The journalist involved has no convictions and is a full member of the NUJ who had applied for official press accreditation to attend press conferences at the G8 summit over a month ago.
Around 3,000 journalists are expected to attend the G8 summit where they will out number delegates by two to one. The journalists who will attend have been hand picked by the state.
Stay tuned to indymedia for something other than corporate state sanctioned celebrity obsesed press coverage of the G8.
Sent: 10 June 2005 15:38

Subject: Media Pass Application
I haven't recieved any confirmation relating to my application for press accreditation for the G8. My name is ********** and I made my application last month via the online application form.
I have heard that other people recieved emails saying their application was being processed but I have not.
Please reassure me
> From:

> To: **************
> Subject: RE: Media Pass Application
> Date: Sat 06/11/05 01:25 AM
> There is no problem with his application. You will hear
> very soon regarding pass collection.
> Lindsay Ellis
> Tayside Police

Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 18:34:37 +0100
To: ***********
Subject: G8 media accreditation
Dear Mr *********
I regret to inform you that following completion of the vetting
process I am unable to authorise your application for media accreditation, you will therefore not receive a media pass for the
G8 summit.
Should you require further confirmation please contact me on 01738 892660.
Shaun McKillop
Detective Sergeant 8929
G8 Vetting and Validation Unit.
> From: **********
> Sent: 28 June 2005 22:22
> To:

> Subject: Re: G8 media accreditation
> hi
> Would you care to inform me as to what the vetting process
> entailed and what for what reasons I have been refused press
> acreditation?
> Mr *******

To: ****************
Subject: RE: G8 media accreditation
Date: Wed 06/29/05 11:13 AM
Mr *****
I am not at liberty to discuss our vetting process and cannot divulge, via e mail, what reason you were refused. Should you require further information please contact The Data Protection Manager, Tayside Police, West Bell Street, Dundee in writing.
Shaun McKillop
Detective Sergeant