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<< Page 11 | Page 9>>Smash EDO Bikes not Bombs reminder
WEDNESDAY JULY 22: Bikes not Bombs -A Critical Mass bike ride against EDO/ITT.[Full Story ]
2008 US Foreign Military Sales to Israel worth $1.3 Billion
FAS Obtains Key Report on US Arms ExportsBy Matt Schroeder
17 July 2009
[Full Story ]
Support the Decommissioners Facebook group
This is to clarify the details of the decommissioners Facebook group. Please circulate this info widely as growing support and awareness is important in the buildup to the courtcase.[Full Story | 3 comments ]
SMASH EDO: Smashing stuff coming up
Here is your sporadic Smash EDO update, with information about special noise demos and other goings on...[Full Story | 4 comments ]
UK blocks 5 arms export licences to Israel (out of 182)
5 down177 to go
hardly an embargo
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
ITT- EDO MBM 2008 Accounts Report Terminal Decline

EDO Rugged Systems 2008 Accounts
EDO (UK) Ltd 2008 Accounts
[Full Story | 4 comments ]
EDO in Newport
EDO are exhibiting in a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle military conference on the 22nd and 23rd (see below).Anyone fancy a trip to Newport ??
1. Conference: UV Europe 2009. Newport South Wales. July 22-23
Exhibiters from EDO MBM (Brighton) Bental (Israel) UAV Engines
(subsidiary of Israali arms firm Elbit Systems) and others
[Full Story ]
Justice minister Jack Straw in Brighton
Jack Straw, the justice minister (now) is doing some 'soap box' drama in Brighton in Windsor street next to the Earth and Stars pub.
Few unexpected hecklers down ther. Please go and support.
[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Press Release - Campaigners to enact the Bloody History of ITT Today
Smash EDO Press ReleaseWednesday 1sth July
Campaigners to enact the Bloody History of ITT
for more info call 07538093930 or email

Demonstration at EDO MBM/ITT, Home Farm Road, 4pm
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
History of ITT demo, tomorrow, 4pm at EDO MBM/ITT
Wednesday July 1stThe History of ITT: 4pm outside EDO MBM/ITT
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Public Debate - Resisting War Crimes is not a Crime?
On January 19th this year,during the bombardment of Gaza six people entered the EDO/ITT arms factory in Moulescoombe and caused extensive damage. On May 4th thousands took to the streets for a mass demonstration.[Full Story | 1 addition | 10 comments ]
Shut ITT protester pleads guilty
One man, arrested at Smash EDO's Shut ITT demo (see
[Full Story | 2 comments ]
3rd Carnival Against the Arms Trade Court Case Commences Today
In Brighton Magistrates Court[Full Story ]
EDO MBM/ITT blockaded
Early this morning the Home Farm Road premises of arms manufacturer EDO MBM/ITT were blockaded in solidarity with those made refugees by global military aggression.[Full Story | 6 additions | 5 comments ]
US Predator drone with EDO bomb rack kills 60 at Pakistan Funeral
another reason to smash edo[Full Story | 14 comments ]
Smash EDO Fundraiser this Saturday - Andrea Kenny & the Cavalry plus Support
Smash EDO Fundraiser[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Names of Gaza Victims to be read Outside Brighton Bomb Factory Today
Smash EDO Press ReleaseWednesday 17th June
for more info call 07754135290 or email

Demonstration at EDO MBM/ITT, Home Farm Road, 3.30pm
[Full Story ]
Remember Gaza - Demo outside EDO tomorrow 3.30pm
Wednesday June 17th -Remember Gaza: outside EDO/ITT from 3.30pm (please note the earlier starting time).[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Press Release: Protester Wins Assault Police Case On Self Defence
Smash EDO PRESS RELEASEFor Immediate Release
5 June 2009
Smash EDO Carnival 2008 Protester Who Hit Back at Police Officer Wins Assault Case after Plea of Self Defence
[Full Story | 6 comments ]