Goodbye Oil: LPP receives $1.2 million to test clean, cheap Fusion Power
electricity can be cheap and clean | 12.03.2009 13:05 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Technology
Lawrenceville Plasma Physics Receives $1.2 Million to Test Hydrogen-Born Fusion
Eric Lerner's focus fusion project has received funding from The Abell Foundation and individual investors to undertake a two-year experimental project to test its scientific feasibility.
Adapted by Sterling D. Allan
Imagine a non-polluting power plant, the size of a local gas station, that would quietly and safely power 4,000 homes, for a few tenths of a penny per kilowatt-hour, compared to 4-6 cents/kw-h of coal or natural-gas-powered plants. One technician could operate two dozen of these stations remotely. The fuel, widely available, is barely spent in the clean fusion method, and would only need to be changed annually.
That is what physicist Eric Lerner envisions with his focus fusion technology in which hydrogen and boron combine into helium, while giving off tremendous amounts of energy in the process. Hydrogen-boron fuel produces almost no neutrons and allows the direct conversion of energy into electricity.
The size and power output would make it ideal for providing localized power, reducing transmission losses and large-grid vulnerabilities. The cost and reliability would make it affordable for developing nations and regions.
We first reported on Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP) Inc., a small research and development company based in West Orange, NJ, back in Nov. 2, 2005. They were the very first technology we at the New Energy Congress added to out Global Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies listing.
In December, LLP announced that they had received $1.3 million in funding for the initiation of a two-year-long experimental project to test the scientific feasibility of Focus Fusion, controlled nuclear fusion using the Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) device and hydrogen-boron fuel. The goals of the experiment are first, to confirm the achievement the high temperatures first observed in previous experiments at Texas A&M University; second, to greatly increase the efficiency of energy transfer into the tiny plasmoid where the fusion reactions take place; third, to achieve the high magnetic fields needed for the quantum magnetic field effect which will reduce cooling of the plasma by x-ray emission; and finally, to use pB11 fuel to demonstrate greater fusion energy production than energy fed into the plasma (positive net energy production).
In a phone interview on Feb. 10, Eric Lerner, President of LPP, said that they are under way, renting a facility, hiring two physicists, and ordering equipment.
The experiment will be carried out in an experimental facility in New Jersey using a newly-built dense plasma focus device capable of reaching peak currents of more than 2 mega-amps. This will be the most powerful DPF in North America and the second most powerful in the world. For the millionth of the second that the DPF will be operating during each pulse, its capacitor bank will be supplying about one third as much electricity as all electric generators in the United States.
A small team of three plasma physics will perform the experiments: Eric Lerner; Dr. XinPei Lu and Dr. Krupakar Murali Subramanian. Mr. Lerner has been involved in the development of Focus Fusion for over 20 years. Dr. Lu is currently Professor of Physics at HuaZhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Wuhan, China, where he received his PhD in 2001. He has been working in the field of pulsed plasmas for over 14 years and is the inventor of an atmospheric-pressure cold plasma jet. Dr. Subramanian is currently Senior Research Scientist, AtmoPla Dept., and BTU International Inc., in N. Billerica, Massachusetts. He worked for five years on the advanced-fuel Inertial Electrostatic Confinement device at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he received his PhD in 2004 and where he invented new plasma diagnostic instruments.
To help in the design of the capacitor bank, LPP has hired for two months a leading expert in DPF design and experiment, Dr. John Thompson. Dr. Thompson has worked for over twenty years with Maxwell Laboratories and Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation to develop pulsed power devices, including DPFs and diamond switches.
The $1.2 million for the project has been provided by a $500,000 investment from The Abell Foundation, Inc, of Baltimore Maryland and additional investments from a small number of individuals.
The basic technology of LPP’s approach is covered by a patent application, which was allowed in full by the US Patent Office in November. LPP expects the patent to be issued shortly.
