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<< Page 4 | Page 2>>Smash ITT/EDO. Witnesses needed for assault on photographer.
Yesterday at around 2.15pm protesters emerged from the woods above the ITT factory into an adjoining field. They had brought with them a sound system. Also in the field were two Police dog handlers and several other officers in riot gear. At one point during the clashes a photographer who was recording the Police action was assaulted. A dog handler set his dog on him causing serious injury.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
photos of today's demo Smash EDO 2

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Smash EDO Press Release - Campaigners Close Down Bomb Factory
Smash EDO Press Release15/10/2008 For immediate release
Contact Chloe Marsh or Andrew Beckett: tel - 07754135290, e-mail

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Photos Of Today's Smash EDO Demo 1

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Shut ITT! - Full Timeline

A mass protest against Brighton-based arms manufacturers EDO MBM/ITT has just started. Organised by the Smash EDO campaign, the event is called Shut ITT! and is the third such demonstration this year. Last June, Brighton saw the Carnival Against the Arms Trade, organised by Smash EDO too. The 600 or so protesters then managed to reach the Brighton bomb factory despite police attempts to stop them.
Below is a full timeline put together by the Indymedia Dispatch team. It's being updated as reports come in, so keep an eye on it!
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cops at brighton station at 10.30
there are cop cars at brighton station and driving around St Peters church near the Level[Full Story ]
EDO cops in pre-demo propaganda
Brighton rag The Argus serves as police propaganda tool. last week the Argus printed a few lines on the demo without publishing any letter or press release from Smash Edo[Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments ]
Sussex Police erect new cameras at Falmer Station for Shut ITT demo
Smash EDO are planning a demo on Oct 15th from Falmer Station[Full Story | 6 comments ]
FITwatch at EDO

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Smash EDO Press Release - Campaigners Say "Shut ITT!"
13/10/2008 For immediate release[Full Story ]
Brighton Against the Arms Trade - 2nd Public Forum
6th OctoberBrighton Against the Arms Trade - 2nd Public Forum
Venue Cowley Club/Time - 7.30pm
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Open Letter to Sussex Police from Smash EDO
03/10/2008Anti arms trade campaigners are planning a mass demonstration against the arms trade on Wednesday October 15th from Falmer Station. Recently Sussex Police hand delivered letters to known campaigners calling for 'organisers' to meet with the police to 'discuss their intentions'.
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SHUT ITT! Oct 15th Advice and info
Meet October 15th at 12 noon opposite Falmer Station, through the underpass, next to the Sussex University sign. Good directions to Falmer can be found at the following link by Sussex Uni:
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22nd Sept - Brighton Against the Arms Trade
Monday 22nd SeptBrighton Against the Arms Trade - Public Meeting, 7.30 pm, Brighthelm Centre, North Rd, Brighton
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Shut ITT! Mass demo against EDO-MBM/ITT October 15th
After the big, lively and successful Carnival Against the Arms Tradein June, it is now time to think of the future. The next big demo
against EDO will be held on Wednesday the 15th of October and will
meet at noon opposite Falmer station in Brighton. Again, the theme
will be red and the sound will be rebellious!
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Anti Arms Trade Campaigners on Trial in Worthing Magistrate's Court
Smash EDO Press ReleaseThursday August 28th
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ITT Corp assisted in the killing of 90 Afghani civilians.
In the 1930s and 40's ITT built the bombers that massacred civilians in Britain.Today ITT are one of the top ten arms suppliers of the US armed forces and are currently assisting war crimes in Afghanistan.
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ITT - EDO MBM Begins Full Scale Paveway IV Guided Bomb Production in Brighton
After 4 years of developmental setbacks the Raytheon IV guided bomb is now in full production in the UK.The new weapon is intended to replace the Paveway III guided bomb, the most commonly used munition in the 2003 'shock and awe' bombing of Iraq.
EDO MBM Technology Ltd (now owned by ITT Corp) are UK design and production partners on the new 'smart bomb' with Raytheon, Portsmouth Aviation, and Thales.
Once again EDO MBM is found to be at the heart of UK and joint US/UK military operations in Iraq and Afganistan.
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