UK Venezuela Newswire Archive
Coups R US: Haiti and Venezuela
12-08-2004 17:21
An argument that the CIA is involved in Haiti and Venezuela and the techniques and criteria they use in overthrowing governments.repost from 03.03.2004,

european venezuela infolist
12-08-2004 15:23
on german indymedia, i found an article about an introduction to the current situation in venezuela at the pga meeting. this just a brief summery, you can read the whole article in german on
Venezuelan anarchist perpective
12-08-2004 13:14
A CONSISTENT REPLY TO REPEATED QUESTIONS(From El Libertario #34, Sept.-Oct. 2003)
A while ago we received an email from Germany from comrade Wayne, an activist
with the FAU, a German anarchosyndicalist organization. He said: "As you know
there are many people of the left in Europe who support Chavez and his government. I know that Venezuelan anarchists have been recently attacked by the right wing opposition but I want to know if the Chavists have also attacked or threatened the anarchists.
rampART wednesday liberation cinema
11-08-2004 12:51
Wednesday Free Cinema at the rampARTThis coming Wednesday (11th August), the rampART free cinema will stick to the weeks theme of Liberation and Latin America. As usual, films start at 8pm and entry is free and this week there will also be food and drink...
Films screened will include:
* The Forth World War (Big Noise Films) 72mins
* School of the Americas
* Bolivarian Venezuela: People and Fight of the IV World War
+ various shorts and latin beats
Disruptions in Venezuela
11-08-2004 11:27
Venezuela's Electoral Council Outlines Plans for Contingencies and DisruptionsOne week before Venezuela’s presidential referendum, the country’s only officially recognized electoral authority, the National Electoral Council (CNE) is trying to anticipate possible problems prior to the election this Sunday, August 15, which includes a challenge by opposition governor Enrique Mendoza, and an investigation into CANTV, the Venezuelan telecommunications giant in charge of transmitting voter data.
- Events all week in London as part of a Venezual Week of Solidarity
- see

- Venue for most events is the rampART centre in Whitechapel
- see

Cuban heat at rampART
11-08-2004 11:23
Yesterday (10th August), events for the second day of the Venezuela Week of Solidarity in London took place at the rampART creative centre and social space near Whitechapel...Supporters Gather Against Referendum
11-08-2004 10:43
Chavez Supporters Gather in Venezuela's Capital for Largest Pro-Chavez RallyCrowd estimates ranged from 100,000 (opposition) to one million (pro-Chavez)
Supporters of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez filled Caracas’ largest public venue yesterday, packing the Avenida Bolívar for well over a mile and overflowing onto side streets all over the downtown. Clad in red—the colour that has come to represent chavismo in Venezuela—supporters bore t-shirts, hats, berets, placards, puppets, and inventive home-made signs all uniformly declaring “No!” to the recall on Chávez’ mandate scheduled for next Sunday, August 15th.
latinamerican liberation ehibition at rampART
10-08-2004 11:52

rightwing attacks on venezuala
10-08-2004 11:29
While the world's attention has been focused on the middle east, the inavision and occupation of Iraq and the ongoing conflict over Palestine, few people have noticed the shake up occuring in South America. Everyone knows that the latinamerican countries are generally political unstable and characterised by military rule. Many people are aware that the US has a long history of intervention, installing and supporting complient dictators or replacing those that don't tow the US line. But there has been a shift, the forth largest supplier of oil to the US has excaped the cycle and liberated themselves from the yoke of the elite. However, the odds are stacked against them. Even having survived a coup and a bosses lock out in the last couple of years, and despite every indication that the people will win the recall referendum of their democratically elected president Hugo Chavez, there may be dark clouds on the horizon. Large arms caches have been intercepted entering the country. Large amounts of explosives have gone missing from military stocks and opposition are talking openly of violence and assasination.[to find out more, visit the rampART ( this week during Venezuela Solidarity Week for talks, films, food, and art (see for programme)]
Below is an article from a right wing american publication which gives some idea of the propaganda being released to path the way for US intervention...
rampART events 9th-15th August
09-08-2004 11:51
This week the rampART centre is host to 'Venezuela Week of Solidarity'...The heat is on Venezuela
09-08-2004 01:07

"Chávez must die like a dog, because he deserves it"
09-08-2004 00:52
the anti-chávez camp aren't going to be winning many votes with a platform of "a transition period of two or three years to lay the foundations for a state where the rule of law prevails" ie a military dictatorship. great slogan: "vote to end voting" or something like that...Loathed by the rich - why Hugo Chávez is heading for a stunning victory
09-08-2004 00:45
excellent piece from chávez' biographer; anyone interested in venezuela should read 'in the shadow of the liberator'Venezuela Prepares for Recall Vote
08-08-2004 11:21
Venezuela, sitting on the largest oil reserves outside the Middle East, may be on the brink of major political upheaval. A presidential recall referendum could see the removal of the socialist Chevaz government and the installation of an oldguard power block that proposes repairing relations with Washington, and restructuring the oil industry. This comes after a botched US backed coup in 2002 cost the opposition the trust of many while a two-month general strike last year ruined the economy but left Chavez stronger than ever...Venezuela Tense Over Referendum
08-08-2004 11:13
Authorities are ready to arrest people who dump nails on highways, cut down trees, slick streets with oil and burn tires to create turmoil and stop people from voting.e-voting furor
08-08-2004 11:06
The world's fifth largest producer and exporter of oil will be using a e-voting system produced by an american company in a presidential recall referendum called for by the Venezuelan elite and backed by Washington. Despite the use of a paper record of votes, some people claim to have found security flaws and weak cryptography. "Computers can be made to produce any outcome that you want without anybody really knowing that's what was done," said one US observer. One thing is clear, who ever wins the vote, the use of the untested e-voting system will leave room for doubt from either side about the results...Lottery for venezuela future
07-08-2004 12:12
The cash starved campaign backing Hugo Chevez has turned to selling lottery tickets in order to raise funds. Polls vary, many predicated over 60% support for Chavez while others suggest (and hope for) the opposite. Meanwhile, the info war facilitated by the media in Venezuela apparently favors the opposistion by almost 10 to 1.New crisis in Venezuela
07-08-2004 12:03
There is a beautiful little section in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: It says that every elected official can be removed from office half way through his/her term of service (Article 72). The Constitution became the law of the land after being given a 70% voter approval in December 1999...Unrest in Venezuela likely
07-08-2004 11:45
The president, Hugo Chavez, will face a revocatory referendum on his tenure on August 15th. The date was announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE) on June 8th, after it ruled that a campaign by the opposition to garner signatures from 20% of the electorate in support of a petition demanding a referendum had been successful. The result of the referendum is uncertain, as are its implications for the Chavez regime. Whatever the outcome, there is a high probability that the losing side will challenge it, either in the courts??whose neutrality is disputed by both government and opposition??or on the streets. Political instability and a policy environment subservient to the government's priority of self-preservation therefore appear likely to persist for some time...