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<< Page 13 | Page 11>>Tunbridge Wells picket against Barclays
Activists in Tunbridge Wells Puckett Barclays in support of SnashEDO day of action[Full Story ]
Leafletters Target Barclays in Hastings
Hastings Against the War leafletted their local branch of Barclays this Saturday in support of the Target Barclays day of action.actions have, so far, taken place in:
Cambridge - /en/2009/11/442521.html
Brighton - /en/2009/11/442445.html
Wrexham - /en/2009/11/442394.html
Falmouth - /en/2009/11/442538.html
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Leafletters Target Barclays in Falmouth
Kernow Action Now (KAN) leafletted the Falmouth branch of Barclays this Saturday in support of the Target Barclays day of action.Several cops turned up (apparently a rare occurrence in Falmouth) and cops were also posted outside Barclays' Truro branch
Read KAN's statement on the Target Barclays campaign here -

actions have, so far, taken place in:
Cambridge -

Brighton -

Wrexham -

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Smash EDO - Brighton Target Barclays launch Demo Pics

On the 28th a large demonstration was held in Brighton outside the bank's North Street branch, a letter was handed in to the branch manager, thousands of leaflets were given out and two Barclays customers, after reading the leaflet, told picketers that they would close their accounts. A Barclays spokesperson, speaking to the Brighton Argus, said “Barclays Group provides financial services to the defence sector within a specific policy framework." One can only guess that framework is to generate as much profit as possible for themselves
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Target Baclays Action in Cambridge

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Press Release - Smash EDO Launches Anti-Barclays Campaign
Press Release26th November 2009
Contact: Chloe Marsh or Andrew Beckett for further details
Tel: 07754135290, E mail:

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Smash EDO Events Update
Here comes your sporadic campaign update. In this email-New campaign started against Barclays
-Remember Gaza Smash EDO mass demo
-Council Petition
-Fundraiser at Hector's House
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Decommisioners Court Case adjourned til next year
see www.smashedo.org.uk for details[Full Story | 2 comments ]
UN Report Finds War Crimes In Operation Cast Lead
xxxxxxxxxx UN Fact Finding Mission finds strong evidence
of war crimes and crimes against humanity
committed during the Gaza conflict;
calls for end to impunity
15 September 2009
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SMASH EDO: Petition and week of events
After a rare week off from the noise demos to focus on the DSEi arms fair Smash EDO will be back outside EDO as usual for weekly noise demos on Wednesday between 4 and 6pm. Come along!In the meantime, there has been a petition set up for the Foreign Office demo to demand an end to arms exports to Israel. Please support the decommissioners' actions by signing it and circulate widely. To add your signature go to

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DSEi dinner moved to the Park Lane Hilton
see previous post at
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The DSEi dinner is at the Dorchester Hotel tonight - Come and Make Some Noise
the DSEi dinner (see -
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Smash EDO Weekly nose demo cancelled due to DSEi
Smash EDO have a week off![Full Story ]
ITT Supports Sabotage, Direct Action, and CIA/Blackwater Death Squads
Between 2000 and 2008 ITT was awarded support contracts with US Special Operations Command worth $147,167,316.00By working for SOCOM, ITT shows its support for their mission of overseeing the United States Special Forces involved in clandestine and covert actions including top secret CIA assassination missions illegal under international law.
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EDO MBM Component Used To Commit Another NATO War Crime
Germany's worst atrocity since WW2 used EDO MBM components made in Brighton.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Pic of Smash EDO, Smash DSEi demo

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DSEi open meeting in Brighton on Friday
As you may know by now the world's largest arms fair, DSEi, returns to London next week. If you are in Brighton and are thinking of coming up to DSEi, or just want to know more, why not come along to the Disarm DSEi public meeting?It will be held this Friday (4th) at 5.30pm in the Cowley Club back building, 12 London Road, Brighton. All welcome.
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DSEi warm-up demo at EDO tomorrow
The noise demo at EDO tomorrow (4-6) will have a DSEi theme in preparation for the London demos next week.Monday September 7th - ITT are organising a conference at the QE2 conference centre for the delegates at the DSEi arms fair. We'll be there to make some noise from 9am.
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