UK Climate Camp 2008 Newswire Archive
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Police mount morning attacks against climate campers
04-08-2008 05:37
Shortly after 5am this morning, police mounted an operation at the climate camp.Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
Caravan and March to Climate Camp 3-8-08
03-08-2008 21:13

No New Coal March - Rochester
03-08-2008 21:04

Pictures (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
Climate Camp Day One Summaries
03-08-2008 19:49
The day started and ended with rain but for the most part was sunny, dry but windy. Most of the neighborhoods have their infrastructure pretty sorted and kitchen serving food. The media 'village' now has it's full complement of structures and although some are literally held up with bits of string, it's looking good despite being two days behind schedule. Everything is running behind thanks to continuing vindictive obstruction by the police.Little Peace Boat on the way to The Climate Camp
03-08-2008 18:14
Nearing the end of an epic voyage, a veteran peace campaigner is about to sail down the Medway and join the Climate Camp protesters, before sailing on to Westminster for the anniversary of HiroshimaCamp update sunday morning, before you come
03-08-2008 09:06
It was raining this morning at the climate camp but has stopped now and the ground dries out really quickly. Nether-the-less it would be wise to bring waterproofs and boots. Police are searching everybody, often several times and as far away as strood station. They continue took take a wide variety of completely innocent items.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Climate Camp - FIT repelled from site
02-08-2008 11:37
The Forward Intelligence Team made a foray onto the field today but were ejected from the field by campers.Climate Camp 2008 is Open - Video
01-08-2008 23:15
To get to kingsnorth directions at

(Field) IMC Kingsnorth on-line at Climate Camp
01-08-2008 21:21
Tonight we have the temporary Field IMC at the Camp for Climate Action, Deansgate Ridge nr Kingsnorth on-line and running with terminals for publishing via a bidirectional satellite link. We shall be running minimal services from tomorrow onwards. We'll be fully running by Sunday/Monday of the camp.Link to local media coverage about the climate camp
01-08-2008 14:22

photostory of climate camp police raid
01-08-2008 11:27

What not to bring to climate camp.
01-08-2008 09:48
The filth are living up to their various names by being total dicks as usual and confiscating (stealing is probably more a accurate term) various items from people attending camp. You might of heard about the raid on the camp yesterday where police took away items such as board games and crayons, along with attempting to deprive the camp of essential materials such as plumbing and construction timber. However, even before the raid the filth were stealing stuff from those arriving.Celebrate Fitwatch's 1st Birthday at Climate Camp
01-08-2008 09:40
This year's Climate Camp will also celebrate Fitwatch's first outing to a major protest. Since then we have gone from strength to strength.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Cobham, Surrey : Activists Blockade Cargill Europe Head Office
01-08-2008 08:28
Since 7.50 am this morning, 20 participants in this year's Camp for Climate Action and members of Action Against Agrofuels have been blockading the only access gate to Cargill's European regional head office in Cobham, Surrey. 8 activists have locked on to the gates closing the site down completely. Agrobusiness giant Cargill are being targeted by the protesters for their role in rainforest destruction and land-grabbing as well as for profiteering from the food crisis.Police Raid Climate Camp Site
01-08-2008 05:26
Yesterday evening police raided the Camp for Climate Action. Apparently shopping lists and boardgames are a threat these days...Animal Rights at Climate Camp - Final Call
01-08-2008 02:19
All preparations are now in place for the Animal Rights presence at this year's Climate Camp, which starts this Sunday 3rd for eight days at Kingsnorth, Kent. It is near Rochester so within easy reach of London.Climate Change is a massive Animal Rights issue. We could achieve full legal recognition of the equality of all animal lives, human and non human, and find this made irrelevant by the potentially catastrophic consequences of human induced climate change.
pigs in space...
31-07-2008 23:45

Press Release: Police confiscate climate camp crayons
31-07-2008 23:33
1 August 2008For Immediate Release
Deeply undermining a previously good working relationship between police and protesters, yesterday evening over 100 police officers ransacked the Camp for Climate Action site. Items essential to the health and safety of the camp were removed, including pipes for the delivery of fresh water.
Riseup! Radio #7 August Show – Climate Camp Special
31-07-2008 20:15

A very special show for a very special month! Almost entirely recorded at the Sumac Garden Party, on 20th July, it features live recordings from bands such as Kembasemba, Wholesome Fish and the Bonsai Project. The Garden Party took place to raise funds and awareness for the Climate Camp and there was plenty of it.. There is also a report from the strawbale building going on at the Ecoworks allotment, there is talk of the upcoming mobilisation against the BNP festival and a wicked report by Louisa from the Forest Fields Community Centre Open Day. Also poetry by Howard and Ceinie reports from Scrufts, the first Forest Fields dog show. And there’s some more stuff but you’ll have to tune in to find out more.. We’ll be off to the Climate Camp this coming week. You can follow live radio coverage from UK Indymedia.
Listen: #7 The August Show