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London Repression Newswire Archive

15-01-2007 16:56

Tate in a State over "sensitive" photographs

As Blair bangs on about how the media spoil his war, showing the wrong sort of pictures, confusion broke out this morning at Mark Wallinger's opening at the Tate.

Using extensive reference photographs Wallinger has has managed in his work 'State Britain' to re-create an exact copy of Brian Haw's protest camp as it was prior to 23rd May's police raid. Today's press call was to encourage us to photograph the art made from the photographs, so to speak.

Except that some art, including horrific birth defects as a result of depleted uranium armaments was off limits. Admission to the launch was dependent on agreeing not to photograph it. Read more >>

15-01-2007 14:20

SOCPA - brian haw's full display rises like a pheonix

tate britain (nearest tube pimlico)
next monday at horseferry road, judge purdy hands down his decision whether brian haw has a case to answer for alleged breach of socpa conditions that led to a night-time police raid by 78 officers in may 2006 cutting his display from more than forty metres down to a mere three. in the meantime, artist mark wallinger has been busy recreating the whole display and his exhibition entitled 'state britain' opened this morning at tate britain, on the very edge of the socpa zone. Read more >>

15-01-2007 01:47

10/01/07: Downing Street Candle-lit vigil for Guantanamo Bay prisoners

Video of the candle-lit vigil for the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay. Read more >>

14-01-2007 12:35

sunday times leaks info about new anti-war exhibition at tate britain

a press release tomorrow will reveal the exact nature of marc wallinger's new installation at the duveen gallery, tate britain. meanwhile the organisers are angry at a leak to the sunday times which was published this morning under the title 'tate puts artistic bomb under blair. Read more >>

13-01-2007 21:50

Protest against Kalyx / Harmondsworth immigration detention centre

Demo in central London this Wednesday, outside company that runs Harmondsworth IRC. Read more >>

11-01-2007 17:57 | 2 additions

Vigil for Guantanimo prisoners. Wednesday night.

Some pictures from the vigil called by Amnesty International and supported by around 100 people. Read more >>

10-01-2007 16:11

Jan 11: Guantanamo Bay 5th Anniversary 'Celebrations’


Guantanamo Bay 5th Anniversary 'Celebrations’

Why has Birmingham's HIATT corporation supplied the shackles used during the abuse of 10 British residents and 400 other prisoners in Guantanamo Bay? Read more >>

10-01-2007 00:36

Photos: Homophobic Protest & Counter Protest (09.01.06)

Credit: Marc Vallée, 2006. -
A number of homophobic faith groups protested outside Parliament in London today (09.01.06) against anti-discrimination laws. New rules outlawing businesses from discriminating against homosexuals were upheld in the House of Lords. A number of LGBT people also protested against the faith group’s protest. Read more >>

09-01-2007 23:14

Close Guantánamo: Demonstration on the 5th anniversary

Amnesty International is marking the fifth anniversary of the detention centre in Guantánamo Bay by calling for the closure of Guantánamo Bay. Events are taking place in London, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Cardiff and Belfast. Read more >>

31-12-2006 00:07

Akiner:Cultural Learnings of SOAS for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Uzbekistan

Dr Shirin Akiner
Like Borat, this SOAS academic's life revolves around approaching unsuspecting people and persuading them to believe all sorts of drivel about life in a Central Asian Republic. Read more >>

30-12-2006 14:16

21/12/06 - London Colombian Embassy Picket

STOP Coca-Cola’s Continuing Dirty War

Thursday 21 December 2006: A letter was delivered to the Colombian Embassy expressing international concern at Student and Trade Union leaders yet again being targeted by death squads, this time the Aguilas Negras (Black Eagles), for daring to criticise Coca Cola, Nestlé and other private corporations.

28-12-2006 18:06

22/12/06: Solidarity for Oaxaca, Mexico - London, UK

A London solidarity group projected a film show on the front of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square and distributed information leaflets about the deteriorating situation in Oaxaca, Mexico. Read more >>

27-12-2006 09:35

Steve Pound MP on SOCPA - Radio 4 Christmas Repeal - Vote now!

Milan Rai and Maya Evans reading out the names of the dead in Parliament Square
Radio 4 is running a Christmas Repeal listener vote, and the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA) is one of the candidates. Steve Pound, Labour MP, was on the Today programme this morning talking a load of bull about SOCPA, but he was forced to admit that Maya Evans and Milan Rai should not have been convicted under the Act. This jolted me out of my apathy to go and vote and to send a comment to Today (below). Read more >>

25-12-2006 14:57

SOCPA - a cold christmas in parliament square

brian's christmas tree
brian haw maintains his peace vigil in parliament square and is there today with supporters including steve jago and barbara tucker. Read more >>

24-12-2006 16:41

Plane Stupid Newsletter #6

“This is a deeply traumatized community which has been lied to for years and years by the aviation industry and one political party after another. There is a litany of broken promises. I wonder just how you might feel if you had endured all this for years! I am so angry I am almost incandescent with rage at the immorality of it all.”
- A resident of Harmondsworth, near Heathrow

24-12-2006 15:02 | 1 addition

Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles

The alleged ringleader of a much vaunted plot to blow up multiple transatlantic airliners using liquid explosives has been cleared of terrorism charges and of being a member of any terrorist group, rendering August's terror scare another hyped creation of government scare mongering. Read more >>

23-12-2006 12:42 | 1 addition

Al Qaeda greater than Nazis says Sir Ian Blair

Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police commissioner, today told the press that he considers Al Qaeda to be even greater than Hitlers Nazis in terms of threat to civilian life. Although Sir Ian admitted that he had no intelligence, relating to a specific attack, he warning of possible outrages this Christmas saying that the threat was "unparalled and growing".

22-12-2006 23:02

List of Exhibitors at the Counter Terror World Exhibition

Earlier this month, London's Olympia hosted the first Counter Terror World exhibition, at which companies and countries from around the world "shared with each other lessons learned in the war on terror." The official website of the exhibition ( has been taken down and now re-directs to So the information that the site provided (list of exhibitors etc.) is not available on the web any more. Therefore, we reproduce some of that info below. Read more >>

21-12-2006 17:05

High Court rejects Jean Charles de Menezes family appeal

On December 14, three High Court Judges unanimously rejected demands for a full investigation into the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to rule out criminal prosecutions of the police officers who shot dead Jean Charles de Menezes at a London Underground station on July 22, 2005. Read more >>

21-12-2006 16:47

banksy art theft - metro article comment

anyone else care to comment? this metro article about banksy art theft reminded me of another theft by men in yellow jackets. i thought it worth commenting. Read more >>


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