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<< Page 14 | Page 12>>Need Accomodation before the Remember Gaza demo in Brighton
www.smashedo.org.uk/remember-gaza.htm[Full Story ]
Dissident Island Radio - back in your earholes tonight

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Location Released For Smash EDO Remember Gaza demo
For three weeks in January 2009, the bombs rained down on Gaza. At the end of Israel's brutal bombing campaign and ground offensive over 1400 Palestinians had been murdered, including 314 children.Here in Brighton EDO MBM/ITT manufacture some of the weapons components that devastated so many lives. All over the world thousands of people watched appalled at the carnage on the streets of Gaza. Thousands marched and raged at the destruction of peoples' homes and lives. On January 18th 2010, the anniversary of the final day of Operation Cast Lead, we will come together to remember the people of Gaza.
We will not allow those who supported their pain and profited from their suffering to go unchallenged. We will not let this genocide be forgotten. On the first anniversary after their deaths, we will rise up. We will take to the streets. We will remember...
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Gaza Anti Arms Campaigners to Converge on Brighton Weapons Factory
Thursday 14th January 2010
Contact Chloe Marsh or Andrew Beckett on 07754135290 or email

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Under 2 weeks to Smash EDO's J18: Remember Gaza
With just under two weeks to go to Smash EDO's Remember Gaza mass event this is a short message to keep you all in the loop.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
1st Anniversary Benefit for Bristol EDO Decommissioners

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Remember Gaza - Target Barclays - Smash EDO
There has been a global call for action from the international Palestine solidarity movement for December 27th - January 18th, the anniversary of the Israeli massacre in Gaza, In the run up to Smash EDO's Remember Gaza mass demonstration on the 18th Jan why not target Barclays Bank, read on to find out why...[Full Story ]
Smash EDO benefit roast today
Come and raise some money for Smash EDO by having a lovely roast![Full Story ]
Local coverage of Smash EDO Remember Gaza demo
Bickering has already started amongst readers of the local Brighton paper The Argus about the Smash EDO January 18th Remeber Gaza demo.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Smash EDO: Remember Gaza, January 18th announcement
It is now less than a month to Smash EDO's Remember Gaza event. Make sure that you stay updated![Full Story | 3 comments ]
Smash EDO: Gaza Anniversary
We are aware that most things tend to take a bit of a break around xmas, but this year the holidays are also the anniversary of the horrific massacres that took place in Gaza from the 27th of December 2008. Predictably, Smash EDO have a few things coming up...[Full Story ]
ITT there is a bomb in the building.Have fun.
ITT who own Brighton bomb parts maker EDO MBM almost got bombed themselves back in April this year by one of their own employees.The evacuation caused by the threat allegedly cost ITT nearly $300,000 in lost revenue.
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Smash EDO: Last noise demo of the year today
Join us up at EDO for the last noise demo of the year, today between 4-6pm.[Full Story ]
Green Councillor to Present Petition Calling for Brighton Council to Discuss EDO
Press ReleaseFor immediate release: 9/12/2009
Photo opportunity: Infostall outside the council meeting at 4pm, Thursday 10th. For more information contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh: 07754135290.
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Corporate Watch - ParcAberporth and the commercialisation of Drone Technology
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Smashing Smash EDO update
Past, on-going and future Smash EDO update...With lots of ways to participate![Full Story | 1 comment ]
EDO Granted Israeli Patent For F-16 Weapons Release Component
Press Release4th December 2009
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Sign council petition to condemn EDO
On 10th December 2009 a petition will be presented to Brighton and Hove City Council, demanding that the council table a motion condemning the activities of Brighton based arms manufacturer EDO MBM/ITT.[Full Story ]
Elijah Smith, anti-militarist prisoner, moved to Lewes Prison
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NPIOU Make an appearance at Decommissioners trial
today was the first hearing in the decommissioners case (
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