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<< Page 3 | Page 1>>Smash EDO Press Release - Man Arrested For Playing Waltzing Matilda
21ST AUGUST 2007
Press Contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
For more details tel. 07875 708873 or 07754 135290

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Musical Noise Demo Tomorrow at EDO
Come along to a special noise demo of political resistance/anti-war songs outside EDO, Home Farm Road, Brighton, Wednesday 20th, 4-6pm.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Press Release - Conspiracy Prosecution Comes Unstuck
Smash EDO Press ReleaseThursday 14th August
For more info call Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh on 07875708873 or email

[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Anti War Conspiracy Trial Shambles Draws To A Close
Smash EDO Press ReleaseMonday 11th August
For more info call Andrew Beckett or Chloe Walsh on 07875708873 or email

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Smash EDO Shut ITT national demo myspace
the myspace is backwww.myspace.com/smashedoshutitt
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Smash EDO Update - Support Campaigners in Court
Support Campaigners in Court[Full Story ]
EDO Corp Fraud Whistleblower in US Court Battle
A former EDO Corp employee in the US claims that flaws in troop protection equipment made by a newly acquired subsidiary of the company were covered up so as not to place strain on corporate relationships.[Full Story ]
Houses Searched and further arrests made over the Carnival Against Arms Trade
Update on arrests following the Smash EDO Carnival Against the Arms Trade which was held in Brighton on 4th June (see
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Anti War Protesters on Trial for Conspiracy
Smash EDO Press Release29th July 2008
Anti War Protesters on Trial For Conspiracy
Tel Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson on 07875708873
E mail

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Rough Music Outlawed In Brighton
On 23rd July 2008 in Hove Crown Court Judge Hayward and two lay magistrates dismissed the appeal of an anti-arms trade protestor against his conviction under a council bylaw enforced under section 235 of the Local Government Act 1972 which makes it an offence not to desist from shouting, singing, drumming,or playing loud music in a street or public place when asked to do so by a police constable or anyone else. Marcus Wise is the first political protester in Brighton to be convicted under the bylaw since it came into force in 1998.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Freedom to Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Protester Appeals Conviction
Smash EDO Press Release18th July 2008
Freedom to Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Protester Appeals Conviction
For more info tel 07875708873, e mail

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Smash EDO Update
Next Big Demo/ Fundraising/ Freedom to Protest Court Case/ 'On the Verge' Screenings[Full Story ]
EDO MBM Carries Out Urgent USAF A-10 Thunderbolt Contract
New information shows ITT - EDO MBM carried out an urgent manufacturing request for electrical components for USAF A-10 Military jet between May and June this year.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Police overkill at Marie Vesco Critical Mass Bike Ride.

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Anti Arms Protestors Granted Legal Aid After High Court Threat
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873

Anti-War Protestors Back In Court
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Sussex Police Fitness Levels Revealed
Sussex Police PSU's (Public Support Units) are the equivalent of the Met TSG (Tactical Support Groups), and are used in public order situations demos, matches, etc in teams of around 25 officers.
Recent FOI disclosure gives a glimpse at Sussex PSU fitness and numbers and its commitment to the Home Office to provide nine PSU's in Sussex who are on call to respond to 'outbreaks of disorder' . 225 officers trained to at least level 2 fitness standards.
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A Welcome Police Whitewash

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Yet more pictures from Smash Edo demo!

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Full Movie: On The Verge - SmashEDO
The film the police tried to ban...
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