28-10-2006 23:18
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Photos: "Protest Against Custody Deaths" (28.10.06)
28-10-2006 20:10
Sorry for the late posting but this was a story that had to go up!
On Wednesday a group of masked-up white-overalled political agitators assembled by Parliament. It is unclear as to whether or not this gathering arranged with the Police as none were present to clarify the situation. After various banner waving antics (that were possibly illegal) the participants (who may have been gathered illegally) marched (definitely illegal!!!) down towards Victoria Street before occupying Methodist Central Hall for some kind of rally. Both the gathering, march and rally were organised under the noses of the Police without any intervention! Yet again the SOCPA legislation lies in tatters! Another blatant violation by political hooligans, which should have every reader of the Daily Mail Shaking with fear!
And this is not the first time!
28-10-2006 18:44
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Not really a subject I felt like covering today after waking up to the news that an Indymedia videographer had been shot dead by plain clothes coppers in Mexico last night....
27-10-2006 20:21
What concerns us most of all is that decent people, and there are very, very many of them, would also be very upset about racial scapgoating for the war criminals war on terror that killed over 665,000 innocent musilm men, women and children in Iraq and their having a tough enough time as it is.
27-10-2006 15:59
8th Annual Rememberance Procession
including Silent procession along Whitehall
Saturday 8th October 2006
Meet at Trafalgar Square, Central London
Assemble 12.30pm
Nearest Tube: Charing Cross
27-10-2006 10:52
The true mentality of former Home Secretary David Blunket and his political supporters within the government was chillingly revealed in October of this year with the revelation that he had ordered an ex-Director General of the prison system to sanction the machine gunning of rioting prisoners at Lincoln jail four years ago.
27-10-2006 09:53
Maya Evans will be reading from her book and signing copies of "Naming the Dead - A Serious Crime" tonight 7.30pm, Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road N1 9DX (tube: Kings X). SOCPA regular PC Paul McInally, who arrested Maya, will be signing copies at Charing Cross Police Station on the between 5pm to 7:30pm on the 8th November...
27-10-2006 09:43
“The public furore ignited in response to the reported comments made by Sheik Taj Al-Din Al-Hilali has little to do with the question of crime or culpability. What is clear is that a consistently negative view of Islam and Muslims is being generated in this country with the aim of demonising Islam and silencing the Muslim community.”
26-10-2006 11:11
Switzerland wants to send political refugees back to turkey, where they will face torture and death. We want to stop this and ask for international help.
26-10-2006 10:56
South African Foreign Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, was ambushed by 10 black Zimbabwean human rights activists in London last tonight (Wednesday 25 October 2006).
25-10-2006 15:35
Following the Channel 4 debate on Monday 'openning', the debate on muslims and freedom of speech. Peter Tatchell of OutRage! posted this on the Guardian's blogspot.
24-10-2006 22:55
From the people who brought you DSEi: The Counter Terror World exhibition is the first event of its kind to reflect the increasingly blurred boundaries between the world of defence and that of state security. Systems and solutions which have been traditionally deployed in the military arena, are now being adopted in the fight against terrorism and in strengthening civil defence and state security measures.
23-10-2006 09:26
Survival International are holding a weekly vigil at India House in solidarity with the Jarawa tibe
22-10-2006 15:09
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Abuse of power knows no borders. Neither do the weak excuses and clumsy cover-ups of local police forces, 'independent' complaints authorities and courts alike. Though the irish Garda Síochána is far from reaching the extraordinary death toll of their UK-collegues (in average ONE FATALITY EVERY WEEK), concerning 'delay, denial and cover-up' plus harassing persistent relatives of the victims the Gardaí are perhaps even bolder.
Confronted by more and more scandalous episodes leaking to the public and the recent rise of persistent family campaigns demanding truly independent inquiries, the latter might be just about to change. Currently an ombudsman board is being installed.
In the UK also an 'Independent' Police Complaints Commission had been installed a few years ago (only after persistent family campaigning, just in case you were harboring any doubts). But still the 'friendly unarmed bobbies' kill far more people than police forces of other european countries, while factual immunity of officers prevails.
21-10-2006 07:00
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a woman attacked brian haw's parliament square display at about 5.15 this morning. but brian himself was arrested under the public order act, in an organised police swoop, over the content of the display. it is unclear if the woman was arrested. one of brian's supporters was actively prevented from taking photographs of her.
21-10-2006 05:20
in a very suspicious sequence of events, brian haw has been arrested in the darkness of the night and some of his display has been removed by police. the arrest follows what may have been a staged incident where a woman (who has been seen before around the square) attacked the display saying that she found it offensive. brian has apparently been arrested under a public order act part IV, and some of his display has been removed.
19-10-2006 23:24
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the harassment of peaceful protestors associated with brian haw continues. allegations of psychiatric problems, unlawful stops and searches, intimidatory surveillance, dodgy court hearings. on and on it goes. the police still haven't tried barbara tucker in open court for any of her alleged 60+ socpa offences, instead relying on constant intimidation to try and wear her down and remove her by other means.
19-10-2006 16:25
brian has won the right to petition the lords to challenge whether his five-year non-stop protest outside parliament can be controlled under the new serious organised crime and police act legislation. he also has leave to appeal to the high court over the legality of police conditions restricting his current protest. no dates have been set yet for these hearings. meanwhile supporters are warmly welcomed in parliament square.
19-10-2006 15:25
State of Emergency - resisting the war on 'terror'
MEETING ROOM 4 1pm - 2pm
Saturday, 21st October, 2006 - London Anarchist Bookfair
10am-7pm, at the Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Rd, London, N7 6PA. Tube - Holloway Road
19-10-2006 14:01
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University of Westminster shows the way in ID card enforcement! This university's marketing slogan is most revealing - "educating for a professional life", they say. With a basic principle of compulsory carrying of cards, a 'three strikes' policy to deny you entry to premises & services if you forget your card, and making it a disciplinary offence if you refuse to show one, this kind of education will most certainly be invaluable for future life if the government gets away with introducing its national ID policy.