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UK Energy Crisis Newswire Archive

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Nuclear Power - the Great Debate

06-05-2011 18:04

Thursday 12th May, 7.00pm

Room VIII, Vernon Square Campus of SOAS (please note NOT the main campus), off Penton Rise near Kings Cross station/tube.

Join us in a debate on the proposition: "Nuclear Power has no place in the fight against Climate Change: it is simply a diversion which leads us away from the real answer, renewable energy".

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Other Possible Worlds?

05-05-2011 14:12

Workshop :: Medellín :: Colombia :: Recent years have been marked by multiple crises -- of an economic, social, political and environmental nature. It is quite clear that the neoliberal model, based on fossil energy and consumerism, has reached its limits. Against this background it is more than reasonable to consider social and economic alternatives.

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War on Terror Re-alignment. Part 2.

05-05-2011 11:51

Re-aligning the War on Terror.
These are images which are currently circulating on the web from the Reuters News Agency. The images were taken by by a Pakistani Security official claimed by Reuters to be dated around an hour after the claimed raid by US military at the building in Abbottabad, Northern Pakistan.

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Osama Bin Laden Death Evidence

04-05-2011 14:41

Bin Laden and Barack Obama.
After three days in which public interest in this story has been built by all known media outlets, the Whitehouse, its dependents and partners, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon, US President Barack Obama spokespersons have finally revealed that images clearly identifying Osama Bin Laden as the male claimed by the US President to have been killed are to be released.

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Osama Bin Laden dead...and other political matchsticks!

02-05-2011 09:37

The US President Barack Obama has last night issued a statement claiming US special forces have found and killed the so-called leader of a group the US has long claimed to be called Al Qaida. Al Qaida are claimed by the US to be responsible for the atrocity carried out in New York on September 11th 2001.

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28-04-2011 18:27

Can we believe the Japanese on Fukushima dangers? Could another big wave of radiation hit North America, Europe? A reactor by reactor report. What happened to spent fuel pool #3? Will pool #4 collapse? Why is reactor #1 out of control right now? Plus geopolitics and your own preparation. The under-reported stories from Radio Ecoshock - 110429 Show 1 hour.

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Fukushima Fact & Fantasy

28-04-2011 18:09

Wild Net conspiracy theories about Fukushima. Science abused to frighten people (those "maps" were projections that didn't happen say original scientists in Norway & Cologne). America accused by HAARP believers. Japan may have nuclear weapons. Alex Smith investigates. 24 minutes.

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Chester remembers Chernobyl - 25 years on

26-04-2011 22:58

Anti-nuclear activists from Cheshire and Wrexham marked the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster today with a stall at the Cross in Chester. Information on the stall included leaflets about Chernobyl, nuclear power generally, government plans for the geological disposal (burying in the ground) of nuclear waste and the links between the civilian nuclear power industry and the military use of nuclear technology, which takes the form of indiscriminate weapons of mass destruction, a threat to the existence of all life on this planet.

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Anti-nuclear camp / Chernobyl 25th anniversary at Sizewell - pics

26-04-2011 11:42

The Stop Nuclear Power Network staged a four-day anti-nuclear camp on the beach beside Sizewell nuclear power station in Suffolk, eastern England from 22-25 April 2011. Campers marked the 25th anniversary of Chernobyl, the world's worst ever nuclear accident, on 26 April 1986, and sent out a clear message: 'No' to nuclear greenwash, 'Yes' to sustainable alternatives.

More images here:

All images Copyright (c) 2011 Stop Nuclear Power Network. They may be reproduced free of charge if credited to Stop Nuclear Power Network. For high resolution versions, please e-mail.

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Emergency Demo: Action on Climate Change is not "Red Tape"

20-04-2011 20:10

Urgent Demonstration outside the Department of Business, Skills and Innovation, Victoria Street (Westminster or St. James’s Park tube).

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UG#544 - Living Arrangements Beyond Nation States

20-04-2011 10:00

We look at the past present and future of the US city, against a backdrop of peak oil. We begin with an interview with James Howard Kunstler on the development of urban design in the 20th century. Then Jeff Tomlin speaks on Alive Transportation, Fitness, Safety, Community and Trust. We conclude with Jeff Vail on transitioning away from hierarchies such as nation states towards "scale free self-sufficiency".

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UK Coal PLC - It's level of debt keeps growing

19-04-2011 14:16

The Minorca Opencast Protest Group, in it's latest press release, again makes clear the need for a Banker's Guarantee to cover the proposed community benefits in case Leicestershire County Council grant planning permission for an opencast mine on the Minorca site in Leicestershire. This is because the company concerned has slipped even further into debt.

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BP Flash Mob Video

18-04-2011 17:32

Check it out ...

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Ratcliffe protesters encouraged to appeal

18-04-2011 13:19

The 20 protesters convicted of 'conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass' at the Ratcliffe power station are being invited to appeal because of Mark Kennedy's involvement (link below).

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Anti-nuclear campaigners set for weekend of seaside action

18-04-2011 11:55

Sizewell Camp 2010 (Stop Nuclear Power Network)
Campaigners from the national Stop Nuclear Power Network are planning a packed programme of activities at Sizewell over the Easter weekend (22-25 April). (1).

The annual beach camp beside the nuclear power station in Suffolk, England, now into its third year, will have added significance this year due to the unfolding disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan, and because it marks 25 years since the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in the Ukraine. (2)

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Flash Mob Photos

17-04-2011 18:55

Couple of photo sets from today are here:

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Synchronise Watches …

15-04-2011 18:03

This Sunday, the 17th April, is the BP FLASH MOB inside the Tate Modern (Sponsored by BP).

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Fukushima: Nuclear Mutiny

13-04-2011 20:46

Fukushima accident now Chernobyl-style Level 7. Analysis of risk & radiation by Arnie Gundersen, industry insider & whistleblower. Chat w. Calif. activist Ace Hoffman. Our milk, food, water hit. Lots of news clips you never hear. Plus corporate & political intrigue in Tokyo as "disaster capitalism" kicks in.

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BP Flash Mob

11-04-2011 18:09

Sunday 17 April 2011, 2PM at Tate Modern, Bankside, London, SE1 9TG

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Wind and wave farms could affect Earth's energy balance

11-04-2011 10:48

"Studies] yield maximum estimates in the range of 17–38 TW and are notably less than recent estimates that claim abundant wind power availability. Furthermore, we show with the climate model simulations that the climatic effects at maximum wind power extraction are similar in magnitude to those associated with a doubling of atmospheric CO2. " - Miller, Gans and Kleidon (2011): "Estimating maximum global land surface wind power extractability and associated climatic consequences"