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UK Venezuela Newswire Archive

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UK Independent Reporter’s Undisclosed Venezuela Conflicts

04-01-2003 08:32

A Brit Reporter’s Undisclosed Venezuela Conflicts
Phil Gunson (“freelance correspondent” for The Independent) and Eric Ekvall Are Upset with Narco News

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Venezuela: Lessons of Class War and US Intervention

18-12-2002 21:39

Despite US and Corporate Media support for the illegal coup plotters, the people and Hugo Chavez refuse to budge. Lula to the rescue - or OAS War Crimes? How much trouble and how many wars can the US get away with at the same time?

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Venezuela and Colombia: Two brother peoples that are resisting.

18-12-2002 15:10

We are faced with the great challenge of becoming a country that advances toward socialism. If Simon Bolivar had to struggle against the monarchy to establish the liberal republic, we have to fight against that liberal republic to build our own model that fits our Latin American homeland’s yearnings for freedom.

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why venezualas middle class(for the most part) opposes chavez

17-12-2002 06:55

the middle class is esp prone to fits of reactionarism, lying as it does between power and powerlessness

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A Venezuelan anarchist viewpoint on Chavez

16-12-2002 03:13

A conversation on how Venezuelan anarchists view the Chavez crisis with Rafa, a libertarian comrade of the CRA (Commission of Anarchist Relationships) of Venezuela on "Canarias Libertaria" on 10/12/02.

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democracy in Venezuela, how you can help right now

13-12-2002 12:36

help stop US interference with democracy in Venezuela

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venezuela in turmoil

09-12-2002 13:44

Hugo chavez president of venezuela may call state of emergency to face down right wing strikers determined to overthrow government

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04-11-2002 19:31

European Social Forum – Florence
Thursday 7 November at 8 PM
Cinema Flora, Piazza Dalmazia, Rifredi - Firenze
WORLD PREMIERE Screening of the Documentary

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ARGENTINA & VENEZUELA: organising for survival & revolution

02-09-2002 13:42

ARGENTINA & VENEZUELA: organising for survival & revolution
Isabel Zanutigh and Beatriz Marega of the grassroots housewives’ union Sindicato de Amas de Casa de Santa Fe & the Red Interbarrial de Mujeres are coming to Europe. Women's hard work, resourcefulness and their determination to remain independent of all political parties have been crucial to surviving and winning some financial recognition.

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European Parliment staffer shot with 41 rubber bullets by Venezuelan police

20-08-2002 06:26

European Parliment staffer shot with 41 rubber bullets by Venezuelan police
Paul-Emile Dupret, a staff advisor for the European Parliament and citizen of Belguim, was peppered with rubber bullets by municipal police in Caracas, who mistook him for a community TV cameraman.

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Venezuela, Walden Bello and Aceh

08-08-2002 15:11

Today in Global Observer you can find articles about US role in military coup against hugo Chavez, about Aceh independentist movement and a comment from Walden Bello about financial scandals.

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Support Venezuela's Community Media!

31-07-2002 22:36

Venezuela's corporate media, along with rogue elements within Venezuela's government intent on staging another coup, are persecuting independent journalists and their supporters in violation of Venezuela's Constitution and International law.

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Exxon pushed for coup in Venezuela

13-05-2002 13:36

Oil prices, Exxon's profits and US fears of OPEC embargo behind Venezuelan coup

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Exxon pushed for coup in Venezuela

13-05-2002 13:21

Oil prices, Exxon's profits and US fears of OPEC embargo behind Venezuelan coup

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Venezuela after the Coup Attempt: Will Chavez' Project Survive?

09-05-2002 18:25

"Chavez needs to maintain his focus and should not give up on his principles and his program,...A better strategy might be learnt from the local governments of Porto Alegre in Brazil and of FMLN controlled municipalities in El Salvador, to name just two positive examples among many others that are cropping up all over the world. In these places, a true culture of grassroots participation and democracy is being cultivated."

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Venezuela - the (CIA?) coup that failed. Another US policy triumph?

23-04-2002 10:34

Guatemala 1954, Chile and Allende 1972, Iran and Mossadeq 1954, Cuba and the Bay of Pigs 1961. the Dominican Republic 1962. To that roll of honour should we now add Venezuela and Chavez 2002?

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Venezuela coup linked to Bush team

21-04-2002 22:18

Same old gang of corporate assassins responsible for failed Keystone Cops coup in Venezuela.

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Venezuela - new Air Force chief killed in "accident"

20-04-2002 17:37

Following the recent failed coup by business leaders and sections of the military, re-instated leftist President Hugo Chavez made new appointments to top posts in the military. The new chief of the airforce and several other loyal officers are now dead following an "accident".

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To understand the importance of Venezuela, go here, NOW!

16-04-2002 11:23

The failed coup d'etat against Venezuela marks a turning point not just for authentic democracy in our América, but also for authentic journalism.
The remote-control attempt by Washington and commercial interests - including various media giants within and outside of Venezuela - to topple the government of President Hugo Chávez by force has only made him stronger.

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Venezuela: Rumored U.S. Involvement Could Hurt Bush Administration

15-04-2002 19:20

Human intelligence sources in Venezuela and Washington told STRATFOR April 14 that the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. State Department may have been involved separately in the events that took place in Caracas between April 5 and April 13. If the information is correct, the reinstatement of President Hugo Chavez less than 48 hours after he was toppled by a civilian-military coup could have disastrous implications for the Bush administration's policy in Latin America.