UK Climate Camp 2008 Newswire Archive
Climate Camp Radio - Friday evening show for download
09-08-2008 12:54

Police Rubbish Barricade
09-08-2008 12:05

Protestors using 1st fence to scale 2nd fence at Kingsnorth
09-08-2008 11:48

Photos of protestors at Kingsnorth fences
09-08-2008 11:31

Climate Camp interviews - video's
09-08-2008 10:46

Climate Camp Radio, day of mass action. Listen to live stream 1pm and 7pm.
09-08-2008 09:53
The Climate Camp radio, which has been broadcasting all week from the UKCamp for Climate Action, will broadcast a show at lunch time, 1pm and and
a roundup in the evening at 7pm GMT+1.
The stream can be accessed here (Flash Player) and past shows are
accessible as mp3s & oggs.

Non-commercial re-broadcast welcome (let us know if you can).

Video of stop and search at climate camp
09-08-2008 09:30
Stop and search of visitors to climate camp 2008 on Monday, before the police 'found' a weapons stash which was used to justify subsequent stop and search.Green Bloc Heading Towards Kingsnorth
09-08-2008 09:03

Climate Camp Caravan and stuff - Photo Set
08-08-2008 22:31

US: Southeast Climate Convergence occupies nuclear facility
08-08-2008 22:22
Southeast Climate Convergence occupies nuclear facility. Police set up checkpoints around convergence site.August 7 Louisa, VA Activists from the Southeast Convergence for Climate Action occupied the welcome center for Dominion’s North Anna nuclear power plant today. The action was taken to protest Dominion’s plans to build two new nuclear reactors and to call out nuclear power for the false solution that it is to the climate crisis. “We are here to serve notice on the so-called ‘nuclear renaissance’ that the anti-nuclear movement is alive and well,” said Glenn Carroll, coordinator of Nuclear Watch South.
Little Peace Boat headed for Climate Camp refused entry to marina
08-08-2008 21:36

Climate Camp Videos on YouTube
08-08-2008 19:00
Updated daily - videos from the mainstream and from inside the camp.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Photos of arrests from Wednesday's blockade at Climate Camp
08-08-2008 17:52
Photos of police manhandling campers refusing stop and searches outside Climate Camp.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Areal photos of Climate Camp obtained
08-08-2008 17:13
Area photos from the Climate Camp have been obtained?Legal support Letter to Police re. Police confiscations
08-08-2008 16:37
Police have thieved vast quantities of materials trying to either scupper the camp or prevent effective direct action taking place. This is clearly unlawful, but for various reasons we unfortunately failed to find a way to use the law to prevent it happening. It may be that such a challenge happens yet - if you have had property seized in suspicious circumstances like those outlined below, please contact us