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<< Page 21 | Page 19>>Target Barclays Sat 24th of March in Brighton
During the last month Jordan Valley Solidarity, Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Smash EDO and students from Sussex university have held two very successful demos against Barclays' investments in Israel and the arms trade. We will return again this Saturday. Come along to Barclays, 139-142 North Street, Brighton on the 24th help us make this one a success![Full Story ]
Smash EDO: update and upcoming events
Smash EDO update about past and future events and the Summer of Resistance.[Full Story ]
Barclays Brighton closed down for complicity in Israeli apartheid and arms trade
Occupation of Barclays - 10/3/12video at

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Smash EDO's Summer of Resistance: some confirmed dates
Here's an update of some confirmed, public dates for the Summer of Resistance (
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Report of Barclays Picket - Divest from Israel and the arms trade
www.smashedo.org.uk/target-barclays.htm[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Smash EDO's Summer of Resistance: some confirmed dates
We have got quite a few things coming up, including some confirmed dates for the Summer of Resistance
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Reminder: Target Barclays tomorrow, 1pm, Brighton
Target Barclays, Saturday 25th February, 1pm, 139-142 North Street, BrightonFor enquiries contact

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Target Barclays in Brighton, Sat 25th
Target BarclaysSaturday 25th February, 1pm, 139-142 North Street, Brighton
For enquiries contact

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John Catt’s Judicial Review of ACPO and the Met on 9th February 2012
A diverse range of ‘domestic extremists’, including comedian Mark Thomas, braved the cold on 9th February to greet and support John Catt at the start of his epic legal challenge against ACPO and the Met and their secret domestic extremist database. The Aldermaston Women’s Group brought a large banner bearing the words “Domestic Extremists At Work” which took pride of place over the railings of the Royal Courts of Justice. The air was brimming with excitement and some extremely domesticated “grime-busters”, with cleaning materials to the fore, soon set about giving the fatigued looking Royal Courts of Justice a deep clean and a breath of fresh air![Full Story | 4 comments ]
Smash EDO Press Release -John Catt challenges police surveillance

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Routine repression of Smash EDO activists continues

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Smash EDO: Support for upcoming court cases
Smash EDO have two court cases coming up this week. Court support would be much appreciated.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Smash EDO: Update and dates coming up
Here is a list of Smash EDO related stuff coming up.Get in touch with your ideas for the Summer of Resistance.
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Smash EDO: Remember Gaza at first noise demo of 2012
Wednesday 11th January is the first noise demo of 2012 against arms manufacturers EDO MBM/ITT 4 to 6pm, Home Farm Road - lets make some noise.[Full Story ]
Last Smash EDO demo of the year is this Wednesday...
Wednesday 15th November is the last noise demo of 2011 against arms manufacturers EDO MBM/ITT[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Smash EDO reminder: noise demo in memory of Mark Rivers TODAY
There will be a special noise demo in memory of Mark Rivers, who died last month, outside EDO/ITT, Today 4-6.Be there if you can. He would have been.
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Smash EDO: Special noise demo in honour of Mark Rivers
As we have previously reported long term Smash EDO campaigner Mark Rivers tragically died in a fire at his flat in Brighton in the early morning on Sunday, 6th of November at the age of 51.There will be a special noise demo in his honour next Wednesday (7th), 4-6 outside EDO/ITT. Spread the info and help us make it big!
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