Facebook group on Binyam Mohamed actions:

As the mercury rises in the Caribbean and the UK, a suicidal Binyam Mohamed enters the third month of his hunger strike and a dozen Guantánamo detainees look forward to unfair, arbitrary trials and the death penalty, the London Guantánamo Campaign invites you to join us and partake of the
Summer in the city menu – July 2008
Menu fixe (regular activities)
Friday 11/18/25 July – Weekly LGC vigil outside the US Embassy, 6-7pm, Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, WC1 (we meet at the corner of North Audley Street and Upper Brook Street) – nearest tube: Bond Street/Marble Arch
Join us and call on the US government to drop the spurious charges against Binyam Mohamed
Saturday 19 July – Monthly LGC stall for Binyam Mohamed – opposite Ladbroke Grove tube station, Ladbroke, W10, a monthly stall in the area Binyam Mohamed lived and worked in for 7 years.
Les Spécials (a bit of what you fancy)
Friday 4 July – Independence Day Picnic, Grosvenor Square, WC1, 6-8pm, organised with Project 2012: come and celebrate the independence of all people, share food and debate what freedom means to you with us (call Mark: 07854 390 408)

Thursday 17 July – Film Showing of Rendition followed by talk with Andy Worthington from Reprieve, organised with Brent Stop the War, 7pm, Space 2, Upstairs at the Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, NW10 2SF. Free event. (nearest tube: Willesden Green)
Wednesday 30 July – Extraordinary Rendition on Trial, 7-9pm, Garden Court Chambers, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, WC2A 3LS (nearest tube: Holborn), mock trial with Zachary Katznelson, Phil Shiner and Gareth Peirce (free but by invitation only: send an email to the address below to reserve your place or call Aisha: 07809 757 176)
Pièce de resistance (if you only attend one demonstration this year, make sure it’s this one!)
Thursday 24 July – Happy Birthday Binyam! Demo, 6-8pm, opposite Downing Street (nearest tube: Westminster) – join us as we call on the government to take concrete action to have Binyam Mohamed released and returned to the UK on his 30th birthday after six years too many of illegal detention at the hands of the CIA. Join us and make some noise for Binyam (call Jalil: 07985 382 188)
A domicile (no need to leave your armchair)
Write to the Prime Minister and ask him to call for Binyam’s release and return to the UK, to release evidence the British government has that could see Binyam released and to call for the closure of Guantánamo Bay and other illegal CIA jails: Gordon Brown, 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AG
Join us now to avoid more unnecessary loss of lives in the war on terror
Organised by the London Guantánamo Campaign

For more details, please visit our website: www.guantanamo.org.uk