What's Pachamerica?...
Pachamerican@ de Liberación | 18.08.2004 23:30 | Venezuela
From our indigenous, black, white and mestiza roots emerges a particular way of struggle. "Pacha" is the Quechua word for "land" or "earth"… and, as we all know, "America" is the colonial name imposed by the conquerors to our continent. With the Pachamerica, we are revindicating the indigenous vision of "Pachamama", Mother Earth, and in that way we assume our struggle as connected to that of all peoples around the world. Pachamerica is the name we give to the rebellious continent between Alaska and Patagonia, imagining ourselves as peoples that transcend a supposed "Latin America" or "North America", since these concepts impose a colonial vision that ignores our indigenous history and tries to separate us from our brothers and sisters north, south, east and west of our lands. In that sense, more than being "Latin Americans" or "North Americans", we are "Pachamericans", because our continent is diverse, multiethnic and infinite... but fights united.
Besides, the "Pachamerican" vision tries to break with that ridiculous Latinamerican chauvinism that sees us isolated from the world, and, on the other side, with the pathetic paternalism that many times leads activists in industrialized countries to express the need of "solidarity with those poor little indians who don't even know what they're doing". We recognize that as a result of the capitalist globalization, that dialogue between the people from the global North and the global South is, more and more so, what we would call in criollo "a dialogue of jodid@s a jodid@s" (a dialogue between "fucked" and "fucked"). In that sense, Pachamerica includes in its rebellious vision of a continent the peoples of the United States and Canada (with their struggles: indigenous, black, feminits, environmental, gay, etc) and the peoples inhabitting south of the Río Bravo all the way to Land of Fire. However, it is also important to mention that even though "Pachamérica" refers directly to our continent, this "Pachamamista" vision doesn´t limit itself to our geographic boundaries, but links efforts with the struggles of all peoples that resist in this beautiful Earth that gave birth to us. all.
Being "Pachamerican" is knowing yourself as daughter and son of Pachamama, and therefore siblings to all human beings and other animals, to the environment, and to a commitment to eternal solidarity.
For a free Pachamama... and her smiling sons and daughters...
a united struggle! always!
To participate and coordinate actions for the October 12th Global Day of Action, subscribe to the following list: -
Besides, the "Pachamerican" vision tries to break with that ridiculous Latinamerican chauvinism that sees us isolated from the world, and, on the other side, with the pathetic paternalism that many times leads activists in industrialized countries to express the need of "solidarity with those poor little indians who don't even know what they're doing". We recognize that as a result of the capitalist globalization, that dialogue between the people from the global North and the global South is, more and more so, what we would call in criollo "a dialogue of jodid@s a jodid@s" (a dialogue between "fucked" and "fucked"). In that sense, Pachamerica includes in its rebellious vision of a continent the peoples of the United States and Canada (with their struggles: indigenous, black, feminits, environmental, gay, etc) and the peoples inhabitting south of the Río Bravo all the way to Land of Fire. However, it is also important to mention that even though "Pachamérica" refers directly to our continent, this "Pachamamista" vision doesn´t limit itself to our geographic boundaries, but links efforts with the struggles of all peoples that resist in this beautiful Earth that gave birth to us. all.
Being "Pachamerican" is knowing yourself as daughter and son of Pachamama, and therefore siblings to all human beings and other animals, to the environment, and to a commitment to eternal solidarity.
For a free Pachamama... and her smiling sons and daughters...
a united struggle! always!
To participate and coordinate actions for the October 12th Global Day of Action, subscribe to the following list: -

Pachamerican@ de Liberación
pachamerica@calleymedia.org, o-12pachamerica@lists.riseup.net