London Indymedia

London Repression Newswire Archive

04-07-2005 15:56

Emergency Network for Lonko Juana Calfunao

Emergency Network for Lonko Juana Calfunao

03-07-2005 10:45

Britain taught Uzbek killers "marksmanship" two months before Andijan massacre

British military advisers trained Uzbek troops in "marksmanship" shortly before a massacre in which hundreds of people were killed. The training was part of a larger programme funded by Britain despite concerns expressed by the Foreign Office at the time over the Uzbekistan government's human rights record.

03-07-2005 10:41

UK-based airline running guns to Congo killers - Amnesty calls for inquiry

REBEL groups terrorising civilians in eastern Congo, where a devastating war marked by widespread atrocities has killed nearly 4m people, are doing so with weapons and ammunition flown to Africa by a British-based airline.

01-07-2005 20:57

G8 Train Kings Cross (video + audio interviews)

Video Video
This 15 minute 'video' of the departure of the G8 train from Kings Cross is mostly audio due to: the prevention of terrorism Act | a station by-law | because I have long hair [delete as seems most applicable]

The audio from this video (most interviews) may be used as a radio segement.


01-07-2005 15:23

Pictures From Insitute Detainments

Officers Making Unlawful Detainment
On 30.6.05 several detainments and searches and thefts were carried out by the police at the Institute of Autonomy. Here are several pictures with captions of the event. Read more >>

30-06-2005 18:05

First Aid Training in Edinburgh

Friday 1 July
Learn: How to be safe at an action
How to prepare yourself and your friends
How to treat commonly seen injuries and illnesses
How to decontaminate from crowd-control chemical weapons
How to care for yourself and your friends after the protest

30-06-2005 14:48

G8 press accrediation refused to freelance journo

London based freelance journalist and film maker with an assignment to cover the G8 summit in Scotland has been refused press accrediation after vetting by police. No reason or justification has been given for the refusal which could easily been seen as state interference in freedom of expression under article 10 of the human rights act.

The journalist involved has no convictions and is a full member of the NUJ who had applied for official press accreditation to attend press conferences at the G8 summit over a month ago.

Around 3,000 journalists are expected to attend the G8 summit where they will out number delegates by two to one. The journalists who will attend have been hand picked by the state.

Stay tuned to indymedia for something other than corporate state sanctioned celebrity obsesed press coverage of the G8. Read more >>

30-06-2005 13:23

Police Surround London Institute for Autonomy in Preparation for G8 Summit

It appears that police have just surrounded the Institute for Autonomy squat and are illegally detaining and searching its occupants, seizing personal documents and openly talking about the searches being conducted in preparation for the G8 Summit. At the request of a friend, I am posting all the information he has sent me so far. Read more >>

30-06-2005 13:22

The Principles of Socialism

It is very likely that the hour is late, that capitalism will soon perish. It will happen sooner or later and if it does happen sooner, we have to be prepared. We need to debate the principles of our coming revolution; the principles of socialism. Read more >>

30-06-2005 12:40

G8 police repression already started

Police repression has already begun in the run up to the G8 summit protests. Read more >>

30-06-2005 11:56


… Zimbabwean Asylum Seekers

30-06-2005 11:32

FIT intimidation at rampART

The Forward 'Inteligence' Team spent the morning harassing members of the Infernal Noise Brigade who where staying the night at the rampART social centre in east London before continueing their UK tour on route to Scotland. Read more >>

28-06-2005 21:06

'Anna's nightmare' in detention's living hell

"gate-keepers" to the role of abnormality
"She was unco-operative during the medical induction, by crying, being confused and upset," Mr Palmer says. Read more >>

28-06-2005 16:38

Who Killed Tom Hurndall? ISM London action in Camden

On the day that the verdict was given in Israel on the killer of Camden resident Tom Hurndall, ISM London held a small action pointing out that systematic Israeli government/military policy is responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians - not just some "bad apples". Read more >>

28-06-2005 16:05

Mainstream Media Coverage of Bristol IMC Server Seizure

Collecting links and media coverrage of the police take down and seizure of Indymedia Bristol's web server and arrest of indymedia volunteer.


28-06-2005 13:29

Antics of ASIO

The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation is at present scurrying about attempting to gain some credence by engaging in a series of raids in Sydney and Melbourne. The focus of these “raids” has not been clarified – the term “terrorists” was of course mentioned but no arrests were made. The raids were described by ASIO liaison as “preventative measures,” designed to disrupt “future” organised terrorist attacks! Therefore these raids could be accurately described as ‘pre-emptive’ actions; we know the result of pre-emption without accurate, solid evidence. If the evidence does not exist the raids would then be pure harassment and illegal. Read more >>

28-06-2005 01:07

G8 Journalism and Public Order Policing

Public Order at the G8

What can journalists attempting to cover protests around the G8 meeting on 6-8 July expect? Louis Charalambous, a solicitor specialising in Public Order law, gave some notes to the June London Freelance meeting. Read more >>

27-06-2005 09:10

UN links herb smokers to terrorism: propaganda!

Just like a rock is linked to an earthquake?
Antonio Maria Costa: "We know that even the occasional marijuana smoker is a link in a much longer and more dangerous chain." Read more >>

27-06-2005 09:03

Outcome of the European Parliament Disability Employment Petition

Adding to the lengthy British Human Rights case put in 2003 (re. British Labour Court decision,involving my dismissal at home in England on disability by the British Home Hospital ),I filed a petition re.disability,which was found admissible on the 24.3.2004. It has now been replied to. Read more >>

27-06-2005 08:44

Massacre in Paraguay

Brazilean Genetically Modified soy growers protected by the police and military in Paraguay attacked a peasant community in Caaguazu last Friday (24/06/05). They burnt down all the 54 houses and the peasants’ crops. Two men have been killed -- ÁNGEL CRISTALDO and LUÍS TORRES -- there are many people injured and 30 people were arrested amongst them many women and children. They have all been released by now, but have nowhere to go back to… Read more >>


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