Former Guantamamo Bay inmate Omar Deghayes is to speak at an event at University of Canterbury 5pm Thurs 18 March.

Kent on Sunday website 11/3
KENT NEWS: A former Guantanamo Bay inmate will tell his story during a visit to the University of Kent next week.
Omar Deghayes spent five years in the Cuban detention camp after being arrested in Pakistan in 2002, during which time he says he was routinely tortured and humiliated.
He is one of six former detainees who is now suing the British government and its intelligence agencies for alleged complicity in their abuse.
On Thursday Mr Deghayes will take part in a question-and-answer session at the university, following a screening of the film Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo.
Hispanic studies lecturer Dr William Rowlandson said: "It is shocking to think our values have slipped to such a degree that capture through bounty, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention without charge or trial, and torture have become normalised and even excused in this era of the ‘War on Terror’.
"This is an abomination. Omar Deghayes’ tale should re-inspire us to resist this process of normalisation."
**The screening and Q&A session will take place at the Keynes College lecture theatre 1 at 5pm, and is free and open to all.**