UK Energy Crisis Newswire Archive
A Request to Eric, Stop the Planning Process for new UK Coal sites
07-04-2014 07:03
The Loose Anti Opencast Network (LAON) has written to Eric Pickles asking him to impose a moratorium on processing new planning applications submitted by UK Coal. This is because there is a major risk of environmental damage being caused it these planning applications are approved, because of the financial state of UK Coal. the article contains both the letter to Eric Pickles and the Press Release, which was released at the same time as the letter.Frack Free Upton (Chester). Call-out for support at New Protection Camp
06-04-2014 08:13

In the early hours of Saturday morning, a group of people committed to protecting the environment from extreme energy extraction set up camp on Duttons Lane, Upton, near Chester in the field where Dart Energy plans to test drill for coal bed methane. The original planning permission for test drilling expired last year, but Dart took steps to renew it and looks set to attempt test drilling here. Our job is to stop them. For more on the growing resistance to Dart Energy's activities in the Welsh and English Marches, Nottingham, Falkirk... see these previous articles [ 1 | 2 | 3 ].
Solidarity, support and supplies needed. The Camp is about halfway along Duttons Lane, Upton, a turning off the A41, and the council seems to have just erected a new street sign to help you find it. Postcode is CH2 2PE.
Are We Heading for an Environmental Crisis if UK Coal go Bust?
04-04-2014 04:56
If UK Coal go bust, the following six surface mine sites may be mothballed or abandoned, leaving them as un-restored and environmental scares on the local landscape: Butterwell, (Nr Morpeth, Northumberland) Huntington Lane, (Telford) Park Wall North,(Nr Crook, Co Durham) Potland Burn,(Nr Ashington , Norhtumberland) Lodgre House (Nr Ilkeston, Derbyshire) and Minorca (Nr Measham Leicestershire)RAPID COLLAPSE
03-04-2014 16:55
Would you believe everything from food to power to gasoline could disappear in just a matter of weeks? From Ireland, David Korowicz explains how. Radio Ecoshock 140402.Waking up to Fracking and Associated Evils in Wrexham and Everywhere
31-03-2014 15:24

Fracking and its associated evils hadn't exactly escaped my attention, but it's only these past two weeks - with test drilling for coal bed methane happening 10 miles from my home - that I've made time to find out more and join in the resistance. This article is a summary of a few things I've learned, plus links, hopefully useful for anyone else in a similar position. I know it's not comprehensive - use it as a starting point. There are numerous extreme energy sites and potential sites around the country that all need our attention and resistance.
No Fracking in Farndon: Photo Report 2 - Protection Camp established
19-03-2014 18:02

Photos from last Sunday's Frack Off event at Farndon where Dart Energy is drilling for coal bed methane. Before the end of the day, a camp had been established on the grass verge near the site gates.
Beware! Drilling for coal bed methane, shale gas and other extreme energy exploration may well be coming to a site near you very soon. More on the Farndon events in this earlier report and photos.
No Fracking in Farndon: Photo report 1 - on the verge.
16-03-2014 20:27

Over 200 people converged today on the site of Dart Energy's exploratory drilling for coal bed methane (CBM)at Kingsmarsh near the village of Farndon on the English/Welsh border. Some have stayed (see camp requirements below). As well as locals from Farndon and neighbouring villages, people came from all over including Wrexham, Chester, Deeside, Wirral, Liverpool, Fylde and a large contingent from Manchester and the Barton Moss Protection Camp where a stay of eviction pending an appeal hearing has just been secured until at least 26 March. More on the Farndon site here and here.
These first photos show a few of us converging on the verge on our way to the event, billed as Fight the Frack, and doing a bit of outreach to passing motorists on the A534. More pictures of the main event to follow.
Chester & Wrexham Frack Off News: Today at Dart Energy's Drilling Rig in Farndon
14-03-2014 20:10

I thought I'd take a trip to Rowley Hill, Kingsmarsh, Farndon today, to check out and take a few photos of the site where Dart Energy is now drilling with a view to exploiting coal bed methane reserves, one of three sites in the immediate local area. Dart is experiencing fierce resistance to its extreme energy operations across the globe and is not doing well, reporting a loss of $32.7 million in the six months to December 2013, compared with a loss of $11.4 million for 2012.
This Sunday, 16 March from 1-5pm, there's a national demonstration at the site so I thought it might be useful to get an idea of how the land lies beforehand.
Rising Tide blockaded Shell garage last night in memory of fellow activist
14-03-2014 17:45

They were joined by Rhythms of Resistance samba band, with whom Val played for many years, even in a wheelchair just a few months before she passed away.
Fight the Frack: Protest this Sunday at Farndon, near Wrexham & Chester
12-03-2014 17:10

FIGHT THE FRACK! is an opportunity to head Dart Energy of at the pass. They are drilling in Farndon (Mill House Lane - CH3 6NF) and have 3 additional sites ready to be drilled in the Cheshire/Wrexham area and one in Nottinghamshire. This is a chance to make it clear to Dart that they are unwanted here or anywhere. The time to act is now.
Public meetings in Bristol & Avonmouth about new Biomass Power Station
09-03-2014 21:50

Wave of UK protests to mark anniversary of Fukuhima disaster
09-03-2014 10:28

Vote for the Biggest Biomass Baddie! Take part in the Biomess Awards ceremony!
03-03-2014 12:37

Biomess Awards: Vote and Alternative Awards Ceremony
25-02-2014 11:46
On 9th/10th April, the biggest corporates in the European biomass industry will be meeting for a conference in London. On the evening of the 9th, they will be treating themselves to a gala dinner and awards ceremony. Join us in showing contempt for this celebration of the profits of a few at the expense of many, by participating in our Alternative Awards Ceremony - and vote for the Biggest Biomass Baddie beforehand.The Merkel´s Actually Not So Sustainable Energy Scam
25-02-2014 11:39

URGENT CALL OUT: Defend the Barton Moss Camp - Oppose the iGas Convoys
19-02-2014 17:46
Friday, 21 February 2014 09:00Frack Free Greater Manchester have issued an urgent call out for support for the Barton Moss Community Protection Camp this Friday morning.
Earth First! Winter Moot 7-9 March 2014
16-02-2014 19:30
A weekend gathering for people involved or want to know more about ecological direct action around the UK including fighting opencast coal, fracking, GM, nuclear power, new road building and quarries with discussions and campaign planning - emphasis on the tactics and strategies, community solidarity and sustainable activism.Follow the Yellow Brick Footpath
16-02-2014 16:24

Police violence reared its ugly head again at Barton Moss
16-02-2014 15:02

Police violence reared its ugly head again at Barton Moss with one protector being arrested and dragged by their handcuffs whilst reportedly having a seizure. Luckily no bones were broken but they were left with severe bruising and required a trip to hospital.
The Dutch Weed Burger: Vegan Fast Superfood
03-02-2014 21:31