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* Dec. 18, 2009 LLP Press Release
* Feb. 10, 2009 phone interview with Eric Lerner, President of LPP by Sterling D. Allan
Eric Lerner's focus fusion project has received funding from The Abell Foundation and individual investors to undertake a two-year experimental project to test its scientific feasibility.
Adapted by Sterling D. Allan
Imagine a non-polluting power plant, the size of a local gas station, that would quietly and safely power 4,000 homes, for a few tenths of a penny per kilowatt-hour, compared to 4-6 cents/kw-h of coal or natural-gas-powered plants. One technician could operate two dozen of these stations remotely. The fuel, widely available, is barely spent in the clean fusion method, and would only need to be changed annually.
That is what physicist Eric Lerner envisions with his focus fusion technology in which hydrogen and boron combine into helium, while giving off tremendous amounts of energy in the process. Hydrogen-boron fuel produces almost no neutrons and allows the direct conversion of energy into electricity.
The size and power output would make it ideal for providing localized power, reducing transmission losses and large-grid vulnerabilities. The cost and reliability would make it affordable for developing nations and regions.
We first reported on Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP) Inc., a small research and development company based in West Orange, NJ, back in Nov. 2, 2005. They were the very first technology we at the New Energy Congress added to out Global Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies listing.
In December, LLP announced that they had received $1.3 million in funding for the initiation of a two-year-long experimental project to test the scientific feasibility of Focus Fusion, controlled nuclear fusion using the Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) device and hydrogen-boron fuel. The goals of the experiment are first, to confirm the achievement the high temperatures first observed in previous experiments at Texas A&M University; second, to greatly increase the efficiency of energy transfer into the tiny plasmoid where the fusion reactions take place; third, to achieve the high magnetic fields needed for the quantum magnetic field effect which will reduce cooling of the plasma by x-ray emission; and finally, to use pB11 fuel to demonstrate greater fusion energy production than energy fed into the plasma (positive net energy production).
In a phone interview on Feb. 10, Eric Lerner, President of LPP, said that they are under way, renting a facility, hiring two physicists, and ordering equipment.
The experiment will be carried out in an experimental facility in New Jersey using a newly-built dense plasma focus device capable of reaching peak currents of more than 2 mega-amps. This will be the most powerful DPF in North America and the second most powerful in the world. For the millionth of the second that the DPF will be operating during each pulse, its capacitor bank will be supplying about one third as much electricity as all electric generators in the United States.
A small team of three plasma physics will perform the experiments: Eric Lerner; Dr. XinPei Lu and Dr. Krupakar Murali Subramanian. Mr. Lerner has been involved in the development of Focus Fusion for over 20 years. Dr. Lu is currently Professor of Physics at HuaZhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Wuhan, China, where he received his PhD in 2001. He has been working in the field of pulsed plasmas for over 14 years and is the inventor of an atmospheric-pressure cold plasma jet. Dr. Subramanian is currently Senior Research Scientist, AtmoPla Dept., and BTU International Inc., in N. Billerica, Massachusetts. He worked for five years on the advanced-fuel Inertial Electrostatic Confinement device at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he received his PhD in 2004 and where he invented new plasma diagnostic instruments.
To help in the design of the capacitor bank, LPP has hired for two months a leading expert in DPF design and experiment, Dr. John Thompson. Dr. Thompson has worked for over twenty years with Maxwell Laboratories and Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation to develop pulsed power devices, including DPFs and diamond switches.
The $1.2 million for the project has been provided by a $500,000 investment from The Abell Foundation, Inc, of Baltimore Maryland and additional investments from a small number of individuals.
The basic technology of LPP’s approach is covered by a patent application, which was allowed in full by the US Patent Office in November. LPP expects the patent to be issued shortly.
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* Dec. 18, 2009 LLP Press Release
* Feb. 10, 2009 phone interview with Eric Lerner, President of LPP by Sterling D. Allan

electricity can be cheap and clean
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