addition

Text A letter from Guantánamo
17-01-2008 15:09

Image Gordon Brown urged to act for British residents in Guantánamo
15-01-2008 13:22 | 1 addition

Image Six years of Guantanamo - Orange Friday National Events
08-01-2008 11:05 | 8 additions

Text The Guantánamo Britons and Spain’s dubious extradition request
21-12-2007 18:17

Text Urgent appeal for British resident Binyam Mohamed, “close to suicide” in Guantánamo
18-12-2007 14:13

Audio Moazzam Begg and Andy Worthington on Human Rights in The War on Terror
11-12-2007 01:12 | 2 additions

Text Guantánamo as house arrest: Britain’s law lords capitulate on control orders
02-11-2007 14:03 | 1 comment

Text Guantánamo’s ghosts and the shame of Diego Garcia
20-10-2007 09:27 | 2 comments

Image Sheffield Guantanamo Protest 11th October
11-10-2007 20:29

Text The Guantánamo Transcripts: “Ghost” Prisoners Speak After Five And A Half Years
13-09-2007 15:55

Image Sheffield Guantanamo Protest
11-09-2007 21:50

Text Belmarsh detainee Hedi Boudhiba: extradited, cleared, and abandoned in Spain
31-08-2007 09:50 | 1 addition

World Guantánamo Newswire Archive >>

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