UK Venezuela Newswire Archive
Report on solidarity meeting with Venezuelan Ambassador 2004-9-14
17-09-2004 16:42
quick debrief from tuesday's meeting at the vz embassy - i think i need a sharper suit!SAT Venezuela report-back: Oil-workers, the grassroots & the historic referendum
17-09-2004 15:29
International Election Observers Selma James and Nina López (with video clips) and contribution from Identidad Bolivariana, The Netherlands. Plus documentary premiere of "The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS!", followed by celebration of the referendum victory with music and refreshments.Venezuela and the "Labour" party: Unions have the Power to Change
15-09-2004 00:12
short piece relating this week's TUC to from Venezuela film screening
13-09-2004 11:32
report from the screening of '"BOLIVARIAN VENEZUELA: PEOPLE AND STRUGGLE OF THE FOURTH WORLD WAR", Asian Cultural Centre, Oxford, Sept 12th, 2004.Los Trabajadores Petroleros, las Bases y el Referéndum Histórico
10-09-2004 14:43
Observadores Internacionales ElectoralesSelma James y Nina López
(con vídeo clips)
Estreno del documental:
La Revolución Bolivariana: Trabajadores petroleros ¡Presentes!
Contribución de Identidad Bolivariana, Países Bajos
Sábado 18 de septiembre 15:00-18:00
Trinity United Reform Church, Buck St, Londres NW1
Metro Camden Town Entrada a pie de calle, servicios disponibles en las cercanías
Entrada: £3 asalariados; £1.50 sin sueldo
Se celebrará la victoria del referéndum con música y refrigerio.
The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS!
10-09-2004 14:32
July 2004, 34minutes, Spanish with English subtitles, VHS PAL/NTSCProduced by the Bolivarian Circle of the Global Women’s Strike
Venezuela is the world’s 5th largest oil exporter, yet 80% of its population lives in poverty. In 1998 President Hugo Chávez was elected to use the oil revenue to tackle poverty. In April 2002 a coup against him was defeated by the millions who took to the streets. A few months later the élite and the CIA paralyzed Venezuela’s oil company PDVSA to bring Chávez down. Oil workers took over and worked round the clock to recover production.
In this documentary José Bodas, Luís Felix Marín, Jesús Montilla and Tania Suárez tell how they saved PDVSA and how they are organizing to “put the oil industry at the service of humanity”.
La Revolución Bolivariana:
10-09-2004 14:28
Julio 2004, 34 min., Español subtítulos en inglés, VHS PAL/NTSCProducción Círculo Bolivariano de la Huelga Mundial de Mujeres
Venezuela es el 5o exportador de petróleo del mundo, sin embargo el 80% de su población vive en condiciones de pobreza. En 1998 Presidente Hugo Chávez fue electo para que se utilice el ingreso petrolero para eliminar la pobreza. En abril del 2002 se dio un golpe contra Chavez pero fue derrotado por los millones que salieron a la calle. Pocos meses después la elite y la CIA paralizaron a Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) para derrocar a Chávez. Los trabajadores petroleros tomaron la industria y trabajaron 24 horas diarias para recuperar su producción.
En este documental José Bodas, Luís Felix Marín, Jesús Montilla y Tania Suárez cuentan como salvaron a PDVSA y como se están organizando para “poner la industria petrolera al servicio de la humanidad”.
10-09-2004 14:21
International Election Observers Selma James and Nina Lopez (with video clips)and
Documentary Premiere: The Bolivarian Revolution:
Contribution from Identidad Bolivariana, The Netherlands
Saturday 18 September 3-6 pm
Trinity United Reform Church,
Buck St, London NW1
Camden Town Tube
Level entrance, accessible toilet nearby
Entrance: £3 waged; £1.50 unwaged
Followed by celebration of the referendum victory with music and refreshments.
Venezuela report-back: Oil Workers, the Grassroots and the Historic Referendum
08-09-2004 15:47
International Election Observers Selma James and Nina Lَopez (with video clips)and Documentary Premiere: The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS!
Contribution from Identidad Bolivariana, The Netherlands
Venezuela after the referendum: Public meeting in Parliament - Tuesday (7th) 7pm
05-09-2004 19:03
meeting for all those interested in power to the people, with two of the most honest MPs in the house. so come on, swallow your anarchist pride and check it out!What's Really Happening in Venezuela? - Screening Sept 12th
01-09-2004 09:38

