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<< Page 20 | Page 18>>Smash EDO: This week's noise demo cancelled -support the N30 strikers
This week's Wednesday noise demo will be cancelled. We hope that everyone will be out on the streets in support of the November 30th strikers instead.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Talk at Occupy Sheffield

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Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance 2012
Join us for a summer of resistance against Brighton's very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!How to get involved:
1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign
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Smash EDO: RIP Mark Rivers
Long term Smash EDO campaigner Mark Rivers tragically died in a fire athis flat in Brighton in the early morning on Sunday, 6th of November at
the age of 51.
A big noise demo in Mark's honour will be announced shortly.
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RIP Mark Rivers

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Smash EDO: Halloween noise demo Wed 26th
The traditional Smash EDO Halloween noise demo returns to the gates of EDO/ITT tomorrow, Wednesday the 26th of October, 4-6.[Full Story ]
Disrupt the arms dealers dinner tonight
The delegates at the DSEi arms fair are having their get together this evening[Full Story ]
Smash EDO's Gaza noise demo
There was a loud noise demo outside EDO/ITT this morning in response to the ongoing attacks on Gaza.EDO make components for the F16s used by Israel.
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Emergency noised demo at EDO today at 11am
Join us for an emergency noise demo outside EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton in response to the current Israeli attacks on Gaza[Full Story ]
Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance 2012
A summer of antics and opposition to Brighton's very own peddlers ofdeath. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!
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Reminder: Noise demo for Simon Levin at EDO today
There will be a special noise demo in honour of friend and Smash EDO activist Simon Levin today (Wednesday 13th of July) at EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton 4-6pm.[Full Story ]
Special noise demo for Simon Levin at EDO tomorrow
There will be a special noise demo in honour of friend and Smash EDO activist Simon Levin this Wednesday (13th of July) at EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton 4-6pm.[Full Story ]
Cyber Security a matter for MoD

"We face today the war of the invisible enemy.
That is why the United Kingdom is mainstreaming cyber security across all parts of Government at home, and why cyber security is regularly high on the agenda in discussions we have with partners in this region"
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Liam Fox on 'Official' visit to Sri Lanka

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RIP Simon Levin - EDO Decommissioner

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Arms Factory Attacked
A group of pixies attacked Brighton arms factory EDO MBM in the early hours of Friday 27th May.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
cyber kettles and network analysis
In the world of police intelligence analysis the use of the social sciences of network analysis has been digitalised with powerful software such as i2 Analyst Notebook.This is not a promotional article for this software. You can't afford to buy it.But you should know how it works.
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86 year old EDO Protester to sue police over secret database
from tomorrows Guardian[Full Story | 4 comments ]
How to find out the location of Brighton Mayday
Just to clear up any confusion- Brighton May Day is on 30th April, not officially of course just the protest. Start location will be announced shortly before on here, Facebook and Twitter. If you can’t get to a computer call 07950 889281 after 1130am and a message will tell you, don’t leave messages or text it, cause no one will get back to you. Alternatively go on the critical mass bike ride, which will form up on the Level at 1030am.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Press Release - Mayday Mass Party and Protest in Brighton - Saturday 30th April
While bankers are rewarding themselves with taxpayer funded bonuses and the royals are forcing us to pay for their weddings, ordinary people are facing an attack on their lives, massive cuts to jobs, benefits and the services they rely on. In response to this, on Saturday 30th April, people will gather at an undisclosed Brighton location to celebrate May Day, a day to stand up for workers' rights and resist oppression, capitalism and the elites who benefit from them.A critical mass bike ride will be held at 10.30am at The Level.
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