It gives an impression of a mini-state gone mad with power. Actually many universities are like mini-states... but that's another story. But this should be a lesson of things to come if there is no effective revolt against ID cards and databases.
Basic principles
*Students and staff must carry ID card at all times whilst on University premises.
*Entry to the university can be denied if you are not carrying your ID card - a three strikes policy is in operation.
*The ID card remains the property of the University and must be relinquished to security staff if requested.
Discplinary Offences
*Do not allow anyone else to use your ID card. To do so is a discplinary offence and will be reported to your Head of School. Your card may be temporarily confiscated.
*ID cards must be shown on request to any University member of staff when requested. Refusal to do so is a discplinary offence.
Want to do something about ID cards and other repressive laws?
*** Join the Defy-ID grassroots campaign network ***
Two important events are listed on the Defy-ID web-site:

- the London anarchist bookfair on Oct 21 and a national Defy-ID gathering on Nov 25.
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