UK Energy Crisis Newswire Archive
Anti Shell, Greenwash Flash MOB
29-02-2012 22:26
Anti Shell/Greenwash action tomorrow evening 1st March 5pmFree the Climate Scientists!
29-02-2012 18:51

Hinkley Barnstormers need you!!
24-02-2012 17:28

Woman Covered in Oil at Waitrose in Protest over Shell
23-02-2012 16:11

Hinkley C ~ Site Occupation
21-02-2012 19:08
Hinkley C ~ Site
This film gives an account of the first few days of the occupation of Langborough Farm on the site of one of the proposed 'new wave' of Nuclear Reactors, at ...

EDF Energy seeks high court injunction against protestors
20-02-2012 00:34

For immediate release Feb 18th
Nuclear energy company EDF today served papers on activists occupying a farm on the proposed site for nuclear new build at Hinkley Point in Somerset. The papers, served by Squire Sanders of London, are applying for possession of the premises and, in an unprecedented move, an injunction against all future protests at this site: this includes any protests by other local residents, such as campaign group Stop Hinkley.
Fracking Survey Plane in the skies over the North Coast
19-02-2012 23:54
The prospect of fracking in the North Coast comes one step closer. Join the No To Fracking campaign!Anti-nuclear protesters occupy Hinkley Point
19-02-2012 14:38

Hinkley Point Barnstormers - Occupiers aim to stop EDF land trash
16-02-2012 15:10

"This film gives an account of the first few days of the occupation of Langborough Farm on the site of one of the proposed 'new wave' of Nuclear Reactors, at Hinkley point in Somerset. The activists took occupancy in the early hours of Sunday the 12th of February and are settling in to their new home and community."
Check out this great vid of the opening days of the occupation:

Farmhouse squatted to defend land from EDF Energy's bulldozers
14-02-2012 15:09

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Directions to the new camp at Hinkley Point power station
13-02-2012 15:15

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Fracking - The Rest of the Story
08-02-2012 19:58

Troubled Over Bridgwater
07-02-2012 17:27

Three anti-nuclear activists have occupied trees at the site of a proposed nuclear power station near Bridgwater in Somerset
Report of the Fuel Poverty Action Warm-Ups Weekend across the UK
05-02-2012 20:03
Friday 27th – Monday 30th January saw hundreds of people in cities across the country come out of their cold homes to Warm-up together at the buildings and offices that house those responsible for fuel poverty. People warmed-up at the offices of the energy companies raking in record profits from the thousands of people in the UK that die from fuel poverty, and the hundreds of thousands worldwide that die from climate change. The weekend also saw Warm-ups at local council offices and town halls, which house the local governments that are failing to take action to rectify the shameful state of the UK’s housing and insulation, and are implementing welfare cuts that are making the bills bite even harder this Winter, leaving millions with a choice between heating and eating.The Warm-ups are just the beginning. Fuel Poverty Action will be continuing to challenge the Big Six’s monopoly and the government’s complicity, and keeping up the push for an energy system that works for people’s needs, not corporate greed. Plans are already afoot for a day of mass action against the Big Six in May. If you'd like to be involved in planning for this, then come to the planning meeting in Oxford on Saturday February 18th. (Turl St Kitchen (upstairs), 16-17 Turl Street, Oxford, OX1 3DH, 10am – 4pm).
For more information and updates about Fuel Poverty Action, check our website (, follow us on Twitter @FuelPovAction and find us on Facebook (

Occupy Oil
05-02-2012 14:11

Forever Planting (for Peak Oil & Climate Change)
01-02-2012 05:08

Fuel protesters storm British Gas headquarters
30-01-2012 10:46
A group of activists has successfully evaded security and got inside the headquarters of British Gas.Nuclear energy fat cats EDF Energy targeted for fuel poverty days of action
28-01-2012 09:03

Do you want to help stop the world’s most destructive project?
27-01-2012 17:15

Oil to Occupy: The Restless West Coast
25-01-2012 06:25