London Indymedia

London Repression Newswire Archive

27-06-2005 08:29


Canadian Indigenous person John Graham is going to be extradited to the USA to a country with the death penalty for a crime he did not commit.The FBI are accusing him of a murder that occured in 1976. Read more >>

26-06-2005 23:33

Dr Who Crew investigate reprts of 'reformed' Daleks...

Dr Who Crew meet Daleks at BBC action.
The Dr Who Crew have investigated the recent reports of ‘reformed’ Daleks expressing support for Make Poverty History. These Daleks are agent provocateurs; they cannot be trusted. Supporting MPH only confirms that they are ruthless in their pursuit of total world domination. An account of our investigation follows. Read more >>

26-06-2005 19:47

ID card database infomation in exchange for Trident

Under the arrangements that Britain has with the US that allow us access to their nuclear technology in the Trident programme, America has long insisted that it should have access to all our intelligence material. That means the ID database will be automatically available to it. Read more >>

26-06-2005 08:15

Ministers plan to sell your ID card details to raise cash

Personal details of all 44 million adults living in Britain could be sold to private companies as part of government attempts to arrest spiralling costs for the new national identity card scheme, set to get the go-ahead this week. Read more >>

25-06-2005 14:29

boycott caterkiller procession. Brighton.

Cat statement
20 protesters visit brighton shops to call for a boycott of caterkiller until they stop selling D9 bulldozers to the Israeli military. Read more >>

25-06-2005 08:55

National Conference on Civil Liberties and Anti Terrrorist Measures Nationally a

Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign has called a conference of all activists nationally to discuss the threats to our civil liberties and the anti terror measures and their impact on our abilities to oppose repressive measures and regimes internationally. Read more >>

25-06-2005 08:38

Anti-Protestor Propaganda In Newspapers

After a long period with fairly starightforward newspaper reporting about protest worries and news of different demonstrations - the last few days has seen a resurgence in anti-protestor propaganda.

Most laughable, and indeed most malicious, is an article by The Scotsman claiming that "splinter groups" (implying exteme groups as opposed to just groups) are planning "disruption" of the Make Poverty History march on 2nd June. But who are these groups that plan to "infiltrate" (er attend i think is the right word) the MPH march? Well the terrifying list of groups is the rebel Clown army, the Disco dancing bloc, and the Fairy Army! All groups who like to dress up in colourful costumes, do street theatre, dance and prance about... Many groups who are part of the Dissent network have always said they will attend the MPH march, mostly to hand out leaflets about the protests in the following week (hence "radicalising")...

Other articles have focused on Glasgow with two examples of gutter journalism. An empty warehouse that is on the route of a planned road and which will be demolished has been used as an accomodation centre - but in the words of the press it becomes "condemnded". Then as press photographers chase people down to road or call at their houses to take pictures of people on their doorsteps, the newspapers revel in the fact that people do not like being photographed - especially when they know the photos are due to end up in an article branding them as extremists. This is becoming a growing trend with newspapers publishing names and photos of individuals.

Sadly this is part of the landscape in the run up to any large protest - demonise the protestors, spread alarm and fear, justify a clampdown by police. Selling newspaperrs is one thing, spreading lies and fear another.


24-06-2005 21:35

News Update : Bristol Indymedia Server Threatened by Police

News Release : Bristol Indymedia Server Threatened.
by imc bristol
24th June 2005

Bristol Indymedia Server Threatened

24-06-2005 20:14

Iran's Elections

Today, Iran's voters go to the polls faced with an unenviable choice for President. Read more >>

24-06-2005 08:36

autistici/inventati review II

english translation of the second review by autistici/inventati Read more >>

23-06-2005 23:46

hoWARd, ruddock, ellison, keelty and news ltd plotted chaos

Should the community now feel less safe?
Now they go on in the article to describe themselves as intelligence officials? But I'm sorry to say that any group of people who ask another group of people to believe what they believe based on no evidence is amongst the most unintelligent and lost group of people the world has ever known. Read more >>

23-06-2005 17:18

EDO Injunction Prosecutions Continue

Paul rebailed today till commital July 29th

EDO Injunction Court Date fixed.

21-06-2005 14:33

Free Etienne Ndikuyiro - Act now for press freedom in Burundi

Burundian journalists are mobilising to secure the release of Etienne Ndikuyiro, who has been detained without charge after writing an article claiming that Burundi's President Ndayizeye was depressed after losing last week's communal elections. Read more >>

21-06-2005 00:27

Qasim's possible release a 'worrying precedent': Labor

Peter Qasim ... accused
Too right he's been there too long and now he has a mental problem. I guess that's one way to get to the truth aye laurie? Read more >>

20-06-2005 21:33

EDO Injunction Prisoner Released

Stalker Law Peace Activist Released from Lewes Prison Read more >>

20-06-2005 19:49

'Common-ication' at KENNINGTON PARK Sat 25th June

Kennington Pak 1848
A walk and talk on the hidden history of Kennington Park / Common, with a view to marking our mark on the landscape of that day. Bring chalks. Meet at cafe 2pm.
Common-ication chat: Meeting in the cafe afterward around 3pm. How would we map this in the 21st century? The continuing battle of Enclosure versus The Commons Read more >>

20-06-2005 19:37

Palestine / Israel Mapping: A Talk: London This Friday

One land, two people. That's how it's usually represented. And after all, both Palestinians and Israelis display the map, the one map from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river, from the gulf of Aqaba to the Lebanese border. If you can't read Arabic or Hebrew you might not notice the difference between a Israeli and a Palestinian map. But is it really one land? What happens when one place has two names? Read more >>

20-06-2005 17:18

Britain helped train Uzbek killers

BRITISH soldiers helped to train the army of Uzbekistan, which last month slaughtered hundreds of pro-democracy protesters. Read more >>

20-06-2005 08:25

Stop the Pillage of Iraqi Oil!

snogging pirates!
The Corporate Pirates are calling a protest outside ‘Iraqi Petroleum Conference 2005’ 29th June, The Hilton, Paddington. Meet 10.30am, Edgeware Road tube. After their successful week of action against Windrush Communications in April, the pirates have turned their attention to the carve-up of Iraq's oil resources. And this time the Pirates will have two spectacular pirate galleons ready to do battle... Read more >>

19-06-2005 18:59

The People Vs Coca-Cola

Interview with Juan Carlos Galvis, one of the Colombian Coca-Cola workers currently suing Coke for murder, kidnap, false imprisonment and death threats. Read more >>


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