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<< Page 12 | Page 10>>Support the Decommissioners Booklet
A booklet titled 'If I had a Hammer' has been released in support of the EDO decommissioners.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Sussex Police Plan for anti-protest Dispersal Order at EDO Factory
In 2006 Brighton arms maker EDO MBM and Sussex Police failed to get a permanent High Court injunction that would control protests at EDO MBM due tothe lack of legal justification and the abuse of the legal process by the company. It cost EDO MBM over $1 million.
Now Sussex Police internal minutes from Jan 2009 reveal they plan an even stricter ban on protest activities at the factory with the use of an anti-social behaviour 'Disperal Order'.
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Anti Arms Trade Campaigners Publish Map of UK Arms Dealers
Disarm DSEi anti arms trade campaigners (www.dsei.org) have released a map showing the locations of thousands of UK arms dealers and manufacturers.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Total privatization of the war in Colombia
Lockheed Martin, Dyncorp, Carlye Group,Raytheon, ITTAll providing military aid to Columbia paid for by US State Department.
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A map of arms companies in Brighton
A handy map of arms companies in Brighton[Full Story ]
Pixies visit EDO in countdown to DSEi
In response to the callout for actions against DSEi exhibitors the pixies returned to EDO MBM/ITT in Brighton on the night of the 21st August.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
RBS glued shut
The Royal Bank of Scotland is one of the largest investors and profiteers of environmental destruction and the international arms trade. They destroy natural habitats, therefore unbalancing the ecosphere, by using genocidal methods against the species populating the Earth.[Full Story ]
SMASH EDO: Support demo for Elijah Smith tomorrow
There will be a noise demo for Elijah Smith tomorrow outside Lewes Prison at 5pm. Come along and show him some support![Full Story | 2 comments ]
Barclays targeted for Elijah Smith
The second largest investor of EDO MBM/ITT, Barclays, last night had bank doors glued shut and ATMs glued up then smashed in Somerset. This was in celebration of Elijah Smith’s birthday. Happy 44th![Full Story | 3 comments ]
Smashing dates for your diary
Next week's noise demo will be a support demo for Elijah Smith, on remand in Lewes prison. He is due to be moved back to Bristol yet again shortly so come and show him some support![Full Story ]
HSBC attacked
In solidarity with Elijah James Smith and the EDO decomissioners, two windows were smashed and locks glued at a HSBC in Somerset.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Smash EDO Press Release -Demonstration against EDO's Complicity in Drone Attacks
Smash EDO Press Release12/08/2009
Demonstration against EDO's Complicity in Killer Drone Attacks
For more info please call 07754135290 or e-mail:

[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Smash EDO Receive letter to Operation Otter
Received today from Chief Superintendent Cliff Parrott[Full Story | 1 addition ]
Open Invite to Paul Hills from Smash EDO
AN OPEN INVITATION TO SMASH EDO'S PUBLIC DEBATE: IS BREAKING THE LAW TO RESIST WAR CRIMES EVER JUSTIFIED?For the attention of Paul Hills (Managing Director of EDO MBM), EDO MBM employees and the people of Brighton,
cc, The Argus
[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Carnival Against the Arms Trade Court Case tomorrow - Please support
for more see www.smashedo.org.uk[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Disarm DSEI protest at Clarion Offices next Thursday
From 8-11 September 2009, Clarion Events are bringing Defence Systems & Equipment international (DSEi), the world’s largest arms fair, to East London’s ExCeL Centre.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO - Open letter to The Argus
Mixed Victory for Shut ITT campaigner
the latest trial relating to the Smash EDO campaign, see www.smashedo.org.uk[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Smash EDO: Rescheduled public debate
TUESDAY AUGUST 117.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton:
Smash EDO public debate: Is Breaking the Law to Resist War Crimes Ever Justified?
[Full Story ]