Wednesday 5th May - Bad Music demo - bring along your musical instruments - penny whistles, ukeleles, bagpipes etc - make as much noise as possible
Saturday 8th May - Picket of Barclays Bank, Western Road, Brighton - 11am - Barclays are the market maker for ITT on the New York Stock Exchange -

On 17th January 2009, as the bombs rained down on Gaza, six people entered the EDO factory in Brighton. They threw computers and filing cabinets out of the first floor window and took hammers to machinery used for weapons production. The factory makes parts for weapons that have been used
against the people if Iraq, Afganistan and Palestine. (see for more information) Their aim was to disable the war machine and to take action against those who profit from the aerial
bombardment of Gaza. The factorys offices were out of action for a month and tens of thousands of pounds of damage was reported.
The EDO Decommisioners always intended to go to trial – now set for May 17th – Not as the accused but as the accusers making the case that their action was lawful because they were disarming an arms factory which is complicit in war crimes.
The trial is expected to last around 6 weeks. Please support the Decommisioners in court and by coming to the next few events we have lined up:
Monday 17th May, from 9am: Remember Gaza vigil outside the court (expected to be Hove Crown Court, check closer to the time)
Wednesday 19th May, 4-6pm: ‘If I Had A Hammer’ Noise Demo outside EDO/ ITT factory (Home Farm Road, Brighton). Bring hammers and noise!
If you need accommodation contact us at

May 22, Cowley Club - 'Gaza: Beneath the Bombs': Sharyn Lock and Sarah Irving will be talking about their new book which is based on Sharyn's experiences of the recent Israeli offensive on Gaza as someone who was based there as a volunteer with the ISM (International Solidarity Movement)
COURT UPDATE - All those arrested at Smash EDO's Remember Gaza (see