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<< Page 17 | Page 15>>Smash EDO Benefit on Sunday 26th Sept - Resistancz Riddemz
Resistanz RiddemzA benefit for Smash EDO
Sunday 26th September, Cowley Club (12 London Road, Brighton)
Doors 6.30pm, bands start at 7
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London and Cambridge contacts for Smash EDO's Hammertime
ITT's Hammertime, Brighton, Wednesday 13th Oct 2010, 10am.There are already local contacts available for London and Cambridge if you are travelling from there:
For London:

For Cambridge:

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Local contacts for Smash EDO's Hammertime
On October 13th 2010 Smash EDO is holding a mass siege of EDO MBM/ITT in Brighton. This is the latest in a series of successful mass demos that have been attended by people from all over the UK. We need your help... If you want text updates about the demo please text your mobile number to 07538093930 or email it to
PLEASE NOTE: If you have previously texted in your number for updates please do so again as the campaign phone got stolen and any numers lost.
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Palestine direct action fundraiser in London sat Sep 11, workshops now arranged
Palestine fundraiser sat sep 11 4pm - 4am, workshops sessions in the afternoon are now arranged[Full Story ]
Fascists humiliated in Brighton
FASCISTS are not welcome on the streets of Brighton! That was the clear message from today’s response to the march by the English Nationalist Alliance, which is much the same thing as the EDL.[Full Story | 40 comments ]
Zionist MP Complains to Attorney General about EDO Judge
"What is to stop any group of pro-Palestinian or anti-Zionist protesters from attacking any business they deem to be supportive of the state of Israel?"
Well hopefully nothing...
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EDO MBM parts very likely to have been used in Saudi war crimes
New revelations by Amnesty International UK, concerning possible Saudi war crimes implicate the Brighton arms company EDO MBM in attacks on Yemeni civilians.[Full Story ]
Imagine a World Without EDO - Demo this Wednesday
4-6pm, Home Farm Road, Brighton[Full Story ]
Local coverage of Smash EDO's Hammertime already...
Smash EDO Mass Demo - Wednesday 13th October, 10am. Venue to be announced .To receive updates email

part of the final push!
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the big story - decommissioners documentary
a documentary about smashing edo and winning in court.[Full Story ]
ITT's Hammertime - Mass Siege of EDO MBM/ITT
Smash EDO Mass Demo - Wednesday 13th OctoberVenue to be announced - to receive updates email

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Smash Edo: 18/01/10 remember gaza demo arrestee needs help
please help to sue the police for their aggressive and fascistic response to a bystander at the remember gaza action in brighton january 18th just gone...[Full Story ]
EDO Attacked
EDO, in Home Farm Road, Brighton, was attacked last night[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Wigs and silver dresses demo at EDO
Come to EDO MBM/ITT to celebrate the decommissioners victory...[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Corporate Watch: Decommissioners Victorious
As the zionist press angrily whip up media smoke screen around the real meanings of the decommissioners acquittals Corporate Watch take an in-depth look at the trial...[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Zionist lobby may succeed in changing UK law on war crimes
After much pressure from Israel the ICC Act may be ammended so that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) must approve any arrest warrants for israeli war crimes suspects.This could allow Israeli officials to enter the UK without fear of arrest.
Current DPP Kier Starmer today announced there would be no criminal prosecution of police over death of Ian Tomlinson.
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EDO Decommissioners Trial Transcript of Judges Summing Up
the full transcript of the judges speech from last day of the trial.from JC
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Decommissioner Elijah Smith finally released from prison
Elijah Smith was granted bail at a hearing today and was finally released from prison at around 5.30pm after 18 months on remand.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Demo for decommissioner Elijah Smith this Wednesday
Despite the EDO decommissioners' victory Elijah James Smith is still on remand in prison. He has been on remand since the decommissioning a year and a half ago. He has got a bail hearing this Wednesday which we hope will see him released.[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Reminder: EDO decommissioners victory demo today!
As resisting war crimes is now officially not a crime, there will be a victoy demo for the EDO decommissioners today (Monday 5th) outside EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton, from 12 noon.[Full Story | 2 comments ]