An interesting person that seems to be involved in the case is Mr. Jerzy Kos. He was for some time a CEO of the above-mentioned airport, used in time of his presidency over it nearly solely to smuggle kidnapped Iraqis to alleged places of torture in Poland. Then he was a worker of the construction enterprise “Jednynka” (an enterprise called in Polish media as an “expositure of secret service”). Guess where? In Iraq, naturally. And then he was kidnapped by Iraqis. There was not a day, that Polish media (mostly government-dependent) would not raise his case, calling for an action. Support in his case was much stronger that in cases of other kidnapped citizens- bloggers observe that ordinary worker had bold titles every day, whereas other kidnapped person - sch as one engineer of geology- faced 3 months of media desinteressement and finally died in capture. In case of Jerzy Kos there was not a day of media silence.
Mr Jerzy Kos was released from Iraqi kidnappers after 3-minute spectacular action of US special forces, as it is unique for ordinary citizens. He was then called to testify in front of US Senate Commission led by senator Dick Marty. It was alleged that Jerzy Kos was an agent of Polish Secret Service WSI.
Poland signed treaties prohibiting tortures and jailing people without case in an independent court.
Incredible History of Mr. Jerzy Kos

Go the Kos trail