21-07-2006 22:52
21-07-2006 11:50
21-07-2006 11:38
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21-07-2006 01:33
The protests included large "banner drops" in multiple cities, protests of coal and oil companies, and rallies at the U.S. embassy in London and the Washington, DC home of U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman. On Friday, protestors showed up at Bodman's home, demanding that the United States and the G8 abandon the focus on nuclear, coal, and on oil wars as "energy security." They chanted "No Coal, No Nukes, G-8 shut it down!" No arrests took place.
20-07-2006 07:48
19-07-2006 16:37
The road outside Parliament was blocked for around 20 minutes by around 500 mostly Lebanese demonstrators. The action forced the main gates to be locked by Police so MPs wishing to drive home at the end of the session found themselves locked in.
The Police were hopelessly outnumbered so could do little except stand and watch. They called in reinforcements from just about everywhere including City of London, British Transport Police and local Westminster duty plods. Having no option but to adopt a softly, softly approach they kept well back letting the stewards gently move the protesters back into the square. They then formed a line of vans and officers across the front of the demo and remained until the protest finished. There was no violence, the protest remained loud and angry until the end.
Expect greater numbers on Saturday.
19-07-2006 16:25
The candlelit vigil called by the Palistinian Solidarity Campaign in Parliament Square was a lot bigger than expected. Since the demo was booked events in Lebanon have spiraled with hundreds of civilians killed in airstrikes and Israel increasing its military operation with every passing day. So the half a dozen or so cops deployed found themselves policing a protest of around 2000 angry people. Direct action was inevitable....
19-07-2006 15:49
activist steve jago was stopped and searched twice this morning and then arrested. he was trying to peaceably deliver an open letter to met commissioner sir ian blair. he has so far been prevented from doing so
18-07-2006 15:55
19 July 2006 is the 1st anniversary of the execution of two teenage gay men in Iran on trumped up charges. Demo's are planned around the world, incl London to mark this event and the on-going persecution of gay people in Iran.
18-07-2006 12:43
The emergency conference called by ‘Stop the War’ on the crisis in Palestine drew a packed house. After a promising start we were left with the same options, a candle lit vigil and a state sanctioned march. With Gaza being bombed day and night surely it is time to step out of our comfort zone and reflect the courage of Palestinians.
17-07-2006 22:54
July 14, 2006 was a Global Day of Action against the G8. July 15, 2006 was an International Day of Action for Climate Justice, and against Climate Change and the G8. Below is a partial list of anti-G8 actions that happened on these days around the world, and on other days in St. Petersburg and elsewhere during the past week.
17-07-2006 21:59
Close Guantanamo petition delivered to Home Officeas a part of the "Shut Guantanamo now!" event at Marble Arch/US Embassy in London, Sat 15 July, 2006. Pictures.
17-07-2006 21:45
The CPS decision not prosecute the murderers of Jean Charles de Menezes did not really surprise anyone. After the shocking murder and the blatant lies that were leaked about it afterwards the family had little but contempt for the legal process.
So as it stands right now there will be no opportunity to question in court:
1) The officer who falsely identified Jean Charles as would be suicide bomber Hussain Osman.
2) The officers who followed Jean and did not question their orders even though he displayed NO characteristics of a bomber and was not carrying a bag as the failed bombers had done. They also delayed the train for the firearms squad and indicated Jean to them.
3) The officer who grabbed Jean around his body and held him to be shot. Did he not realise that there was no bomb strapped to him as he clearly would have felt it?
4) The two officers who pulled the triggers that left Jean with seven bullets in his head and one in his shoulder (3 missed).
5) The senior officer who authorised ‘Shoot to kill’.
While we are on the subject, an enquiry into how the British public came to be bombarded with a total blitz of lies about the murder would be nice.
At today’s press conference Jean’s cousins vowed to fight on. They have coped with this tragedy and being thrust into the media spotlight with incredible dignity and determination. Meanwhile the killers of Jean remain on holiday, on full pay, their anonymity protected.
There will however be a prosecution of the MET over this under Health and Safety legislation!!? Exactly how you can fail to consider someone’s Health and Safety when you have been ordered to kill them remains to be seen……..
17-07-2006 19:36
16-07-2006 22:01
two separate demos in the square grew out of all proportion to their police authorisations. police threatened organisers with arrest in order to disperse the crowds of hundreds
16-07-2006 20:33
Please tell friends/family/groups/email-lists who might be interested!
// FILM SCREENING: Atenco - Breaking the Seige!
// WHEN: 7.30pm, Wednesday 19th July
// WHERE: Room 3, RISC International Solidarity Centre, 35-39 London Street, in Reading town centre
May 3rd 2006: As Mexican Police violently attack the peoples of Texcoco & Atenco, Mexico City for selling flowers, the residents display their dignity, humanity and bravery in their steadfast resistance, which continues......
Hosted by Chi'iltak (Reading based anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian Zapatista Solidarity group).
chiiltak@hotmail.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16-07-2006 20:09
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There will be a demonstration in solidarity with those arested in St
Petersburg on Friday 21st July at 1pm outside the Russian Embassy in London
Address: 6/7 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W 8 4QP, UK
15-07-2006 19:09
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This is a short description of the Protest from Marble Arch to the American Embassy on Juy 15th 2006.
We marched to highlight the ongoing torture and illedla imprisonment by the Americans in Guantanamo Bay.
15-07-2006 14:03
Both of the activists arrested at yesterdays anti-G8 action in London, have now been released.
14-07-2006 22:51
one is expected to be bailed out soon
the other will be in court tomorrow