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UK Energy Crisis Newswire Archive

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Shell end investment in renewables

19-03-2009 10:55

Royal Dutch Shell have ended their investment in renewable energy in favour of fossil and biofuels

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Great films at the Great Green Film Festival

15-03-2009 22:07

On Saturday, Nottingham Student Peace Movement hosted a film festival with an ecological theme. The films featured explored the environmental problems humanity faces and ways we can take action to do something about them. It was inspiring stuff!

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E.ON offside: Student activists target FA-Cup sponsors

13-03-2009 18:31

Activists from Warwick University gave energy giant E.ON the red card at Coventry’s FA Cup sixth round match against Chelsea on Saturday 7th February.

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Goodbye Oil: LPP receives $1.2 million to test clean, cheap Fusion Power

12-03-2009 13:05

Yes we can... We can stop global warming without reducing industrial output.

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Climate Camp Cops feel the heat

12-03-2009 11:25

Climate crime scene 2

The Guardian continues it's coverage of the over-policing of the 2008 Kingsnorth Climate Camp with coverage in today's paper of a Lib Dem report on policing at the camp.

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The Great Outdoors: Energy depletion.... and camping!

08-03-2009 21:49

The Great Outdoors is a initiative by The Free Range Network and Paul Mobbs on the simplest route that people have to learn how to reduce their consumption and practice the skills required for a low impact lifestyle -- living outdoors.

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Sheffield Green New Deal Conference

04-03-2009 23:16

A Green New Deal Conference was held in Sheffield on 28th Feburary 2009 -- From Global Challenges to Local Solutions.

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We Are An Image From The Future

04-03-2009 18:03

On Saturday 28h February 2009, a special event was hosted at The Common Place social centre in Leeds, UK. Arising from a need to assess the global economic crisis from a radical perspective whilst making links to local affairs, this meeting was arranged by the tentatively named "We Won't Pay For Their Crisis" group. It featured speakers from Leeds, Greece, Iceland and Italy as well as an open discussion, an authentic Greek vegan meal, screening of "The Potentiality of Storming Heaven" and performances from three of Yorkshire's finest DIY bands (original publicity material here).

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Thousands of activists shutting down coal plant in Washington, D.C.

04-03-2009 16:42

A shout out to the 12,000 green activists who are defying the coal industry and the politicians in Washington D.C. by blocking the entrance to the coal plant today! Check it out -- it's streaming live on the website! They/we are the real hope/change, not Obama!

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Environmental silver lining in economic crisis as energy demand plummets

03-03-2009 23:32

Global energy consumption dropped last year for the first time since 1983. It would be nice to think that was down to conservation efforts in attempt to mitigate against climate change but really our thanks should go to those who have bought the worlds economy to a stand still. It's interesting that the recession is currently doing more to curb green house gas emissions than any international climate change treaty has yet to manage.

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Anti-Coal Protesters Blockade Washington Power Station

03-03-2009 16:50

Thousands of demonstrators braved icy winds and snow to march on the US capitol's coal-fired power plant on Monday to demand a more sane approach to energy policy. Organized by Capitol Climate Action thousand blockade the five main gates to the Capitol Power Plant in southeast Washington, not far from Capitol Hill.

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Demand for energy falling as recession deepens

03-03-2009 12:24

Falling demand for energy and tighter margins has started to bite into the record gains made by energy companies over the last couple of years. The papers are today reporting that the Drax group shares are trading near a record low on the announcement of a small drop in profits between 2007 and 2008 while demand for electricity in the UK apparently fell 4.3% in the last quarter of 2008 and looks set to continue to fall as the recession deepens.

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Indigenous Leaders Call For End To Uranium Mining

01-03-2009 00:02

One thing nuclear power advocates (and opponents and fence-sitters) always seem to ignore is the devastating impact of uranium mining on indigenous communities worldwide, such as in Australia, North America and Niger, as well as its equally devastating ecological impacts. Now these communities are joining forces to oppose the criminal uranium mining corporations, such as 90% French-state owned crooks AREVA.

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MOX from UK / France to Japan: largest plutonium shipment ever about to set sail

28-02-2009 22:50

The two heavily armed ships, the Pacific Pintail and the Pacific Heron left
their dock at Barrow-in-Furness in north west England at 12.30pm on Friday, 27 February, 2009, bound for Cherbourg, France, where they will load up before setting sail for
Japan (unless somebody manages to stop them).

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Nuclear Waste Not Good Enough For Yucca-Nevada: Good Enough For Who? Ontario…

27-02-2009 22:33

Areva Nuclear Plant and Sunflowers
The Ontario Liberal McGuinty government, the Toronto Star newspaper, and Ontario Power Generation say nuclear power is CLEAN, GREEN AND SAFE. OPG says they are great at and very proud of their nuclear waste management. We say President Obama bring it on. We’ll take all of your lethal nuclear waste, and will split it with the Alberta Tar Sands.

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Climate suffragettes rush annual coal industry awards

27-02-2009 14:09

Direct and to the point
Another climate rush occured last night at the Landmark hotel at Marylebone. Around 100 protesters rushed into the hotel where the annual coal awards (yes, really) were meant to be taking place. In the light of the seriousness of climate change it was propably a bit of a PR own goal for the coal industry to be celebrating the dirtiest fuel on the planet. An alternative awards ceremony took place with more apropriate catagories....

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Climate Rush Landmark Coal Industry Decision

27-02-2009 00:22

Climate Rush tackled the climate criminals pathetic annual coal awards tA victory of sorts. The coal awards bailed out, cancelling the venue a couple of weeks ago fearing the attention of the climate rush and instead moved to a different venue earlier in the day.

The Landmark hotel management were less than happy about the righteous fury brought down on them by the dirty coal scum and said they'd not be accepting bookings from their ilk again.

Cops managed to arrest one bloke for not dressing the part and the suffragettes kicked arse yet again. his evening at the Landmark Hotel .

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More pain in the aviation industry

26-02-2009 08:47

Anti aviation campaigners may find they are increasingly pushing at an open door over the coming year and more as the recession bites hard into passenger numbers and aviation industry profits. The fall against of the pound against the euro and the dollar have made increasing numbers stay at home where the pound in their pocket still feels like it is worth something. Even with fuel prices under half what they were last summer and ticket prices cut to encourage custom, there are simply far less people seeing a quick overseas break as a viable option right now.

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25-02-2009 11:06

the Nutt Nukers
(AGI) - Rome, 24 Feb. - In Villa Madama prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and president Nicolas Sarkozy signed a nuclear power cooperation agreement between Italy and France. This should pave the way for the construction of at least 4 third generation Epr nuclear power stations within the next tem years. Furthermore, Enel is gaining strength on French territory. After entering into the Flamaville power station, Enel will gain an equally large stake (12.5%) in the new power station located in Penly, in Normandy. The agreement "sets the foundations for a European nuclear policy" and with it Italy and France aim to "harmonise their long term positions". Fulvio Conti and Pierre Gaddoneix then signed two memorandums of understanding between Enel and Edf.
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