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<< Page 18 | Page 16>>EDL, Brighton, the Crude Awakening, Anti-cuts marches - what can we learn?
Lessons for the movement:The Poll Tax Riots and 4 weeks of actions – EDL, Brighton, the Crude Awakening, Anti-cuts marche. How can we learn and move forward.
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US Activists demonstrate outside Home of ITT CEO
A coalition of US activists demonstrated in the home neighbourhood of ITT chief executiveve, Steven Loranger, last week. US campaigners are targetting ITT, the owners of Brighton's EDO MBM, because of their involvement in the design and manufacture of drone technology and their pro-war lobbying activities. One of the participants in the 40 strong demonstration said of Loranger, "We're here today to inform his neighbors about how his personal ambitions impact all of our lives,"[Full Story ]
Smash EDO: Halloween noise demo this Wednesday!
This is just a short reminder that this Wednesday (the 27th of October) Smash EDO are holding the yearly HALLOWEEN NOISE DEMO between 4-6 outside the factory on Home Farm Road. Come dressed in your scariest Halloween mask and be ready to spook them out![Full Story ]
Smash EDO: Hammertime arrestees! Get in touch
Quite a few people who were pre emptively arrested at Smash EDO's Hammertime demo last week have told us that they are considering taking civil action against the police. This kind of action is best pursued collectively.[Full Story ]
SMASH EDO: ITT's Hammertime Reportage
On 13th October 2010 hundreds of antimilitarists converged in Brighton for a mass siege of EDO. ITT's Hammertime, named after the hammers used to smash EDO/ITT by the decommissioners, was aimed at closing EDO down for the day.If you were nicked at ITT's Hammertime and want support email

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"Taking on EDO with Octogenarian Quaker John and the New Kids on the Black Bloc
***Slideshow from "Hammertime" EDO/ITT Brighton
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Smash EDO protest ends with mass arrests in Brighton
The protest at EDO MBM/ITT, a top ten U.S. defence contractor, aimed to shut the factory down for the day. Hundreds of police ensured that no one got near the facility and ended the day with mass arrests. Brighton, United Kingdom, 13/10/2010.Pictures from the day;

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SmashEDO besiege Brighton bomb factory
Today the Smash EDO ITT's Hammertime demonstration saw 300 protesters surrounding Brighton's bomb factory and demonstrating against EDO/ITT for six hours.The demo was named for the 2009 Decommissioning, when a group of activists broke in to the EDO/ITT factory, decommissioning it with hammers to stop the production of weapons components being used by the Israeli military in the Gaza war. The Decommissioners were victorious in court, when they were unanimously acquitted of conspiracy to commit criminal damage in June.
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Convergence Space for ITT's Hammertime
www.smashedo.org.uk/hammertime.htm[Full Story ]
Emotional support at ITT's Hammertime
see www.smashedo.org.uk/hammertime.htm[Full Story ]
Smash EDO's Hammertime: Final info
Hammertime is now almost upon us! Just a quick reminder with useful information and advice:Smash EDO have announced that the 'ITT's Hammertime' mass demo will be meeting at 10am on October 13th at the Wild Park Cafe in Moulsecoomb, Brighton to besiege EDO/ITT.
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2 Days to go until ITT's Hammertime
The convergence space for HAMMERTIME has not been announced yet but if you are coming to Brighton for the demo please come to the Cowley Club (London Road) for a meeting at 7pm on TuesdayIf you are coming early and need accomodation call 07538093930
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Smash EDO Press Release - Anti Arms Protester Given ASBO by the Back Door
For more info contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh, Smash EDO campaignTel: 07526557436 E-mail:

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Smash EDO to lay siege to Brighton Weapons Factory
For more info contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh, Smash EDO campaign Tel: 07526557436 E-mail:
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Smash EDO Announce location of ITT's Hammertime
Smash EDO have announced that the ITT's Hammertime mass demo will be meeting at 10am on October 13th at the Wild Park Cafe in Mouslecomb, Brighton to besiege EDO/ITT[Full Story | 1 comment ]
More local contacts for Smash EDO's Hammertime
There are now several local contacts from across the country for Smash EDO's 'ITT's Hammertime!' on the 13th of October, making it all the easier to join in with friends!If your town is not on the list but you would want to help with sorting out meeting points or transport from where you live get in touch!
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Update - Smash EDO's ITT's Hammertime is getting closer
see www.smashedo.org.uk[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Smash EDO: Fundraiser with bands from Gaza! And Hammertime update
Hammertime is getting closer! 10am, Wednesday October 13thIf you have not already done so, text or email us your mobile phone number for text updates about the meeting point for the siege (

In the meantime...come to an exciting fundraiser with bands from Gaza!
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