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UK Venezuela Newswire Archive

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electronic voting

07-08-2004 11:39

In this year's U.S. presidential elections, electronic voting systems will be used by an estimated 30 percent of those who vote. If you were the type to validate the partical political system by voting, would you trust your vote to these systems?

This year, a US company sold 20,000 of its election machines and licenses for their software to Venezuelan authorities for $63 million and won a $27-million contract for service during the recall vote against Hugo Chavez which takes place in August. This controversial and critical referendum may end up putting the technology on trial...

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Referendum on the Revolution

07-08-2004 11:29

It took a while for Venezuela’s political opposition to figure out the best way to get rid of a president it doesn't like. First it tried general strikes, then a coup last year, then the shutdown of the country’s main industry, then an unconstitutional petition drive. Now, about two years after its campaign began, it's opting for the only constitutional way to oust an elected president: a recall referendum...

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Venezuela Counterpunch

07-08-2004 11:20

On August 14, 2004, Venezuelan voters will decide on a referendum, which has the utmost world historic and strategic significance. What is at stake is nothing less than the future of the energy world, the relations between the US and Latin America (particularly Cuba), and the political and socio-economic fate of millions of Venezuela's urban and rural poor. If Chavez is defeated and if the Right takes power, it will privatize the state petroleum and gas company, selling it to US multinationals, withdraw from OPEC, raise its production and exports to the US, thus lowering Venezuelan revenues by half or more. Internally the popular health programs in the urban "ranchos" will end along with the literary campaign and public housing for the poor. The agrarian reform will be reversed and about 500,000 land reform recipients (100,000 families) will be turned off the land. This will be accomplished through extensive and intensive state bloodletting, jailing and extrajudicial assassination, and intense repression of pro-Chavez neighborhoods, trade unions and social movements. The apparently "democratic" referendum will have profoundly authoritarian, colonial and socially regressive results if the opposition wins.

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Venezuelan anarchists and critics of blind solidarity

31-07-2004 16:47

We've been getting some posts recently about 'solidarity with Venezuela' which translates into 'solidarity with the Chavez regime'. It is the usual old leftist politics of crawling up to 'third world' state leaders with a nationalist, anti-imperialist rhetoric. Here is an article taken from the Venezuelan anarchists website (English language section), with the address below. Even if you don't agree with all their opinions, things are more complex and there are more lines of thought out there than might be apparent.

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27-07-2004 14:25


In Venezuela any elected official can be removed mid-term by a simple referendum majority. This extremely democratic constitutional right (imagine if we could've voted out Blair a year ago, before the war) was originally suggested by President Hugo Chávez, who ironically will be now the first person to face this test, on 15th August 2004.

Supporting him are the country's poor majority, who have seen their lives transformed with new schools, hospitals and housing, finally tasting their slice of the huge oil-revenue pie. Against him are the local elite who are used to owning Venezuela, and the Washington warmongers who are used to owning its oil.

In London we are holding a week of events in solidarity with the Venezuelan people, and to tell the US and UK governments, who've already backed one coup against Chávez, to keep their hands off Venezuela! Get involved now if you want to help or find out more about how power to the people is a reality and spreading throughout the world.

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Chavez: the FTAA is dead

09-07-2004 19:21

Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, expressed again that US project of completing a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is definitely dead. This time, the Venezuelan president made this balance at his arrival to Puerto Iguazu, in Misiones, Argentina, where he will participate on the Summit of MERCOSUR presidents.

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Venezuela: In these times of scoundrels

20-06-2004 20:40

* Facing the situation created by the referendum of 8/15/2004 to recall the president, the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas and its newspaper El Libertario call for a radical rupture with those candidates for authoritarian power, presenting to the Venezuelan people ways out of the actual crisis based on mutual aid, direct action and self-management.

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No to United States Intervention in Venezuala

05-06-2004 17:12

A referendum to recall President Chavez as well as a number of anti-chavista elected officials is being called for August. US pressure to overthrow President Chavez and get its hands on the oil of the venezuelan people is greater than ever. We demand that the media report what is happening in Venezuela rather than act as employees of the hated and unelected Bush administration

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chomsky on venezuela

21-05-2004 01:57

mp3 & transcript of noam chomsky answering a question about venezuela on 2004-5-19 in the logan hall, institute of education, london.

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Colombian paramilitaries prepare coup in Venezuela

13-05-2004 14:07

Another coup attempt has failed in Venezuela. 88 Colombian paramilitaries were captured in Caracas while training for an assault on a military installation. According to Venezuela’s ambassador in Bogota, the detained are Colombian ex-military, and the possible involvement of Colombian authorities is under investigation.

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Fears of war between Colombia and Venezuela

18-04-2004 17:29

Colombian opposition leaders allege that the Uribe government is preparing another military agression against Venezuela. Paramilitaries aided by the Colombian Army have several times attacked targets in Venezuela. The White House is accused of wanting to exploit an armed confrontation between the two countries to gain control of Venezuelan oil.

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Russian is Arming: Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Chile and Urugu

04-04-2004 20:53

Russian is Arming: Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay

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Danny Glover - Haiti & Venezuela: A Personal View

29-03-2004 10:37

Saturday 3 April, 2pm
Place: Trinity United Reformed Church, Buck St, London NW1 (Kentish Town Rd end, behind Camden Sainsbury's)
Entrance: £3 unwaged, £6-10 waged (no-one turned away for lack of funds)
Wheelchair accessible (toilet nearby)

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Venezuela, March 2004: The logic of our times

10-03-2004 19:48

* A study of the current situation in Venezuela demystifying the image sold by the media and promoted by the current rulers or by those who aspire to take their place. Originally published in El Libertario # 36, the bimonthly newspaper of the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas

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Aristide Is Being Held Like a Prisoner. Is Chavez Next?

04-03-2004 17:05



Thursday, March 4th, 2004

Listen/Watch entire show

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Venezuela Offers Military Aid To Haiti Government Facing US Backed Coup

28-02-2004 01:48

Chavez may send troops as Bush refuses to stop the attack.

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Developing countries summit in Venezuela: "To recover the South-South identity"

26-02-2004 14:14

The developing countries encounter will take place next February 26th to 28th in Caracas, Venezuela. It will count with the presence of the presidents of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, among others.

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Venezuela Decriminalizes Drug Possession

19-01-2004 05:35

speaks for itself... viva chavez!

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Venezuela Hails Latin American 'Axis' Against US

16-01-2004 15:27

Venezuela Hails Latin American 'Axis' Against US
16.01.2004 [07:46]

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Thursday his country was forging an alliance with Argentina and Brazil to lead Latin America's opposition to U.S. free trade plans for the region.