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<< Page 2Smashing EDO in pictures.

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Post Carnival Message from Smash EDO
please email your feedback about the carnival to
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First Clown Account of the Edible Dionysian Orchestra's (EDO) Grand Finale
Loads of clowns turned up to play outside EDO for its grand finale ast Wednesday 4 June.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
EDO demonstration, Brighton, 4 June 2008

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FITwatching at the Carnival Against the Arms Trade

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Dick Barton Vs Smash EDO
Todays Argus reports Chief Superintendent Dick Barton is leading the Sussex police battle against the Smash EDO .But just who is Dick Barton?
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Press Release - All Those Arrested At EDO Protest Released Without Charge
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873

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Smashed at EDO Bruise Gallery

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Smash EDO Press Release - Death of Marie Vesco
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873

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Smash EDO Press Release - 10 Still in Custody over EDO Protest
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873

10 Still in Custody Over EDO Protest
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Some pics from the Smash EDO Carnival Against The Arms Trade

June 4th, Brighton
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Anti Arms Trade Demonstration Ends In Confrontation
An anti-arms trade demonstration ended in scenes of confrontation today. Hundreds of protestors gathered from around the country to take part in the Carnival against the Arms Trade.[Full Story ]
King Blues live at the carnival against the arms trade tomorrow
king blues live tomorrow Brighton[Full Story ]
Mask up for the carnival against the arms trade
National demo against the arms trade and EDO MBMmask up and come in RED or your preferd dress
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Smash EDO Press Release - Welcome to the Carnival Against the Arms Trade
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873

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Fitwatch at Carnival Against the Arms Trade
4th June, 12 Noon, The Level, BrightonThe Forward Intelligence Teams seem to really love anti arms trade campaigners. Having already made their presence felt through years of DSEi protests, they have also long been a fixture at EDO demos. More recently, they have been travelling further afield, and have been spotted at St Athans demos in Wales, and the Heckler and Koch protests in Nottingham.
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Smash EDO Fundraiser tonight
smashEDO fundraiser @ the Cowley Club Friday 23rd May 8pm till 2am[Full Story ]
Sussex Students Union supports Smash EDO activists denied legal aid
University of Sussex Student Union has backed the five Sussex students that have been denied legal aid by Brighton magistrates court. The five, part of a group of seven on trial, were denied legal aid on the basis that as students they are "intelligent enough to represent themselves".[Full Story ]
Public Meeting in London about the Carnival against the Arms Trade
Public Meeting about the Carnival against the Arms Trade[Full Story ]
Public Meeting about the Carnival Against the Arms Trade this Wednesday
shut down the Brighton Bomb Builders...[Full Story ]