By working for SOCOM, ITT shows its support for their mission of overseeing the United States Special Forces involved in clandestine and covert actions including top secret CIA assassination missions illegal under international law.
U.S. Army Special Operations Command was established Dec. 1, 1989, by the Department of the Army at Fort Bragg, N.C., as a Army Service Component Command to enhance the readiness of SOF.
USASOC commands and controls two component subordinate commands, and four component subordinate units, which in turn train and maintain forces for deployment by USSOCOM to combatant command theaters worldwide.
USASOC’s two component subordinate commands are U.S. Army Special Forces Command (Airborne), and the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, both headquartered at Fort Bragg, N.C.
The mission of the Special Forces groups is to plan, prepare for, and when directed, deploy to conduct unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance and direct actions in support of U.S. national policy objectives within designated areas of responsibility.
The units continually train to conduct unconventional warfare in any of its forms — guerrilla warfare, subversion and sabotage. The Soldiers are also trained in direct-action operations and special reconnaissance.
Approximately 1,400 Soldiers are assigned to each group. The 12-man “A” Team is the key operating element of the Special Forces group.
CIA Special Activities Division (SAD) / Special Operations Group
The Special Activities Division (SAD) is the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) covert paramilitary operations unit. They are one of America's most secretive and lowest profile special ops organizations.
The Special Activities Division, sometimes referred to as the 'Special Operations Group', is made up of Paramilitary Operations Officers. CIA Paramilitaries are typically ex-military personnel and veterans of military special operations units such as the Green Berets or Marine Force Recon. SAD also recruits from within the Agency. Regardless of background, SAD operators undergo extensive specialized training.
Special Activities Division typically carry out deniable covert operations on foreign soil. CIA Special Operations Group Paramilitiaries are trained in
•personnel and material recovery
•bomb damage assessment
•hostage resuce
•counter terrorism
Special Activities Division - Organization
Part of the CIA's National Cladestine Service, the Special Activities Division is thought to include around 150 paramilitaries, pilots and other specialists. When deployed to the field, they typically operate in 6 man or fewer teams, with many a mission carried out by a solo SAD operative. CIA Special Operations Group Paramilitaries often work on joint operations alongside Delta, DevGru, Special Forces etc.
SAD is organized into several sections:
•Ground Branch
SAD Ground Branch operatives are experts in field craft, surveillance, small arms, hostage rescue, CQB and advanced driving. Many former Army Special Forces soldiers and Delta Force operators find their way into Ground Branch.
•Maritime Branch
As the name suggests, SAD Maritime Branch's focus is on amphibious operations and as such tends to recruit ex SEALs and Force Recon Marines as its operators.
Report: Blackwater Involved in CIA Drone Program
The New York Times, meanwhile, has revealed the private military firm Blackwater has played a major role in the US drone attack program. The CIA has used Blackwater contractors to assemble and load missiles and bombs on remotely piloted Predator aircraft. The CIA drone attacks have targeted al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders, but the vast majority of its casualties have been civilian. The New York Times says Blackwater is not involved in selecting or firing on targets. But its work in loading the munitions has been criticized as faulty when bombs have radically missed their targets. Some of the drones were operated out of a newly disclosed US air base in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. The US began using the base out of concern it would be forced out of Pakistan. The news comes one day after the New York Times also revealed Blackwater was hired for the secret CIA program to assassinate terrorist suspects. On Thursday, Senate Intelligence Committee chair Dianne Feinstein said the CIA’s failure to brief Congress on the program marked “a violation of law.”
ITT manufacture the BRU-71A bomb rack used on Predator B/Reaper Drones used by CIA/Blackwater/Special Forces in these covert assassination missions
EDO MBM in Brighton manufacture the LT450 rugged laptop computer reportedly used by US Special forces.

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‘Customers "Decide" we "Provide"