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UK 2008 Days Of Action For Autonomous Spaces Newswire Archive

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CSA: The Greek Riots - Anarchist Subcultures, Consensus, Affinity Groups, etc.

05-01-2009 17:56

Very interesting analysis of anarchist struggle, how to nurture a movement, and how to avoid it becoming irrelevant.... mentions of anarchist subcultures, consensus, and direct involvement with other political forces to spread use and acceptance of anarchist methods.


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BRISTOL SQUAT RESISTANCE 87 Ashley Road (Unity Home) The occupation continues

18-11-2008 01:07

The roof of 87 Ashley road St Paul's Bristol continues to be occupied 120 hours (5 days) after the attempted eviction of the residents. The people on the roof are staying put in protest at the gentrification and destitution of our area. And in defence of homes for all.

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Bristol Squatter Speaks Out About Eviction Resistance

04-11-2008 01:22

Hello, my name is Sam, one of the people living in 87 Ashley Road, St Paul’s, Bristol.

Firstly thank you very much to the large number of people from the local community who came down to show their support and resist the eviction attempt last Tuesday (28.10.08).

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Riots and 20 arrests at ESF Malmo

19-09-2008 23:01

As the full European Social Forum got underway for proper, Swedish police, backed by foriegn police made 16 pre-emptive arrests at Malmo central train station in the mid-afternoon.

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Common Ground Community Garden Celebrates Success with Party!

26-08-2008 17:58

Flyer 1 Front
After a year and half of green-fingered, community-spirited direct-action, we - the organisers of Common Ground Community Garden - are celebrating success … and we invite all our friends, neighbours and supporters to join in the fun!

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Sanction By The International AIDS Society To Brigada Callejera For Protest Duri

20-08-2008 00:52

Recently we have heard commentaries regarding possible sanctions to be received by our organization from the International AIDS Society (IAS), for having contested against Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, Mexico City’s Mayor, during the Closing Session of the XVII International AIDS Conference, held in this city from Aug. 3 to 8 of this year.

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Announcing a people's parliamentary Jubilee Bill for the redistribution of land

19-08-2008 01:00

The Land Is Ours - Levellers and the English Revolution
Redistribution of land to the British people and other nations is long overdue. Over the centuries it has been stolen through various sorts of enclosure or privatisation.

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bowl court evicted!?

07-08-2008 19:41

i just received the following information on an email list.

it seems to suggest that the bowl court social centre has been evicted this morning..

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Bowl Court Evicted This Morning - Call Out For Help

07-08-2008 09:06

This morning at 7am, 40 high court bailiffs have evicted the Bowl Court squat in Shoreditch. It is located in Bowl Court which is up Plough Court next to the junction of Great Eastern Street and Shoreditch High Street. Please come around - help needed urgently !

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600 million of pounds burned last night at the Hackney Planning Committe

26-07-2008 14:16

How 600 million of pounds were burned last night
in the Hackney Planning committee of London.

Hackney Council effort to sell off most of its land bank asset to
speculative driven private property deals suffered a blow last night
at its very own home - the Hackney Town Hall.

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Our homes should cost £1.00 a week

21-07-2008 23:20

To give an example of how corrupt banking, taxes, usury (the charging of interest on money) actually is, here’s a simplified look at how much our homes SHOULD cost.

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88 London Road Social Centre Eviction

03-07-2008 21:21

At 7am this morning the anarchist social centre at 88 London Road, Brighton was forcibly evicted, despite resistance. The Victorian church had been occupied since the Squatting Days of Action in April. The space was intialy opened as part of a two day international event, committed to creating autonumous spaces and highlighting the importance of squatting and global networking.

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Squatted social centre eviction

03-07-2008 09:05

Police and bailiffs battered their way through the barricades to evict the squatted social centre at 88 London Road, Brighton.

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Bowl Court Social Centre Days Are Numbered

12-06-2008 16:18

David vs Goliath
The courting hearing today ruled in favor of the property developers claiming ownership of the derelict warehouse in Bowl Court that has been used as a radical social centre since openning 23rd March. The David vs Goliath case was clearly motivated by Hammersons desire to prevent the new social centre becoming a hub for the local campaigns against their proposed development for the area, the biggest development in London since Docklands in the eighties.

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Raytheon 9 Acquited in Belfast!

12-06-2008 05:13

Raytheon 9 Defendants Freed from Belfast Court Respond to their Acquital

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Battlelines drawn in city squat eviction

03-06-2008 22:24

... more photos on the squat's back yard fence ...
On the front line of Londons expanding city fringe, opposing sides are
squaring up for battle. On 4th June at Gee Street Magistrates Court,
property giant Hammerson will seek a possession order on a Victorian
warehouse that has been left empty and open to the elements since
attempts to gain consent to demolish the building failed.

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Newsletter Number Two from East Oxford Community Centre Action Group

31-05-2008 18:56

East Oxford Community Centre Action Group
21st May 2008
Newsletter Number Two
Threats Documented…
Property development on the site of East Oxford Community Centre,
Property development on the site of East Oxford Games Hall,
Demolition of most of East East Oxford Community Centre site including the Social Club bar

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Bowl Court social centre under threat

21-05-2008 17:15

... more photos on the squat's back yard fence ...
the new social centre in shoreditch was served papers today for a court hearing on the 4th june. the owners hammerson have no immediate interest in the building which they have yet to secure planning consent to demolish for their huge redevelopement plans for the area. the developments are the biggest in london since the creation of dockland and canary warf.

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New Name, New Website, Old Threat

20-05-2008 15:55

London's latest social centre has finally given itself a name, set up its own website and received a visit from the owners saying "get out!"

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TONIGHT !!! Interspace / LONDON preparation meeting

15-05-2008 13:46

TONIGHT !!! Interspace / LONDON preparation meeting
@ Bowl Court Squat 8 pm

See you there !!!

Interspace: International meeting for squats and autonomous spaces

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Earth First! Action Update: May 2008

10-05-2008 23:31

Stuck for something to do!? Uninspired & lacklustre..? The all new singing dancing EF!AU is here to lift your spirits, download from the link below.

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Dialect: Codex Alimentarius dumbing down our food & the death of Dr. David Kelly

04-05-2008 22:16

Dialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) internet broadcasting co-operative run by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download here every Saturday. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733

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Amsterdam International Day of Autonomous spaces + RTS

24-04-2008 18:23

Prop for the Days of Actions for Autonomous Spaces.

On April the 11th the Tekenschool (part of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) was squatted by the April 2008 Coordination Group. The building was used for socials and workshops and as a base for Indymedia NL. It was also the meet-up points for the RTS action on Saturday 12th April, which was attended by over 300 people: Video.

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Hackney Social Centre - Morning report

21-04-2008 13:58

Banner 1
Responding to the threatened eviction of the Hackney Social Centre people turned up prepared to resist. Those inside the centre climbed on the roof and raised the black flag as well as dropping a number of banners.

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Space Invaded, and Evicted? - Squat manchester a summary

20-04-2008 20:06


A Summary of the events in Manchester around Squat Manchester 12 April. Including the film night, the banner drops, the new squatted social centre, the family fun day, the No Borders March, the occupation of Jacksons Wharf the busted 'free' party and more!!
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