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<< Page 16 | Page 14>>Photos from the Decommissioners trial

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EDO/ITT Decommissioners: photos

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Hammer time: EDO decommissioners victory demo!
There will be a victory demo to celebrate the EDO decommissioners' acquittal this Monday (the 5th) from 12 noon outside EDO/ITT on Home Farm Road, Brighton.[Full Story ]
EDO decommissioners victory complete!
Smash EDOPress Release
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Another EDO decommissioners trial update
The jury went out in the EDO decommissioners trial this morrning.[Full Story ]
EDO Decommissioners' verdict getting closer!
Just a short update and some reminders...The EDO decommissioners' trial is now almost over with only a few closing speeches to go! Although exact time frames are hard to predict, we are currently expecting the jury to retire on Tuesday the 29th. It could then take them anything between a few hours and several days to reach a verdict. If you can, please come along and show the defendants some support!
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EDO decommissioners trial update and verdict date demo
A short update from the decommissioners trial and verdict date demo info.[Full Story ]
EDO Decommissioners Round 2.
The defence get their first victory under their belt as one defendant gets their case dropped at the beginning of the week, followed by the start of the defence case with Decommissioners Ornella Saibene and Robert Nicholls taking the stand along with character references for each.[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Smashingly good start at Decommissioners trial.
As the Decommissioners trial in Hove Crown Court enters its second week one of the defendants had their case dropped due to insufficient evidence provided by the prosecution. Back of the net. So thats one down... eight to go.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Smash EDO events for the next week
Support is needed for the decommissioners during next week as the trial finally kicks off. Come along if you can.[Full Story ]
Callout for solidarity with the EDO defendants during the trial
Support the decommissioners!www.smashedo.org.uk
General enquiries: 07538093930

Press: 07526557436

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Demo to Support the Flotilla at EDO/ITT,suppliers to the Israeli navy, Tommorrow
A flotilla carrying aid and international activists to Gaza was attacked in international waters on Monday and up to twenty people were killed. The ship was intercepted illegally and taken to Ashdod where its crew are being detained. Another ship, the Rachel Corrie, is still en route towards Gaza[Full Story ]
Support the Decommissioners Public Meeting
Public MeetingSaturday 5th June
5.30-8pm, Community Base, Queen's Road, Brighton
Support the Decommissioners Public Meeting
On 17th January 2009, as Israeli bombs rained down on Gaza, six people
broke into the EDO factory in Brighton and decommissioned the
production line damaging their capability to make weapons to be used
against Gazan civilians.
At this public meeting, just two days before the start of the
decommissioners trial, where they will argue that their actions were
justified, we will discuss EDO's complicity in war crimes worldwide.
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Decommissioners trial postponed until June 7th
plus upcoming Smashing events...[Full Story ]
Smash EDO - Target Barclays Picket 11am Saturday
see www.smashedo.org.uk/target-barclays.html[Full Story ]
Dissident Island Radio Tonight - May 7th

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Reminder - Bad Music Demo at EDO/ITT Today 4pm
see www.smashedo.org.uk[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Update - Support the Decommissioners and more
see www.smashedo.org.uk[Full Story ]
US soldier in collateral murder video speaks out against war
soldier who saved kids in wikiLeaks massacre video condemns war[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Audio of Smash EDO/Bernardine Dohrn Tel Aviv meeting
Here are two audio recordings from people in Tel Aviv and International Indymedia. Please post and pass these on. They are not to be used for profit![Full Story | 1 comment ]