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<< Page 10 | Page 8>>Smash EDO update: stay (or get) involved!
Now when the dust has settled on the events of Mayday, it is important that we keep up the pressure on EDO/ITT. As always, noise demos are continuing outside the factory between 4 and 6 every Wednesday and there are a few special ones lined up.[Full Story ]
EDO civilian technology company disolved
EDO Aerotech Ltd, the civilian aviation technology subsidiary of EDO (UK) Ltd, and sister company to arms maker EDO MBM was finally disolved this month.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Anti EDO campaigners monitored by Automatic Number Plate Recognition System i
Smashing update...[Full Story | 1 comment ]
CCTV (ANPR) systems used to track anti-war protesters
Link to short video report on BBC - features EDO/ITT protesters.[Full Story | 10 comments ]
NPOIU Pops Up In Brighton Mags Court Hearing
4 defendants on trial this week for alleged offences connected to the June 2008 Brighton Carnival against the Arms Trade were blessed with a court visit by the secretive National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU).[Full Story | 3 comments ]
AMN Action Roundup #1

Welcome to the first Action Roundup from for Anti-Militarist Network. To have your events or actions covered either add them to Indymedia UK under the anti-militarism tag, or email us.
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EDO (UK) Directors Resign en Mass. Paul Hills LAST One Left
Final cracks in EDO MBM appear to be showing as Brighton arms firm EDO MBM's holding company EDO (UK) Ltd loses all but one director.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Smash EDO: Thank you, Maydayers!
A Smashing update about what to do next.[Full Story | 8 comments ]
Were you arrested on May 4th in Brighton
we know of three people who were arrested at the Mayday! Mayday! Street Party[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Sunny Delight

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Shutting down ITT/EDO: A day at the seaside

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NW // A positive critique of Smash EDO Brighton May Day
A personal perspective of the Smash EDO May Day actions on 4th May 2009.[Full Story | 9 comments ]
NW // Brighton May Day Smash Edo Photos and McDonalds Video 4/5/09

Sorry but the pics aren't in any particular order..
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Smash EDO Mayday pics

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Photos - FIT & EGT at smashEDO Mayday

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SmashEDO Mayday! Mayday! Street Party 2009 (VIDEO)
Video and Demo report from Smash EDO/ITT demo 4th May 2009.VIDEO:

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Photos - smashEDO Mayday

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HSBC Smashed. Brighton.
Last night HSBC bank in Five Ways, Brighton was attacked.[Full Story | 6 comments ]
businesses linked to EDO ITT redocorated
Businesses reopened this morning in Brighton with a redecoration, with the message 'Smash EDO' thanks to the mayday actions against the EDO arms manufacturers.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Pictures of Cops on SmashEDO Street Party Demo

Solidarity. Militancy. Dynamism. Action. Diversity
[Full Story ]