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UK Lebanon War 2006 Newswire Archive

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RAF Brize Norton - fuelling Israeli terror

08-08-2006 15:51

This RAF base is being used to refuel American transport aircraft taking weapons to Israel for use in Lebanon. This is active military support for Israel by the British government, three protests and a peace camp are already planned in response.

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Sleeping With The Enemy - The Answer To The "Why" Of War

08-08-2006 15:38

Lebanon one day old baby, mother died also

On Saturday night July 30th 2006, in the Lebanese village of Qana, 64 Lebanese civilians, comprising the members of two extended families were sleeping in an unfinished building. The families were seeking shelter from Israeli air raids in the ground floor of the building. In the early hours of Sunday morning, as the men women and many children slept, an Israeli jet hit the building with two US-made 'bunker buster' bombs. The choice of munitions seems appropriate because, after all, these people were taking refuge in a bunker of sorts. Unfortunately, these were not enemy soldiers but rather innocent civilians, 56 of whom were killed as the building collapsed on them, including 30 children, all under 12 years old. Among the dead was a one day old baby, whose mother was also killed.

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Leeds Palestine Film Night 16th August

08-08-2006 14:55

Map to the Common Place
Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign Presents:
Film Nights at the Common Place Cinema
Join us for a fortnightly film and discussion night
At the Common Place, Wharf Street (off Kirkgate) Leeds City Centre
16th August: short films and Oscar nominated "Paradise Now".

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Bomb Number Five, Salaam

08-08-2006 11:04

Two bodies aflame, after Israeli bombings in Lebanon

I've lost count of the Days. And the Bombs. And the Dead

Beirut, first weekend of August

Dear Friends,

I am so sorry for not being able to respond earlier to your letters. I was hoping that you won't be worried, and that you would think about the electricity and internet problems as potential reasons for the delay.

Because of the Israeli siege the authorities are increasing the outages and rationing our electricity so it can last for the coming 15 days. As you might know, we were supposed to receive gasoline and fuel but of course Israel changed its mind and the ships carrying the fuel are now waiting in Cyprus.

And I am very grateful for your amazing efforts and courage and the work you are carrying out, all this you are doing, and your words and love are encouraging me really to survive - thus I wrote today to you despite my tiredness of writing about the war... the injured children, the sick and scared displaced children…the massacres of yesterday. And the new ones today…

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Lebanon: Full Color Pictures of the Atrocities

08-08-2006 10:34

Two bodies aflame, after Israeli bombings in Lebanon
In the last few weeks, an increasing number of horrible, very upsetting photos of the massacres committed by Israel have been coming out of Lebanon.

The alternative media are doing everything possible to break the censorship of images that was enforced by the Corporate and authoritarian State media which only show a sanitized war, disinfected images of material destruction.

The smuggling and widespread dissemination of images from The Realm of The Real that are coming out out of Lebanon and Gaza now make all of us uncomfortable. For those of us who do editing and publishing work, they bring up the awful worry of "is this appropriate?"

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The real significance of Lebanon

08-08-2006 09:51

Lebanon is not business as usual. This is not just about Israel repressing its neighbors by expanding its boarders—this is not 1982. For that matter, nor is this Vietnam, or the countless other ‘skirmishes’ the U.S. has been involved in over the last century. The ante has been raised.

Starting with Afghanistan, the current war in Lebanon can be counted as the third aggressively-waged war led by the United States— since Israel can not act unilaterally over such a large issue, and American diplomacy has shown the world who is actually pulling the strings.

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Lebanon Protest in Telford

08-08-2006 08:52

Local activists protesting against the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon

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Behind Bush’s “truce” plan: the drive towards a wider Middle East war

08-08-2006 07:53

US President George W. Bush on Monday declared his full support for a US-French United Nations resolution that dictates Israel’s terms to the Lebanese people while allowing the Israeli military to indefinitely continue its occupation and devastation of Lebanon.

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Pictures from August 5th demo (part 2)

08-08-2006 02:08

The second part of my pictorial story of the August 5th demonstration.

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Body Count of Olmert Extremists Passes 1000, US Under PNAC Threatens UN Truce

08-08-2006 02:03

Every time the Zionist Extremists tell another LIE about the situation to their citizens, they expose the Utter Contempt for the average citizen in Israel, and within the wider Jewish community.

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Pictures from August 5th demo (part 1)

08-08-2006 01:59

This is the first part of my pictorial narrative of what happened on Saturday August 5th, when several thousand people came together in London in outrage at what the tinpot imperialist Israeli government is currently doing to Lebanon.

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Choosing Sides

07-08-2006 23:38

Capitalism hiding behind the veil of democracy, herding people into capitalism hiding behind veil of religious etremism - the black vs white division, the call to war - a battle that deletes any possibility of humane and socialist principles to find a voice and momentum either in the West or Middle East.

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Day of Rage against Brighton Arms Dealers Supply of Weapons For War Crimes

07-08-2006 22:06

Smash EDO Press Release
Embargo – For Immediate Release
8th August 2006
Press Contacts – Andrew Beckett and Sarah Johnson
Tel 07875 708873
Email –
See for more details

Day of Rage against Brighton Arms Manufacturers’ Supply of Weapons For War Crimes in Gaza and Lebanon

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Bombs are not the answer

07-08-2006 17:09

short anti-war film

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US/ Israeli Genocide in Lebanon: open letter by former PM

07-08-2006 11:42

Mr. Bush: You are indeed a terrorist practicing the worst variant of terrorism as you condone the annihilation of my country, supporting the aggression against my people politically and diplomatically and bolstering 'Israel's' destructive arsenal with the most lethal weaponry.

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"Bring the soldiers home"! - It will not end.. until we talk!

07-08-2006 11:38

"Bring the soldiers home!"
The biggest demonstration against the war held in Israel until now took place on 5 August, 2006, in the heart of downtown Tel-Aviv, an area that is considered especially right-wing. Close to 10,000 demonstrators from all over the country, among them many Arab citizens, marched from Ben-Zion Boulevard, along King George Street, to Magen David Square. There, at the entrance to the Carmel market, a stage was set up. The thousands that did not find place in the square flowed over into Nahlat Binyamin and the other neighboring streets.


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Public statement on video about Lebanon and Palestine (by Latuff)

07-08-2006 10:51

Copyleft video by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Lebanese and Palestinian people, victims of the same U.S. funded IsraHell state terror.

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Prestwick War Crime Detectives Arrested after Boarding US Plane

07-08-2006 07:50

Weapons Detectives
Early this morning Trident Ploughshares activists boarded a US military plane at Prestwick Airport in the process carrying out an investigation of the involvement by the British authorities in covert and active collusion in Israeli war crimes in Lebanon.

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London: Tens of thousands protest against slaughter in Lebanon

07-08-2006 07:30

On Saturday, tens of thousands gathered in London to demand an end to the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon. The protest was called by the Stop the War Coalition (STWC) with just one week’s notice.

The organisers estimate that 100,000 people marched from Hyde Park to Parliament Square via the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square. The demonstration was also supported by the British Muslim Initiative, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Lebanese community associations.

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U.S. & Israel Selecting Targets for Cruise Missile First-Strike Attack

06-08-2006 23:47

Pentagon personnel responsible for selecting targets for cruise missile first strike attacks have been sent to Israel. This indicates that U.S. and Israeli military strategists are now likely meeting to plan a join attack on Syria and/or Iran.
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