oxford indymedia SCREENING - Sunday September 12th, 7.30pm, Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way, off Cowley Road, Oxford.
A screening of Calle y Media Collective's scintillating film:
Countering the mainstream media's depiction of President Hugo Chavez as an authoritarian nationalist, this film shows the Bolivarian revolution as democratic and coming from below, directed and controlled by the Venezuelan popular movements. Come and see this powerful film to understand why the recent referendum on Chavez' presidency was won, and how Venezuela suggests a model for the Americas and the rest of the world.
Chavéz, Chevron and Microsoft
31-08-2004 09:20

Despite all the expectations to deepen the Bolivarian process, the president Hugo Chavés Frias, made 2 partnership with the multinational companies Chevron-Texaco and Microsoft. Both agreements were signed before the referedum took place, but were as deliberately mugged by the progressive media and ignored by the conservative media.
One of them is a binacional gasoduto, sponsor by the Venezuela government and the Colombia government and coordinated by the American multinational Chevron-Texaco. Acording to Chavéz it´s a “direct way out of this giant asian market”. To construct the gasoduto, Venezuela volunteer to enter in the Plan Pueblo Panamá, a collection of infrastructure with the objective to respond to the American multinationals needs.
Parallel to that, the Venezuela´s government, via the education ministry, signed with Microsoft a contract to provide software to the schools across the country, contradicting the incentive policy of free software, which the government had adopted until Felipe Péres left the Planification and Development Ministry. According to Richard Stallman, the founder of the GNU movement (free software): “The Venezuela´s government just made a critical error, which consequences will give control of computing to a global corporation: make a contract with Microsoft to use the program in the schools.”
The silence and the non-resistence of the popular movements just amplified this situation, disarticulated by the expectations of the left government speech. In case Chavéz continue with immune posture before popular movements, we will see those movements fight against the local bourgeoisie just to let a free way to the global bourgeoisie, which has no problem to negotiate with the “bolivarian revolution”.
Links :
Indymedia Brazil [pt]
Rebeldia magazine [es]
Venezuela: gasoduto binacional e Chevron Texaco [pt]
Mais do que nenhum lugar, as escolas devem usar software livre [pt]
Between Venezuela and Nothingland
30-08-2004 13:09
good analysis of the current situation... iz helluva better than 'el libertario', which is just a bunch of people bitching about how the bolivarian revolution isn't good enough for them (should that be the other way round?)CHEVRONTEXACO ESTA RESTABLECIENDOLA GRAN COLOMBIA”
28-08-2004 15:54

The Venezuelan anti-terrorist law penalizes “anarchy” with 1 to 3 years in prison
28-08-2004 15:42
:: Commentary on the draft of the Anti-terrorist LawHumberto Decarli
28-08-2004 15:29
El libertario is a collective in venzuela that has been active for nine years now. We are focused around the newsletter which we publlish every two months. On this section of the website we will be posting english articles based around the anarchists perspective on issues in venezuela and around latin america. If you would like to submit an article or comment please send it to
Venezuela Says Economy to Move Away From Capitalism
28-08-2004 01:41
moving away from capitalism, huh? towards a "social" economy? let's just hope "Chavez doesn't get too scary..."review of venezuela week of solidarity
25-08-2004 04:07

Rock Around The Blockade Press Release, Scotland. Monday 23rd August 2004
24-08-2004 23:23
On Sunday 15th August the people of Venezuela went to the polls to voice their support for President Hugo Chavez. They were determined to say to the wealthy elites of their own country and of the United States that it is they, the people, who will decide who runs the country.3 trade union leaders assassinated in Colombia, urgent solidarity needed
24-08-2004 03:50
a few weeks ago three trade union leaders were murdered in cold blood by the Colombian Army. please read and then send this letter to let them know they can't get away with this stuff anymore. URGENT!