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UK SOCPA Newswire Archive

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SOCPA - new admissions and old dirty tactics in court

16-02-2007 21:00

barbara with one of her amazing pink banners
if you've followed this issue on indymedia, the name 'barbara tucker' will be well-known to you. for over a year, metropolitan police have been harassing, hounding and assaulting this peaceful woman for doing no more than holding a pink banner in public in the socpa area. yet they have still not been able to defend their actions in court, and the stench of corruption grows stronger.

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Brian Haw awards on spewtube

16-02-2007 16:55

At last someone has put Brian collecting his award up on youtube

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8 anti-fur activists charged under new SOCPA amendment

15-02-2007 20:45

8 charged under new SOCPA amendment

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SOCPA - brian haw wins channel 4 political awards

07-02-2007 20:14

brian haw
brian beat five other nominees by an overwhelming majority in a channel 4 poll tonight. he has won the channel 4 award for the most inspiring political figure of 2006.

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Cluster bomb inspectors in court

06-02-2007 21:02

The defendents
Today, six "cluster bomb inspectors" were in court, charged with Criminal Damage and the new offence of Criminal Trespass (SOCPA 128 - the Serious Organised Crime and Policing Act, item 128). The case was adjourned for two weeks, as the decision to charge was only taken two days ago and the prosecution evidence was only given to the defendants this morning. The case will resume at 10am on the 20th of February.

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Democracy’s Last Stand 3: The Trial of Tucker and Jago

04-02-2007 22:14

10.30am - A van full of police at the southern end of Parliament St
Oscar Beard takes time out to put his twisted view on the continuing trials of Barbara Tucker, Steve Jago and the end of democracy in the UK that most seem to have given up on, or just lost interest, with no foresight into the future implications.

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SOCPA - full court report - banned from the zone!

03-02-2007 01:41

barbara arrest 24th jan (photo: brian haw) 1
barbara tucker has for the moment given up her daily protest in parliament square. she was forced into this decision through ill health caused by more than a year of police victimisation and harassment, and by a court threat that if she breaks bail conditions imposed today she will be imprisoned. having been detained overnight by police on a dubious charge of breach of bail, steve jago has now regained his unconditional bail and is free.

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Terrorist Charge Ridicules New Laws.

02-02-2007 17:40

Eight non-violent peace activists at Mildenhall police station have today been charged under anti-terrorist laws, SOCPA 128,which is the result of an action last October, when the activists entered USAF Lakenheth nuclear base and chained themselves to secure the gates of a munitions storage area to stop the movement of cluster bombs.

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SOCPA - bail act used to ban protest

02-02-2007 17:16

barbara tucker has been temporarily beaten in court. on the latest farcical charge against her (supposedly assaulting a police officer), she has been given conditional bail for five months till trial and warned she will be jailed if she enters the socpa protest zone for any reason before then.
the harrassment of the past few days has taken its toll on her health and she has decided to take a rest for a short while before deciding what to do next.

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Eight charged under SOCPA 128

02-02-2007 10:52

Eight people charge under SOCPA 128 and Criminal Damage after action at American airbase in Suffolk.

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SOCPA - another 'breach of bail' arrest

01-02-2007 18:07

barbara tucker and steve jago
steve jago was arrested just before 5pm in whitehall tonight. like barbara tucker, he may face jail for alleged breach of bail conditions. his crime? peaceful protest in the socpa zone

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Days of action in the Midlands in memory of AR warrior Jill Phipps

01-02-2007 01:47

"You may have noticed that the police have a new "Pick n Mix" approach to the law where they choose which ones they want to enforce and ignore the others. Specifically they are choosing to ignore the ban on hunting ... so to remind them that they actually have to enforce ALL laws and hopefully to embarrass them into taking some action against hunting ... we are going to do a fancy dress demo outside their HQ dressed as various criminals - drug dealers, bank robbers , Osama bin liner etc. " Coventry Animal Alliance.

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SOCPA - it didn't take long for police to attack barbara tucker yet again

01-02-2007 00:26

peaceful barbara tucker
the charing cross campiagn against barbara tucker continued again this morning when she did her usual peaceful protest outside parliament as part of brian haw's demonstration. she was attacked by four burly policemen, held at charing cross for another eleven hours and bailed on what eye-witnesses say are trumped-up charges.

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SOCPA - barbara tucker gains brief respite from possible jail sentence

31-01-2007 00:35

barbara tonight is free again after being threatened with jail for breach of draconian bail conditions for doing no more than wandering around near the seat of power with her distinctive pink banner portraying the genocide being committed by us and uk troops.

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Photos: Barbara Tucker banned & arrested

30-01-2007 00:41

Credit: Marc Vallée, 2006. -
Barbara Tucker the peace protester was arrested outside Downing Street tonight (29.01.07) after a court told her today that she was banned from entering the SOCPA zone.

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SOCPA - barbara tucker faces jail tomorrow

30-01-2007 00:24

in the same week that john reid faces pressure over prison overcrowding, barbara tucker, a peaceful anti-war campaigner, faces jail for breaching draconian bail conditions imposed by judge snow, banning her from entering an area within 1km of parliament.

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SOCPA - barbara tucker arrested

24-01-2007 13:38

barbara with her genocide banner
barbara tucker, the stoic peace campaigner facing endless harrassment from charing cross police for doing no more than peacefully demonstrating near parliament and downing street, was arrested again this morning in parliament square. worried supporters and her solicitor are trying to get her out of police hands as there are grave fears for her safety.

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SOCPA - Brian Haw Court Victory today

22-01-2007 19:39

Mark Wallinger, Martin, Barbara and Brian outside Westminster Court
When police crept down to Parliament Square in the middle of the night last May and removed most of Brian Haw's display, the were acting unlawfully. Superintendent Terry produced an undated document in Court signed by the Commissioner, delegating powers to him to impose conditions on demonstration. But Judge Purdy ruled today that the conditions were unlawful, the delegation was unlawful and so the raid must have been unlawful too.

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Well done Brian!

22-01-2007 13:57

Latest court news on Brian Haw's heroic protest

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Tate in a State over "sensitive" photographs

15-01-2007 16:56

As Blair bangs on about how the media spoil his war, showing the wrong sort of pictures, confusion broke out this morning at Mark Wallinger's opening at the Tate.

Using extensive reference photographs Wallinger has has managed in his work 'State Britain' to re-create an exact copy of Brian Haw's protest camp as it was prior to 23rd May's police raid. Today's press call was to encourage us to photograph the art made from the photographs, so to speak.

Except that some art, including horrific birth defects as a result of depleted uranium armaments was off limits. Admission to the launch was dependent on agreeing not to photograph it.