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UK Venezuela Newswire Archive

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Alo Presidente (Chávez weekly live TV show!), Sunday 22nd August report

24-08-2004 03:43

a report on Sunday's live weekly phone-in tv/radio show, setting the agenda for the bolivarianz. says some good stuff this week...

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Beyond Populism: Venezuela and the International Left

23-08-2004 23:24

more from jonah... he's talking to YOU!

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International Press Coverage Begins to Change Its Tune on Venezuela

23-08-2004 23:01

check out the ending, a 'bolivarian opposition' would cement this!

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Venezuela plane crash kills 25

22-08-2004 15:39

no comment neccessary, this is bad news

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Global Must-See TV (venezuelan culture background)

22-08-2004 00:23

although only briefly mentioned, venezuela's major media export (until now with the new Viva TV) were telenovelas, some of which have obviously got pretty political recently...

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Chavez foes threaten Venezuela election boycott

20-08-2004 23:36

and this sunday is the recall of the opposition officials iirc

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15A – Testimonial from the Ground in Venezuela

20-08-2004 21:03

eva is one of the editors of venezuelanalysis, and her info site at the bottom has all the foia requests that prove the US gubbmint are funding the vz "opposition" - shock, horror!

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20-08-2004 17:11

schnews have half the story, but if this isn't a 'democratic revolution' i dont know what is - and as if venezuela's got any choice about dealing with the oil multinationals: it's an oil producer! this whole lie about chávez not pushing power to the people comes from the book mentioned at the bottom, which is fine all the way through until the last chapter, where it goes seriously off the rails. see "With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemies?" for more on that...

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Venezuela's Referendum Should Be a Wake-Up Call for the United States

20-08-2004 02:54

weisbrot's been writing about venezuela for years

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U.S. Poll Firm in Hot Water in Venezuela

19-08-2004 06:50

is this poll the source of the Independent's Hannah Baldock article?

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VENEZUELA: Oct-12- Global Day of Action supporting Bolivarian Revolution and Pac

18-08-2004 23:37

After the popular victory of the August 15th referendum now comes the good battle...


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What's Pachamerica?...

18-08-2004 23:30

Pachamerica: The rebellious continent between Alaska and Patagonia.

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Chavez Wins Big and the Opposition Refuses to Recognize the Obvious

18-08-2004 11:45

wilpert's venezuelanalysis is the most comprehensive english-language source of info from vz (apart from the new uk-vz indymedia site!)

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18-08-2004 00:21

In solidarity with the Bolivarian struggle in Venezuela, and for its expansion across all borders...

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FL Senate Candidate Klayman Calls for US Intervention in Venezuelan Recall Election

17-08-2004 21:48

"Chavez, like Castro, is not only an avowed Communist who has terrorized his own people..."

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VENEZUELA: Our Votes Are Non-Negotiable

17-08-2004 07:46

Statement by the Bolivarian grassroots movement

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Hugo Chavez on Marxism

17-08-2004 05:09

I don't believe in the dogmatic postulates of Marxist revolution. I don't
accept that we are living in a period of proletarian revolutions. All that
must be revised. Reality is telling us that every day.

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Dick Cheney, Hugo Chavez and Bill Clinton's Band

17-08-2004 03:31

greg's got the good info again...

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Venezuela: Oiling welfare's wheels

17-08-2004 03:24

well they're looking slightly better than the independent right now