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UK Stop the BNP's Red White and Blue festival Newswire Archive

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Smash The BNP's ScumFest

01-07-2008 09:44

The BNP's annual 'Red, White, & Blue Festival' is due to take place over the weekend of 15-17th of August. Antifa are determined to stop it taking place.

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#6 The July Show Now Online ~ Riseup! Radio - check it out

30-06-2008 11:02

Some of our dedicated listeners..

Ahoy! From the heart of our lovely city we bring you another lively show, this time with special guest presenter Hicham Yezza, who was arrested at Nottingham Uni in May on Terrorism Charges but is now free (on bail) to join us, talk about his experiences and play some music. Other than that, lots of news, commentary and local music. Check it out..

Listen: #6 The July Show

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Antifa Call to Action!

23-06-2008 18:45

Shut down the BNP festival, August 16th.

Call 07522 034032 for details.

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Anti-BNP Demo, London, 21/6/08

23-06-2008 17:41

Following the election of Richard Barnbrook onto the Greater London Assembly (GLA), Unite Against Fascism and Love Music Hate Racism called a national march and parade against fascism and racism on April 21. A contingent from Nottingham were amongst those who travelled to London to show their opposition to the British National Party (BNP).

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Notts Stop the BNP: Public Meeting

13-06-2008 15:43

BNP not welcome here!
Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP are holding a public meeting on Tuesday June 17, at the International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road (map) at 7.30pm.

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Red White & Blue festival - Licence Refused

10-06-2008 23:12

Amber Valley Council refuse red white & Blue festival licence

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Red White Blue Festival licence refused

10-06-2008 21:43

This evening Ripley council refused the application for the Red White and Blue festival.

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Protest Against the BNP: June 10

02-06-2008 22:12

On June 10, Amber Valley Borough Council will consider the licence application for the BNP's Red White and Blue 'festival' (planned for August 15-17). Local anti-fascists from Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP, Derbyshire Unite Against Fascism and other groups opposed to the 'festival' will be holding a protest outside from 6pm.

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#5 June ~ New action packed edition of your Riseup Radio show

29-05-2008 15:14

Download and listen!

The most action packed show to date, here we move into June with an hour and a half of stuff that matters and music to tingle the senses. With the warmer weather moving in and the city coming alive again we tell those untold stories and showcast some of the best new acts and artists.

Listen: #5 the June Show

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Antifa: shut down the the BNP festival

19-05-2008 20:23

August 16th 2008. Mass action to close down the RWB festival.

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Notts Stop the BNP objection to BNP licence application

06-05-2008 17:48

The BNP are planning on holding this year's Red White and Blue festival on land owned by party member Alan Warner in Denby, Derbyshire as they did last year. They have sought a premises licence from Amber Valley Borough Council for the sale of alcohol and the playing of music. The public consultation on this licence ended today.

Several concerned organisations, including Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP, lodged objections to this application, making a point of keeping to the limited terms imposed by licensing legislation. These objections, however, have been rejected, ostensibly because the organisations are not located within the affected area. Even where groups have been able to point to members living within the Amber Valley area, there objections have been rejected on the same basis. Notts Stop the BNP are currently investigating the possibility of appealing the council's decision. In the meantime, the objection they made is being placed in the public domain so that people can make their own judgements about the case it makes.

Regardless of the outcome of any appeals, the licence application will have to be considered by the council. Although the date of this meeting is currently unknown, the Stop the Red White and Blue campaign are already mobilising for a picket and encouraging those opposed to the BNP to join us.

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Object to the BNPs "festival"

03-05-2008 18:29

The deadline for objections to the BNPs "Red White & Blue" summer festival is THURS MAY 7TH. Everyone is encouraged to object to a license being granted to this fascist rally, being held in rural Derbyshire from 15-17 August.

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BNP take council seats in Amber Valley

02-05-2008 17:10

Yesterday's local government elections do not appear to have been an overwhelming success for the British National Party (BNP), but in Amber Valley, Derbyshire they won two seats from Labour and missed another by only one vote.

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Stop the BNP's summer festival - 15-17th August

23-03-2008 12:38

The BNP's Red, White and Blue festival (RWB), a celebration of 'Britishness' involving race hate and fascist politics, is set to go ahead from 15-17 August. Join the campaign to stop it.

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Notts Police Spend £12,000 Defending Sadie Graham

14-03-2008 18:55

A request submitted to Nottinghamshire Police under the Freedom of Information Act has revealed that they spend more than £12,000 protecting a meeting arranged by BNP splinter group "The Voice of Change" in January.

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Action against the Red, White and Blue

27-02-2008 16:58

The BNP are planning to hold their Red, White and Blue festival in Denby, Derbyshire this year. A campaign to take action to prevent this going ahead has been started.

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BNP councillor resigns

10-02-2008 20:53

British National Party member, Alan Warner, has resigned from Heanor Town Council and Denby Parish Council because he's upset that everybody else keeps ignoring him.

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Midlands and South Yorks Activists Organise Against Racist BNP

20-01-2008 19:12

Today, activists from across the Midlands and South Yorkshire met in Nottingham to co-ordinate activities against the British National Party (BNP). Around 100 campaigners met at the Queen's Walk Community Centre in the city for a conference organised by Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP.

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BNP get licence for RWB

27-07-2007 09:18

The BNP have been sucessful in a licencing application for their bizarre "Red, White and Blue" Festival (RWB), to be held in south Derbyshire from 3rd-5th August. This means they can sell alcohol and have amplified music etc. The application was passed despite overwhelming local opposition , mostly because the police did not object.