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<< Page 5 | Page 3>>3rd Raytheon Rooftop Protest Bristol

We just Love on the roof tops in Bristol!
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A privatised police force, just for us…?

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East Timor Action Network Opposes ex-EDO Corp Director as new US Intel Chief
ETAN Urges Obama Against Appointment Of BlairSaturday, 6 December 2008, 11:04 am
Press Release: The East Timor Action Network ETAN
ETAN Urges President-elect Obama Not to Appoint Adm. Blair Director of National Intelligence
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New interactive online map reveals the extent of police brutality during protest
Sussex students arrested under anti-terrorism laws - Disabled student held in custody for 7 hours and denied access to doctor - Police set dogs on peaceful protesters[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Dyncorp found guilty by jury of racism in Iraq contracts.
The massive US military contractor has been found to have discriminated against an african-american run corporation over contracts in iraq.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Press Release - Police drop claims of a 'Riot' at Arms Factory
24th November 2008[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Sussex Uni students vote to oust military from students union
Yesterday, students at the students union agm voted to support a motion to withdraw support for all military funded bodies.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Smash EDO Press Release - CPS discontinue oppressive prosecution
Smash EDO Press Release6/11/2008
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police arrest edo activist at home
Hampshire police have taken one of the activists arrested at the first edo demo on june 4th into custody for further questioning they arrived at the house on behalf of sussex police and arrested the activist for violent disorder, the activist was arrested at the first edo demo and has been on bail since for conspiracy to commit criminal damage, conspiracy to commit aggrevated tresspass and breach of s14.[Full Story ]
Raytheon in Bristol Blockaded
yes, with only two rooftop occupations, a noise demo and about twenty arrests in the last 3 weeks, it was time they pulled their finger out![Full Story ]
Smash EDO Fundraising Sunday Roast - Nov 2nd
www.smashedo.org.uk[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Message from Smash EDO - thanks to all those who cam to Shut ITT//Halloween Demo
the Shut ITT demonstration was held last Wednesday in Brighton...[Full Story ]
Smash ITT demo. The first bit (in pictures).


The Smash EDO/MBM/ITT campaign called another march in Brighton.
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Smash ITT. The middle bit (in pictures).

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Smash ITT. The end bit (in pictures).

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Photos from Shut ITT

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Smash EDO - a fitwatchers perspective
Once again the ability of Smash EDO to stand up to police bullying and intimidation was impressive and inspiring. This was perhaps most obvious as the police blocked the march to the EDO factory and marchers stood their ground against police batons and pepper spray.[Full Story | 1 addition ]