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UK Dale Farm Newswire Archive

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Balochistan have burning ,

03-03-2013 01:16

this situation in Balochistan there not have any media coverage every day pakistani military operation pakistani miliitary use gunship helicopter bombardment on baloch civilian population , we want to cover the baloch issue , this which one i send its all kidnapped or a killed people by pakistani secret agency or paksitani military ,

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Travellers celebrate “step in the right direction” as Basildon approve planning application for a 15 pitch Traveller site

12-12-2012 08:05

Yesterday evening Basildon Borough Council’s planning committee finally passed a planning application for 15 pitches to accommodate some of the most vulnerable homeless Gypsy and Traveller families in Basildon. This is the first site approved by the Council since official planning needs assessments in 2006 stated the need for between 157 and 163 pitches for Gypsy and Traveller families in Basildon by 2011.[1]

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dale farm anniversary protest today - report and pics

19-10-2012 17:03

rooftop invasion
to mark the 19th october anniversary massive police dawn raid on the dale farm travellers' site in essex, protestors gathered today outside the dept for communities and local government in victoria, demanding the eviction of the minister, eric pickles.

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Dale Farm activists take ‘Fight for Sites’ to Pickles’ doorstep

19-10-2012 15:49

Traveller rights activists targeted Eric Pickles’ Department of Communities and Local Government in a protest today to mark the one year anniversary of the eviction of Dale Farm.
 250 activists, many of whom resisted the eviction at Dale Farm last October, and former Dale Farm residents descended on the government building in an attempt to ‘evict Eric Pickles’.

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Traveller Solidarity Network brings its Info Night to Cambridge

17-03-2012 13:38

On Sunday 25th of March members of the Traveller Solidarity Network are coming to Cambridge to hold an info night on the issues effecting Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities. The tour hopes to bring together grass roots activists, human rights groups, and those from travelling communities with the aim of building the GRT civil rights movement.

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TSN brings its Info Night to Sheffield

17-03-2012 12:50

This Monday (19th March) members of the Traveller Solidarity Network are coming to Sheffield to hold an info night on the issues effecting Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities. The tour hopes to bring together grass roots activists, human rights groups, and those from travelling communities with the aim of building the GRT civil rights movement.

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Traveller Solidarity Network Info Tour

17-03-2012 10:55

The Traveller Solidarity Network (The direct action Network formed out of the Dale Farm Eviction Resistance) are doing a series of info nights across the country to share their experiences, bring together different activist and Travelling communities and to try and build the work of the Network.

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When TSN met Tony Ball Video

28-02-2012 16:44

Tony Ball was escorted away from angry protestors last night who confronted the big racist as he tried to leave Westminster City Hall.

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‘Shame-Faced’ Tony Ball forced to Flee Council Awards by angry protesters

28-02-2012 06:07

Tony Ball, leader of Basildon Council and architect of the Dale Farm eviction, was forced to flee an awards ceremony by angry protesters in central London last night.

Nominated for the award of ‘Council Leader of the Year’ by the Local Government Information Unit [1], Tony Ball was confronted by 50 vocal Dale Farm supporters when he attempted to leave the Westminster City Hall. He was hounded back into the building by the protesters, who invaded the lobby shouting ‘scum’ and ’83 families homeless’, and was ultimately forced to leave under police guard via a back exit.

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Callout for Legal Observers – London Training & Pre-brief 6.30PM Tuesday 14 Febr

08-02-2012 14:23

Urgent callout for legal observers to monitor and deter police and bailiff misconduct during a number of forced evictions which may be perpetrated against Traveller, Gypsy and Roma people in the next few weeks.

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Dale Farm: Second Eviction Threat

31-01-2012 06:31

Following clearance from their own land
last October, families on the Dale Farm
estate have now been warned they could
face imprisonment for contempt of court
if they continue to live within the eviction

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Support the Dale Farm Planning Appeal – Letter writing campaign

15-01-2012 17:57

Mary Flynn is an Irish Traveller from Dale Farm who is appealing the
refusal of planning permission for her plot. Mary’s appeal would be helped
by supporters and residents of Dale Farm sending letters supporting her
appeal. So TSN is calling for supporters to write letters.

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Phone Blockade of Constant and Co

12-12-2011 19:23

A phone, and fax blockade of the offices of notorious Balliff company Constant & Co. aimed at disrupting their activities in facilitating homelessness and state sponsered racism.

01234 340091 (Bedford)
01908 374374 (Bletchley)

If you want to also be inventive the fax numbers are:
01234 301299
01908 374374

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First Meeting of the Traveller Solidarity Network

29-10-2011 01:19

This is to announce the first public meeting of the Traveller Solidarity Network which will attempt to formalise some of what the network might do and how it will be organised.

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Dale Farm: Report from the front line

27-10-2011 16:59

Wednesday 02 November 2011, 19:30
The Space Project 37-38 Mabgate Green, Leeds
Activists and Residents from Dale Farm report back from the front line in the antifascist struggle.

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any info on big change - that Dale Farm eviction led by cops?

19-10-2011 23:40

(as far as I'm aware) all previous evictions of sites and protest camps have been by sheriff's officers, bailiffs and climbers, and you only get handed to the police once you're down/off whatever; the cops assist in certain roles, but that's very different from this eviction.

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Dale Farm, the reality of Green Belt in Basildon.

19-10-2011 21:51

Dale Farm and industrial Basildon.
This image shows at the bottom the traveller Dale Farm site which has not been extended beyond the perimeter that you see here. The site is pretty much the same now as it was back then, although recent images do appear to show some depopulation. You can also see at the top, large-scale development including a retail park, sports playing field's, and in the top right hand corner, a large industrial park containing factories, businesses and some large international corporations. The rent paid by these businesses and corporations is way and above enough to help find the travellers a place to go. The dividing line between these developments is the A127, a very busy arterial road that runs from London right through to Southend on Sea. It is one of the busiest arterial roads in England.

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Dale Farm eviction "will weigh heavily on Britain"

19-10-2011 07:05

Burning Barricade via Fitwatcher
Eviction described as brutal and illegal by human rights observers

Early this morning riot police and bailiffs stormed the Dale Farm community in a dawn raid. Police violated the court order and used sledgehammers to smash through the walls of a fully legal plot on the site in order to force entry. Human rights observers reported several injuries of residents and supporters from police action as they forced their way onto site.

Police are using tasers on those protesting the eviction.
Residents and supporters remain inside the site, many locked on to blockades and caravans together in order to resist the eviction. Police breached the perimeter to initiate the eviction.
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